
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasy
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44 Chs


In a luxurious room with two large book shelves and an office between them and behind that office a woman with a stunning beauty and curvy body . She has red platinum hair and blood red eyes with a slit like pupils, her eyebrows were thin and sharp and her face was calm yet cold and two fierce fangs can be seen through her mouth . She was wearing just a simple red dress without any other things on it , just red but that made her beauty more elegant , she was the Vampire Queen Stella Vee Algaris .

In front of her an old man with grey hair , grey beard and mustache, his eyes were blood red . His expression was warm yet sharp while wearing butler suit . he was the butler of the vampire queen , Alfred Goore .

" So , a human went inside the Death Forest  more than a year ago and didn't come back till now . Is that right , Alfred ? " Stella said to Alfred with a calm tone of voice .

" Yes , your majesty! "

" Then what is the problem ? It seems normal to me "

" Well , we are not sure what happened to him as he took too long to come out "

" Maybe he just died . You know that forest is not some place to play around , getting there means death . So I assume he is dead by now "

" I disagree with you , your majesty! "

Stella's eyes glowed for a second when she heard his words but Alfred didn't bother with it as he knew his queen well . He is her butler after all .

" Why ? Is there something wrong with what I said ? "

" No , all you have said is true but that human is quite special your majesty "

Stella didn't say anything and just looked at him as if encouraging him to continue .

" He went to the Abyssal Dungeon "

Stella's eyes glowed dangerously but she was still calm and cold , she is not a queen for show .

" The Abyssal Dungeon is one of the ancient dungeons to ever exist in this world and no one didn't dare to challenge them as they were so highly dangerous for anyone to enter even if he is a lord , he maybe survive but it won't be without a price "

" As you said your majesty, but I noticed that the human who entered the dungeon has Chaos element bounded to his soul "

" What ?!!! Chaos element!! Are you sure Alfred ? " she was surprised but still kept her calm .

" I'm sure your majesty, you know very well that my clan has a special eyes that can see through everything, and me seeing through his soul is not hard for me ."

" We need to find that human . Immediately!"

" I already sent some of our men to camp in front of the dungeon in case he went out . But do you believe he will survive, your majesty? "

" You know for someone to have chaos element means that primordial chaos is so interested in him that it bestowed him chaos element. Whatever the situation he will survive. Just wait and see Alfred "

Alfred nodded then started to tell Queen Stella her schedule for the day .


( Back at Five Senses Chamber )

Daniel was still sitting in crossed legged position while closing his eyes . He was thinking about reality element and how to understand it and use it efficiently with its full potential.

And during all of that , Daniel's conscious was driven away by some strange force to someplace . He didn't even have time to react and just stood there wondering what really happened.

Suddenly he found himself in a white place with everything white except the ground he was standing on , it was like a sea and he was standing on the surface of the water .

He looked around him but didn't find nothing at all . Daniel wasn't worried as he somehow knew this place . Then suddenly a voice of a middle-aged man echoed.

" How is the place , young man ? "

Alex looked at the source of the voice to see the man who spoke . He was a middle-aged man with black hair and black beard and mustache , the beard was slightly long and his face was sharp like a sword with a calm yet warm expression. He was wearing a loose robe like mages while holding a long staff on his right hand .

" What do you mean ... Sir "

" Well , do you know why I brought you here ? "

" No , but I feel some connection with this place , it's nostalgic somehow as if this place was my home before "

" You are not wrong , this place is actually your home but you can't reach it or rather access to it "

" Why is that ?! "

The middle-aged man smiled " you already know the answer "

Daniel thought for a while until he remembered why and then nodded .

" Seems you found the answer "

" Yeah . What is your name , sir "

" Well , I don't have a name since my existence, you can call me whatever you like but give me a good name "

Daniel nodded and began to think of a name .

After a while he found a name and looked at the middle-aged man " okay , your name will be Arcanum "

" Hmmm... You find me mysterious to you ? "

" Yeah , you have this mysterious aura around you that make anyone wary of you "

" Hahahahah good young man . Now let's talk about why I brought you here "

Daniel nodded and his face became serious.

" To begin with , this place is devoid of anything , as you can see there is no sky or tress or any living being , even the natural elements don't exist here .  Now let me ask you , what is this place to you ? "

Daniel thought for a while about that question. He thought and thought but he didn't found the answer but then he remembered that nostalgic feeling and the sense of home he felt when he got here and then he knew what is this place to him .

" Nothing "

" Are you sure about that ?! Didn't you say that this place is like home to you before ? "

" Yeah I said that but honestly this is not my home , my home is out there with my family, my lovers , the people I love and care about , that is my home , but this place although it gave me the sense of nostalgia and made me feel like home but this is just an imitation to my desire of coming back to my lovers and the people I care about that I consider them home to me , this place in not my home , it's not my reality , this place is nothing . "

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH " Arcanum began to laugh very loudly that his laugh echoed through the space .

" You are impressive, young man , all who came here before you said that this is their home and they feel like that . That made me disappointed and made their potential be weakened. I didn't want to train people like them so I threw them out of here immediately. But you , you went out of your way and still though about what you desire , you refused to admit that this place is yours , you're right young man you are right . This is not your reality , this is not what you made , this is just an imitation of desire , a desire that we really want . Can I know your name "

" Yes , my name is Daniel Caressil "

" You are lying , this is not your name . "

" How this is not my name ?! This is the name that my mom and dad gave me since birth "

" You don't understand, the name I want is the true name "

Daniel thought for a moment then his eyes widened and looked at Arcanum " you mean that name ?! "

Arcanum nodded .

" But I heard that this name can't be given to anyone or it will be dangerous for me "

" You don't have to worry as I'm not a human "

" Then what are you "

" Didn't you know already ! " He smiled .

" ... "