
Lord of Mysteries: The Stars Return

The stars twinkle, and everything is laid bare under their gaze. A hall of stars capable of convening meetings between the Old Ones and Outer Gods. Hastur Campbell, a fallen noble, begins his legend on the path of the Black Emperor. He is the symbol of chaos and order! He is the Lord of Order! He is the origin of all the rules of the starry sky! He is the returns of the stars

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not a chapter:Chapter 67:

Chapter 67: A Few Words About Going Live

Firstly, I want to thank all the readers for your support since the beginning of this book.

If all goes well, the book will go live around noon tomorrow.

If you think the writing is decent, please consider giving an initial subscription to show your support, and then continue to nurture the book.

Upon going live, I will update with six chapters, each with about 3,000 words, totaling approximately 18,000 words.

If we can reach 500 initial subscriptions, I will update with additional chapters (though I personally think it might be difficult).

As for things like rewards for additional updates… as a new author, I won't engage in such practices.

After going live, the routine will be two to three updates per day, depending on how much I have in reserve.

As for the book group, I'll create one after some time.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let's talk about something else.

Ahem, I actually planned to go live with ten updates, but I got caught up playing games for the past few days and haven't written much, which means my reserve is a bit short.

There are still so many games I haven't finished, like "Divinity of the Scales" only reaching Chapter 5 of the first playthrough, "Cuphead" on the third island, and "Elden Ring" only reaching Stormveil Castle. Playing on and off like this makes me lose interest.

And then there's "Mahjong Soul" which I've been trying to rank up in without success…

Let's get back to discussing the creation of this book and some issues that arose early on.

For example, the plot design involving the 'Lamp Spirit' has been criticized by many readers.

From the beginning, I knew the pace would be slow because I planned to introduce Klein after the book went live, which makes it harder to attract readers.

The 'Lamp Spirit' was designed to be a minor thrill, to avoid being too boring, but it seems to have failed.

Why didn't I set the timeline after Klein's birth from the start?

Because Klein's progression later on is too rapid. The protagonist needs to be ahead of Klein initially so they can grow together without falling too far behind.

Members of the Tarot Club, for instance, clearly can't keep up with Klein's pace later on.

I plan for the protagonist to reach Sequence 7 before Klein is born.

I personally like to lay down plot threads, as it fits the mysterious rhythm, but it's easy to fall into the trap of 'imitate me and die'.

There are many hidden threads yet to be revealed and written about, such as Hastur's relationship with the King in Yellow, whom Hastur prays to during the resurrection ritual, what exactly happened to Voltaire, the golden box, Professor Wayne's true identity, and Gehrman's witch storyline…

Why is the early part of the book written so slowly?

For one, a fast pace is prone to collapse and a rushed ending. Secondly, unlike Klein, the protagonist spends most of their time in Backlund, rarely venturing out for real adventures. Backlund needs enough material for subsequent storylines.

Regarding the 'Returners of the Stars'.

I'm quite interested in the Cthulhu mythos and have some knowledge of it, though I haven't played tabletop RPGs, I'm not exactly a newcomer.

I've read works like "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Rats in the Walls", "The Dunwich Horror", "Pickman's Model", "The Colour Out of Space", and "At the Mountains of Madness".

That's all for now. There will only be one update tonight; I'll save a chapter as a reserve.

Thank you once again to all the supportive readers.

(End of chapter)