
Lord of Omnis: Sovereign of the Infinite Skies

Stranded in the void between two realms, he perished—so close to his goals, yet an eternity away. Those lurking in darkness celebrated his demise, while those in the light mourned his loss. Unbeknownst to either, he has returned. A journey spanning lifetimes fueled by the singular goal of vanquishing his ancient foes. ________________________________________ A/N 1) The MC won’t have many scenes in the first arc, on the contrary, his disciples will lead the first arc. 2) In the first arc, we’ll be exploring MC’s past and the reasons behind his return to the mortal world. 3) I won’t bother naming dispensable characters [don’t call me lazy] [although I might be] 4) There will be a single romance [I didn’t add a tag since it’s a late romance] 5) last but not least (my favorite) Expeditions. [if you’ve read the first few chapters, you should know where to]

Lucky_duck · Eastern
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22 Chs

Chapter 4 - Chase

His master, Zen, was a strange person. He didn't seem to talk much and was rarely seen outside the peak. Lin Mo had always been curious about what lay behind his master's hooded hat, but even as his disciple, he had never seen his master's face.

Usually, to become an Elder, one must meet certain requirements and have a strong connection with the sect. However, Elder Zen seemed to have appeared out of nowhere one day and, without any formal ceremony, assumed the position of Elder. After the appointment of the new Elder, rumors spread throughout the sect as people speculated about the identity of the sixth elder.

When walking down the peak, Lin Mo noticed something from the corner of his eye. He turned to see his apprentice brother walking beside him.

"When did you appear, Brother Wu?!" he exclaimed, startled, as he hadn't heard or sensed anyone near him.

"What are you saying? I've been around you since you woke up," Wu Di said with a proud smirk.

"What?! You've been there the whole time?"

Wu Di nodded proudly. "I was also cultivating at the pond beside you."

"How didn't I notice? Don't tell me you advanced in the skill you were training, Brother Wu."

Wu Di didn't deny it. Both of them seemed to have made progress during their stay at their master's residence over the past few days.

"Let's go to the city, brother. We are celebrating today," Lin Mo suggested.

The two descended the peak, heading towards the city.

In the bustling city, the two apprentice brothers strode into a lively restaurant, eager to celebrate.

Lin Mo spotted a few familiar faces in the corner—disciples from the Sun Sword Sect. He ignored them, guiding his apprentice brother to a table. Today was a day for joy, not conflict.

"Waiter!" he called out. "Bring us two pots of your finest wine and two plates of roasted pork."

By late afternoon, the restaurant buzzed with activity as more patrons poured in.

A group of disciples in white attire entered, scanning the room for seats. Finding a few empty tables, their gaze locked onto Lin Mo. Smirking, they exchanged glances.

"Isn't that the guy who got beaten up last time?" one disciple taunted, waving at his friends. "Does he want another round?"

"Let's go say hello," another sneered.

"Still not had enough, huh?" they jeered, laughing as they approached.

"Buzz off," Lin Mo retorted, still focused on the meal.


The disciples, irritated by his indifference, grew more aggressive.

One of them, eyes blazing with determination, slammed his fist onto the table, spilling wine across the surface.

"We want to eat here," he declared loudly, drawing the attention of other customers.

The waiter approached, his expression uneasy. "Please, gentlemen, don't cause trouble for our establishment."

Lin Mo continued eating, ignoring the escalating tension. His nonchalance only fueled the disciple's anger, who slammed the table again in frustration.

Lin Mo glanced at his apprentice brother, concerned about how he was handling the situation.

He nearly choked on his food when he saw his brother drenched in wine and oil from the spilled food.

Before Lin Mo could say anything, Wu Di's left fist had already connected with the face of the bad-mouthing disciple.

Lin Mo remembered that despite Wu Di's pleasant demeanor around him and their master, his apprentice brother had a fierce temper. On their first day in the sect, Wu Di caused a huge commotion, beating up several disciples and even challenging a senior. An elder had to intervene. "I was just showing dominance," Wu Di had explained.

The bad-mouthing disciple hit the ground hard, his four front teeth scattering as blood poured from his nose and mouth.

"S-Surround them! Don't let them escape!" the disciple yelled, his voice muffled by the blood.

Sensing the imminent fight, the other customers quickly cleared the restaurant, leaving it eerily empty within moments.

Several more white-attired disciples stormed into the restaurant, quickly surrounding Lin Mo and Wu Di.

'How do they always appear in packs?' Lin Mo wondered.

"Brother Wu, you could've waited until I ate my fill," Lin Mo grumbled. "Well, now that we're done eating, it's time for some exercise."

Their nonchalant demeanor only fueled the gathered disciples' anger, and the fight erupted.

To call it a fight was generous—it was more of a one-sided spectacle. None of the disciples could even touch the hem of Wu Di's clothes; he moved like a ghost, appearing and disappearing with eerie speed.

Meanwhile, Lin Mo stood firm, his opponents' attacks bouncing off him harmlessly. With each punch, he sent disciples sprawling.

The skirmish ended quickly.

Unlike the Sky Sword Sect, the Sun Sword Sect boasted a larger number of disciples, who frequently roamed the city. Lin Mo knew that if the younger disciples were present, the older ones wouldn't be far behind. He didn't want a repeat of their last encounter, where he had been overwhelmed.

The two apprentice brothers slipped out of the restaurant before any senior disciples or elders could arrive.

As they neared the forest on their return to the sect, a voice entered Lin Mo's ears. "There's someone strong in pursuit."

"What?" Lin Mo spun around, but his apprentice brother was gone. Wu Di had vanished once again.

"Not again! If I get caught, you'll pay for it, brother!" Lin Mo sprinted with all his might.

He was already on the outskirts of the city, just a few kilometers from the sect gate. Racing along the forest pathway, he sensed a spiritual presence locking onto him.

Far behind, a tiny dot slowly grew larger.

"He's flying!" Lin Mo cursed under his breath.

The figure steadily closed the gap until it was only a hundred meters away, then signaled with its hands. Lin Mo didn't understand the gesture.

Without warning, a powerful gust of wind knocked him off balance. He tumbled dozens of meters before coming to a stop, struggling to rise, utterly drained.

Hovering nearby was a white-robed elder—an advanced practitioner of core formation from the Sun Sword Sect.

"How can I help you, Elder?" Lin Mo asked, trying to buy time.

"You dare lay hands on disciples under my watch," the white-robed elder accused sternly. "Where is the other one?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Lin Mo replied, feigning ignorance.

Knowing he couldn't match the elder's strength, Lin Mo spotted the sect gate in the distance. His only chance was to make a run for it.

"Hmph," the elder sneered, advancing toward him.

But then Lin Mo's face lit up with hope. "Sect Master! Please, help us!"

"Sect Master?!" The white-robed elder whipped around in vigilance but saw no one.

When he turned back, Lin Mo had vanished.

Realizing he'd been deceived by a junior, the elder's anger flared, and he took off after Lin Mo.

The sect gate was just a hundred meters ahead. If Lin Mo could reach it, he knew other elders would come to his aid.

However, Once again, Lin Mo found himself forcefully thrown to the side by the same move—a mere gust of wind, devoid of lethality but impossible to evade.

"Elder, aren't you tired of this game of chase with a junior?" Lin Mo dusted off his clothes, his tone taunting.

"I cannot return without breaking your bones today," the white-robed elder growled through gritted teeth.

Responsible for overseeing the disciples' safety during this visit, the elder had failed miserably as they were beaten under his watch. Returning to the sect in such a state would bring all blame upon him.

"Like elder, like disciple—always after my bones," Lin Mo sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice.

"Now you see the predicament you're in," the elder chuckled.

Hesitation flickered across Lin Mo's face as he noticed the elder's laughter. "Look, there's someone behind you!"

"Hah! Do you think I would fall for—" Before the elder could finish, a sense of danger pricked at his senses.

A figure appeared behind him.

Before he could react, a gleaming blade reflected his dread. The elder was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily onto the ground.

"Quick, head for the gate," Wu Di's urgent voice entered Lin Mo's ear once more.

"Didn't you stab him?" Lin Mo asked.

"No. Something blocked me,"

The white-robed elder emerged from the wreckage, seemingly unharmed aside from his tattered clothes.

Lin Mo and Wu Di exchanged a knowing glance—realizing the elder wore protective armor beneath his robes, a common precaution among high-ranking practitioners.


As the elder's demeanor shifted, his aura transformed, exuding a palpable menace. With a single gesture, Lin Mo was lifted off the ground, drawn toward him as if by an invisible force.

"You've sealed your fate, brat. There's no escaping me today," the elder seethed, his face flushed with rage.

Forcing an elder to resort to his life-saving equipment was a grave humiliation, one that fueled the elder's determination to capture them.

"Where's the other one?" the elder demanded, his grip tightening around Lin Mo, ensuring his escape was impossible.

"You've got some nerve, making a move against a disciple in front of the sect gate," a nonchalant voice drifted from the side.

A striking woman stood with her arms crossed, observing the scene. Her dark hair and fair skin contrasted beautifully with her blue dress, adding to her allure.

"Sister Lina, please, help me. He's bullying a junior," Lin Mo pleaded, his expression pitiful.

Sister Lina regarded the floating Lin Mo with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, sending a chill down his spine.

"Perhaps asking for her help wasn't the best idea," he thought.

"As an elder, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" she mocked, her tone cutting. "Losing your temper with juniors like this."



"Even going so far to use outburst," she mocked.

"the outburst"—a temporary surge in energy and ability that came with a potential backlash.

The white-robed elder stiffened at Sister Lina's words. "Little girl, have you no respect for your elders? Do you need a lesson in manners?"

"Teach me a lesson?" Sister Lina tilted her head, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Indeed, I could use a lesson. How about teaching this junior some sword moves?"

The white-robed elder knew that the girl before him was no ordinary disciple. Even setting aside her status, she alone had the power to hold him.

He had seen her name at the top of a widely published list of geniuses—a list he knew well. Even as a late-stage core formation elder, he wasn't confident in his ability to defeat her.

He had no choice but to retreat.

With a disdainful harrumph, he released Lin Mo and shot one last glance before departing.

"What a coincidence, Senior Sister," Lin Mo said with politeness. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in some time."

"I just returned from a task," she replied, studying Lin Mo carefully. "Have you grown stronger?"

"You too seem to have improved in stealth," she noted, glancing at Wu Di.

"Yes, Senior Sister. We've both made recent advancements," Lin Mo answered.

"I have some questions for you both," she said, turning towards the gate. "Let's walk and talk."

Lin Mo could only smile wryly as they fell into step behind her, answering her inquiries along the way.

Before their arrival, she had been under the sixth elder's tutelage, earning her the title of Senior Sister. 

Within the sect, she remained the strongest among the senior disciples, unmatched in sword arts.

Currently, she is believed to have the highest sword mastery after, her father, the sect master.