
Lord of Notre Dame

In the Victorian-esque era of our world, a young linguist by the name of Casper dared to venture into the realm of the gods, acquiring powers banned from the general public. Though he was a bright and positive young man, everything took a turn one eventful night that will leave his soul craving for revenge. That very determination shook him off the path of the hero, as he could not bear the light of justice beaming down on his actions. Instead, he took on the role of a vigilante fighting both good and evil in order to protect his loved ones. Though, they don’t have much time… Daily chapter! No breaks on this train!!! Choo Choo

Freyly · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Who.....Are You?

He kept pulling on my arm as if the world would fall apart if he let go, were they really this close? I can vaguely remember that they would often explore locations most would not venture in, despite their unathletic nature they always got away from the local police. But to think two linguists would cause this much ruckus and not get caught is astounding to me. Not to worry though, once I'm done shaping Casper up, no one would dare come near him, or rather me.

'Pickup the pace Casper, if not we might miss it!' He exclaimed without even looking back. Must be nice not having to carry anything around, meanwhile I've got a whole damn chicken in my bag!

'Just how far are we going?!'

'Just over by the pier, to the Astro restaurant, that is where your surprise is!'

The Astro Restaurant? That name seems very familiar like I've known it for a while, but I can't link it up with anything in these jumbled memories. But I suspect he prepared a meal for us if it's a restaurant. Speaking of which my stomach immediately grumbled at the thought of food.

My back kept hitting random people on their backs, though not a single one bothered to turn around and complain. This must be a normal occurrence in the busy market streets, I remember in my old world that I'd have to apologise for every small thing.

'And here we are!'


In front of us was a building that stretched skywards for several stories each intricately decorated with plants and exposed dark timber with red bricks making the walls. Every window housed a different person enjoying what seemed to be a nice meal as their face lit up with joy. Lucky them I guess…

Renny had finally let go of my arm and took the lead in the restaurant through the two swinging saloon-style doors. Inside, just about every table seemed to be booked with the exception of the bar stools where every odd one was taken. Alcohol this early in the morning? That sounds rather irresponsible but it ain't my life so I won't bother talking out of them.

'So uh Renny, what's the surprise-'

'Don't worry, she will be out any second now.'

She? Is this another friend of Casper's? Maybe some girlfriend though I hope that's not the case. No more lovers for me until I can figure out my situation properly.


My eyes instantly darted to the metal tray laying flatly at the base of two feet. I could feel a sense of impending doom washing over me as my eyes slowly climbed the maid outfit. Our eyes instantly locked once I reached the face of…Lunese!!

'Renny! This isn't a surprise!!?'

Lunese grabbed a wooden spoon from across the counter and launched towards me wielding it like a sword. The space between us instantly dissipated before a loud 'LUNESE!' stopped her dead in her tracks. A short figure emerged from the back door, her twin tails swung loosely by her side as she wore an exasperated expression.

I've never seen a person retreat so easily after an attempt at someone's life. Though I could feel daggers being beamed at me by two different people, both members of staff that were part of what just happened. I'm going to rip Renny's head off.

'Mind explaining yourself Renny? Are you trying to get me killed or something?'

He just shrugged his shoulders as he giggled his way out of the restaurant. I followed him, not because I wanted to but because I had to. The next thing we had to do was apply for a job at Nightingale.

'Hey! Renny and Casper! Come over here for a second!'

A sailor marching around the pier waved in our direction, Renny instantly ran towards him leaving me all alone again. Again, I have to just follow him on whatever he decides to do, which is a real pain. It would be nice to just get this done and head home and train.

'How's it going Lar? Back from your voyage?'

'Sure am, and I have something for the two of you.' He extended eight vials of what seemed to be a silvery liquid that sloshed around in the vial. Lar placed four vials into my bag and just handed the other four to Renny.

'We brought back too many vials of mercury so we decided to give the surplus out to people. But I gave you more than what I was supposed to since we are buddies. Oh and here as well.'

From his satchel, he pulled out four more vials of a vibrant-green powder. He handed me two and gifted the others to Renny who happily nabbed it from his hand. What a generous friend Casper had, hopefully, one day I can repay him for these things, even if I don't know what to do with them.

'So where are you two headed?'

'Nightingale.' Exclaimed without a second's hesitation, hopefully this will remind Renny that we need to hurry there. But his eyes were just filled with confusion as he stared at me as if I had three eyes.

'I see, I won't keep you, boys, any longer then. Good luck with whatever you are doing there. And hey, maybe we could grab dinner one of these nights. I'm still in the port for another week.'

'Sure thing, I look forward to it.' I extended my empty palm out to him, he had a firm grip as we shook off the plan.

This time I was the one to latch onto Renny's arm and pull him to the opposite side from where we had just come from. Slowly I let Renny walk in the front as he was my annoying map through this confusing town.

'You really want to get a job at Nightingale that badly?'

'Don't you? Isn't the pay great?'

'Well it would be great for you but my family is full of merchants so I could just go down that route for money.'

I guess it's each of their own, no point being jealous of a friend that is more well-off. But I have to get this job to help out Lunese at the very least, if not then something that will let me acquire that ''Londra'' thing Stela was talking about.

'Well either way we are here.' Renny's voice snapped me out of my head, and my eyes were welcomed by a building taller than the restaurant had been by several floors. Every wall was lined with sturdy dark-looking wood, carved intricately and filled with a rich golden colour. Nightingale has money to throw around I guess, working here would really be perfect.

This time I took the lead by heading towards the two large front doors. My hand glided across the beautiful waves of the wood, it was mesmerising to see something this detailed up close.

'Cough cough.'

'Yeah yeah, I'm going now Renny.'

The doors slowly opened gracefully revealing a grand lobby with various different waiting areas. Each had a unique characteristic, one mimicked a jungle setting and another an arid desert.

A young and short woman strode up to us, clipboard in hand. She wore a professional and friendly smile as she positioned herself directly in front of us.

'How may I help the two of you on this fine day?'

'Hello there, I was wondering if I could talk with the owner of Nightingale about working here.'

'Ah of course.' She motioned to the nearest waiting area to our right. 'Please take a seat while you wait. Would you like tea or coffee?'

'I'll have tea please.'

Renny simply shook his head prompting her to disappear through the doors behind the counter of the front desk. We also decided to sit down in the waiting area she mentioned. The theme of this one seemed to be the ocean as there was a large table in the centre with water below the glass. There was sand, small bits of coral and even conches. I can't imagine their interior decorator would be getting paid any less than noble.

A faint creak snatched my attention directing me at his herculean stature. In his hand, he held a parchment scroll and an ink pen, perhaps a contract of some sort? He sat down across from us as two cups were placed in front of us. Mine was obviously filled with tea but he had a much more rustic and strong smell. Clearly, my future boss would be a coffee drinker, perhaps I could get him to quit it and join me for a morning run.

'So I hear you would like a place at our fine establishment. I would be happy to take you one, but first, would you tell me your area of expertise?'

'Of course Sir. I specialise in the field of languages and to prove that I have a certificate from Lintrer University.'

'Oh. What a pleasant surprise to have a Lintrer student apply here. I don't see any real issue with hiring you so consider it as you have the job. My secretary will send you a letter tomorrow morning with what you must bring here for our little interview. And the starting wage will be…hmm…Since you are a linguist the standard rate would be ten pounds a month, but since we have quite a decent chunk of documents to translate we could bump that up to fifteen. Of course, there will also be opportunities for promotions and such.'

Fi-Fifteen pounds!!? Holy god that is a lot of money for this world. With that kind of money, Lunese can stop working and pursue her studies! Wait, but he mentioned an interview…I've never been good with those environments. Even at my last job I barely got the job over the other candidate.

'Don't stiffen up now kid, just make sure to look sharp for tomorrow and you practically have the job.'

'Thank you for this opportunity, Sir, I promise I won't waste it.'

I grabbed the handle of the cup and downed the remaining tea so it wouldn't go to waste. My legs stood up almost on instinct, retreating from this situation. It seems neither Casper nor I deal with stressful situations well to the point his body withdraws out of instinct.

Renny followed swiftly behind me finding ourselves by the wondrous doors again. Soon I can run my hands across it every day, and if I ever become rich I will buy these two doors right here for my own home.

As we stepped out of the buildings we were greeted with a peaceful view of the wide ocean, spanning for farther than the eye could see. What a wonderful town Casper lives in, if only things could stay like this forever. The sun had set itself a spot in the sky where it could beam down the whole town. I grabbed the shattered pocket watch out, the hands read ''8:34''.

'Hey, Casper, let's go somewhere special. I have something to talk to you about.'

Wooo, who is Casper? We will find out tomorrow lol! Enjoyyyyy the wait!!

Freylycreators' thoughts