
Lord Of Romance(dropped)

I Eiichi am the Romance lord so it is very rare for me to fall in love but when it happened it had to be the coldest beauty who has an overprotective father and is rich. This may be the first time I experience true love and not fake love.

HOV215 · Urban
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5 Chs

Aika Yamamoto

Hi I am Eiichi I'm a high school student nicknamed the Romance Lord because I have good looks and I can get any girl that I want until that one day when I saw her Aika Yamamoto.She was a very pretty girl with blonde hair bright as the sun,blue eyes like the ocean night the only thing is she has a strict father who owns a billion dollar company, she also is the coldest person on earth. When we first met I did my usual thing I waited at the school gate when she pulled up in a Benz I said "Hey there beautiful wanna go out sometime" and even added my signature smile but all she gave me was nothing she just walked past me. I was so stunned that I kept trying until her body guard suplexed me to the ground. When I got up she just threw me money and said "For your medical bills" then went into the school. To be honest even though that happened I still got attracted to her and this may sound crazy but for the first time in forever I fell in love with Aika Yamamoto.

I try to make it a romance with a dark history to both characters and have a bond between that

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