
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

A Trouble

In the last floor of the dungeon .




A loud voice sounded in the dark throne room . It was the being sitting on the big throne with his purple eyes glowing dangerously . The slits in its eyes giving a look of a predator .



The being didn't know how to deal with this situation , it was confused .


" How she respond when she knows about it ?! Or she already did ! ….. FUCK "


SLAM !!!!


The throne rest destroyed as it slammed its hand on it in anger .


" They already singed an agreement that they will not interfere with him in any kind of way but one of them went crazy and did it and my fucking dungeon. Do they want to die ?!  Tsk ! What a bother "


Suddenly she heard a sound of something.




It was the sound of the communication device that was on a table beside the throne .


The being looked at the device and noticed a mark glowing on the device . The mark was in the shape of a purple violin with shape of melodies surrounding it .


" Shit ! I'm fucked  "


The being didn't want to respond but it had to so it waved its hand and the device floated to its hand . The device was in the shape of a phone with some three buttons at the button .


It pressed on the left one and a hologram of a dark purple shadow with two glowing dots .


" WHO DID IT ?! "


Before the being can say any word the shadow spoke in a high voice that can make the ear bleed .


The being gulped and said without hesitation " Terroin the second king "


Then the hologram disappeared without saying anything.




" Well he is fucked ! "


At the same time in front of Arcadia Grand Academy.


Alice was in front of the gate of the academy with a maid next to beside her .


" So this is the academy! It's quite huge ! " the soothing smooth vice of Alice sounded making the people who passed beside her amazed and charmed .


" yes it's my lady " the maid said with an expression saying ' but out palace is the most huge '


" Let's go Mia ! "


" Ok my lady "


The maid Mia was assigned to accompany Alice to the academy to keep her safe from dangers as there maybe some people who would recognize her and try to kill her as her beauty was second to none and many people saw her in the past including her grandfather's enemies . Mia is an infernal knight so currently she is the strongest in the academy.


While walking toward the place where the exams will be held the students who also came to take the entrance exam was startled by her beauty as her light blue – greenish hair that was smooth like silk tied in a two tails by black hairband made them admire it and her beautiful eyes that has the same color as her and a pupils with also same color but with darker shade making them bewitched and charmed . Her blossom cheery lips was captivating and her white porcelain skin was second to none making the girls admire and appreciate her beauty. She was wearing a black gothic dress matching her hairband with black sandals matching her dress . All in all she was so elegant and charming making almost all students stop and look at her with sparking eyes as if she was their idol . Every boy was thinking the same ' I wish I could date her ' . But the girls have more violent thoughts than that but I won't say for your mental health.


The same girl was thinking in just one person all the time and if the boys and girls knew it a war will occur searching for that person wanting to kill him .


' Ahhh Dan I miss you so much ~ '


Although her thoughts was filled with love , affection and obsession her face was expressionless like a cold beauty and because of that she will be called ' The Ice Queen ' in the future .

' you bastards stop ogling my lady with those eyes or I will take them out of your heads ' said Mia inwardly.


Feeling the death aura of the maid all the students flinched and continued their way to the exams location.


Waking up Daniel felt a slight headache making him feel pain .




" What happened to me ?! I thought I died under that golem !!! "


Daniel looked at his body and found it healed giving him more surprises .


" How did I heal ?! What happened, Siri ?!! "


[ Oh! You finally woke up , I was worried out their ]


" Sorry , then what happened ?! "


[ Well , you lost your control over you power making you destroy everything even the floor boss ]


" Shit ! This is so OP " Daniel wasn't worried the slightest making Siri worried about him .


[ Are you okay ?! Did you hurt your brain that much ?! We need to treat you immediately]


Veins popped from his forehead when he heard that .


" HEY! I didn't hurt my brain and I'm good as a horse . It's just there is no need to worry about something happened that it "


[ Well glad you're alright , oh! Look at your rewards ]


" Okay , show it to me babe heheh "


[ 😳… Ahem here you go ]

Daniel ignored that as always .




[ Floor boss : Dual Elemental Golem has been defeated ]


[ Calculating the rewards … ]


[ Due to killing the boss in a single strike the rewards has changed ]


[ Rewards as follow :


1.   2x ExP

2.   5000 SP

3.   2x free purchase tickets

4.   Skill : Eye of Truth


Daniel felt goosebumps when he saw the rewards . He didn't expect to have such a generous rewards .


" Oh yea baby that's what I'm talking about "




Thanks to all who read such a humble novel of humble author

- RedMoth

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