
Chapter 1

"Hmmm, do you like it," spoke a soft seductive voice of a young maiden as her delicate white pale hands moved over old hairy skin before a pleased male voice spoke out, "Yes, my belove, it's better than before, your skills are truly improving with each session."

Hearing this the pretty young maiden who was currently naked and showing off her all assets walked from behind a chair before coming to stand in front of a man who was also naked but it was truly a horrible site, versus the young girl's tender skin, large breast topped with beautiful pink nipples that perfectly complemented her round plum bottom.

While on the other hand, the man's face was something only a mother could love, his skin was rough and dry covered with acne of different severities, not only that but the man was so thin his bone clung to his skin creating a horrible site.

Seeing the girl stand before him so seductively the man gestured for the girl to come sit on his lap and through a scene that could only be imagined as disgusting, the young girl spread her legs sitting down facing the man attempting to wrap her legs around his waist to only fail since the man was so skinny, their flesh joined together as they entered a deep passionate kiss.

After a minute the girl felt something poking her bottom causing her to ask seductively, "Should we go for a third round," the man's face filled with lust but remembering something the man's face relaxed as his drive disappeared while he spoke, "Not today my beloved, I have business urgently waiting for my care."

Seeing this the young girl's face flashed with relief only for a second before she put on a disappointed expression saying, "I wish you could stay all night," while thinking in the back of her head, 'Why the hell do, Elsa get all the younger men and only the old and creepy ones come to me!'

Seeing his beloved like this the man spoke again, "I've brought you plenty of gifts and left you 2 Soli to cover tonight's dinner," as he gestured for the young woman to stand up as he did the same before walking to his clothing to put it on.

'Sigh, at least these creeps pay well,' thought the young woman walking over to help the older man with his clothing, once their done, the man and woman entered into another deep passionate kiss before the man left.

Once outside the man quickly flagged down a Public carriage before stepping on it and handing the driver 2 pence saying, "To Iron Cross Street," causing the young operator to bow his head saying, "Mr. Franky you're generous as usual, enjoy your ride!"

Mr. Franky quickly sat down closing his eyes relaxing them, he had spent a few hours at the young woman's house who wasn't a prostitute but just simply dating Mr. Franky and a hand full of other men.

About 20 years ago in Tingen, the Church of the Evernight Goddess and the other two churches discovered a huge prostitution ring being funded by a powerful secret organization they quickly worked together to take it down, and after taking this prostitution ring down they naturally made it illegal in Tingen City.

Everyone loved this decision at first, people didn't have to worry about their daughters, sisters, or wives getting kidnapped and forced into being sex slaves, STDs decreased dramatically among the population, and lastly, this was doing a huge era where the Church of the Evernight Goddess was pushing for more women rights, making this a very popular decision among the woman population.

This went all well until homeless women on the street increased instead of decreasing, this was due to the shortage of job opportunities since most common jobs involved extreme physical labor, long hard working hours, and very few breaks. Naturally, most factories and other jobs would rather hire men over women, and normally before this women would turn to selling their bodies but since it's banned prostitution left a huge gap in the working economy.

Noticing this the Church of the Evernight Goddess quickly tried to step in providing jobs exclusively for women but there was only a finite amount of them, not only that but the women on the streets became victims of assault due to not being able to defend themselves and most importantly, after the prostitution ban Tingen City's sexual frustration increase to an all-time high.

After a few more years of failure, the Church of the Evernight Goddess went to the Church of the Lord of Storms for help after noticing they weren't going through the same problem, what the Church of the Lord of Storms had done after making prostitution illegal and banning brothels, they allowed a different form of prostitution to exist, women would simply date a handful men and each of these men would bring her gifts to court her and win her affection.

This process wasn't prostitution because no money was being directly exchanged between the two parties, also, it wasn't illegal for women to date multiple men, and bringing gifts to court a woman was natural.

With this the Church of the Lord of Storms kelp prostitution while eliminating the bad that came from it, since it was just two people dating no organization could be created to gather sex slaves, and women were treated with more respect since the men had to court the women, and lastly, since most women only dated a hand full of men the population STD's decreased.

Seeing this the Church of the Evernight Goddess priest and influential believers in Tingen City rejected this but after two more years of chaos, they finally caved in, allowing this new form of prostitution to take over the city, sometimes the necessary evil was better than the morally correct way.

"Hmmm," sounded Mr. Franky as he Awakened from his nap due to his crotch being itchy and the public carriage coming to his stop, "Mr. Franky, you're always welcomed," spoke the young carriage operator watching Mr. Franky step down.

Mr. Franky stood before the terrace apartment that he owned with a bright smile while the people around him gave hate-filled looks knowing this old thin man was very greedy and shady, feeling like a king, Mr. Franky walked confidently as everyone got out of his way.

Once Mr. Franky reached his office four tall muscular men were waiting for him, "Finally, old man, what took you so long," asked one of the men annoyed he had to wait an hour, "Stop you're yelling, he's the boss," spoke another man and before anyone else could talk Mr. Franky spoke up, "This month they're are only two people who haven't paid rent, Room 114 and 119, rough them up a little and take their money, if no money is found throw them out."

Mr. Franky quickly waved them off not wanting to deal with their yelling since he was still tired from today's session, the four men Mr. Franky sent out were a group of ruffians hired by him to keep his tenants in line and to pay their rent on time.

The four were Reid, Jack, Bennett, and Harold, they were orphans who grew up on the streets of Tingen, and because of their great physical strength, they excelled in extortion and other crimes creating a fierce reputation among the known criminals of Tingen City.

"You hear that, the boss made me temporary boss," spoke one of the men before another spoke up, "Quite your yapping and listen," spoke the biggest of them who had yet to speak.

"Reid and Jack go to Room 114 and, Bennett, you come with me to the other room, also gather rent money but if they have a little extra money give it to me," spoke the man before Reid and Jack ran off as they have done this dozens of times.

"Harold, how will we approach this," spoke Bennett with a wide smile causing Harold to sigh saying, "Bennett thinking like that is not a good thing but if it's a woman you can have your fun."

"Let's go," excitedly spoke Bennett as the two men walked to room 119 with bright smiles.



Harold was about to comment until he heard the room 119 door open gently before a beautiful woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes wearing an elegant dress greeted the two large men in a gentle voice, "Ah, if it isn't two handsome men, how may I help you?"

Both of the men stood there frozen in shock never in their lives have they seen a woman so beautiful and grateful up close, let alone get complimented by one, looking at the men's faces the woman spoke once again, "Oh, is their something on my face, don't tell me I've screwed up my make up?"

The woman cutely took out a pocket mirror that was finely crafted breaking Harold out of his trance and noticing how fancy the woman was dressed and the mirror, 'that mirror could easily run me about 100 pounds at the underground market,' thought the man lusting over the potential wealth while Bennett was the opposite, he was enamored by the woman's beautiful bring out the lust in his heart.


Harold stepped on Bennett's foot while coughing to get the woman's attention who reluctantly put the mirror away, "Madame, we are here today on Mr. Franky's behalf to collect this month's rent," spoke Harold trying to sound as polite as possible with his rough voice not wanting to scare the woman.

"Oh, I remember, that Old gentleman told me about that, please come in while I grab it from my room," spoke the woman leaving the door wide open as she walked toward the bedroom, seeing the inviting woman Bennett naturally entered and when Harold stepped into the room a cold sweat broke out as goosebumps covered his arms.

At that moment every living cell in Harold's body was telling him to run as far as he could but as fast as that feeling came it was replaced by pure greed in his heart, 'Haha, that mirror would be worth a whole lot of pounds!'

Once they entered the room Harold noticed the door unnaturally closing by itself, 'Why did the door close like that, I didn't even give it that much force,' before he quickly thought, 'Anyway, that mirror is very nice, I need to find a way to get it from the woman.'

When Harold entered deeper he noticed Bennett had gone in without him causing him to speed up not wanting the bastard pocketing any of the pounds the woman gave him.


When Harold finally entered the open living room he heard a loud bang as an expansion vase fell and broke into countless pieces, as he saw Bennett on the ground grabbing the lady he quickly took his pants off, 'What is this bastard doing? Could he not wait to hold his lust back,' causally thought Harold ignoring the two as he picked up the woman's purse grabbing a stack of bills that had to be last a thousand pounds.

'Hahaha, I struck it rich,' happily thought Harold as he slowly counted the bills until something bugged him, usually when Bennett committed such acts the victim would scream and fight back.

'Huh,' thought Harold looking down to see Bennett bare hugging and trusting hard into the woman who was fully clothed with pure intoxication as he slob dripped from his mouth while only grunts described as animalistic sounds from his mouth.

Harold was slightly annoyed at this scene but what truly confused him was the lady didn't have any change in expression from earlier which was a warm gentle smile that could charm anyone, this conflicted with the woman's current predicament and for a split second Harold felt fear until a foreign thought that seems his own appeared, 'Oh, I forgot that MIRROR is still waiting for me!'

Harold bumped himself on the head for being an idiot while he laughed before bending down and ignoring the crazed Bennett who foamed from the mouth as the woman slowly stared with a blank look.

After some difficulty, Harold found the mirror in the woman's bra and he separated the two, suddenly the woman's face changed, she made eye contact with Harold before looking down at Bennett with a horror and painful expression before letting out an ear piercing scream as she began to try and fight her way out of Bennett's bear hug.

"AHHHHHHH, GET OF ME YOU MONSTER," screamed the woman again but Bennett wasn't stopping, he was too caught up in the pleasure of climaxing, every cell in Harold's body told him to run and drop the mirror he was holding tightly until an external will flood his mind with great force.

Harold's conflicted face grew still as he looked in the mirror at the aged rough face that seemed to smile back at him, 'Now that I see the MIRROR up close, it'll run me at least 1,000 pounds... No strap that it'll probably be worth 10,000 pounds!'