
Lord of Mysteries: The Paradox

Note: Howdy, This is not my novel. I am just translating it for fun. So, translation may not be that good but i did my best. A traverser travelled to the world of 'Lord of mysteries' . He openes his eyes, and sees a crazy beauty(Mr.A) smiling at him. And in front of him was a bottle of secret supplicant potion. If he drank it, he would die later, but if he didn't drink it, he would die now, so he drank the potion and became [Bridan's Donkey].

TranslatingForFun · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

033 Is Tarot club interesting?

  After bidding farewell to Kasper, Snow started his tour of Backlund. The reason why he came into contact with an ordinary person like Kaspers, apart from Miss Sharon, was actually to give Klein has his back.

  Because he let Trissy snatch the notes, and killed Sirius in advance, although Dunn's state was prevented from falling, but at the same time, Klein always failed to get the clown's potion formula. He told Mr. Klein that he had the formula here, but he was really worried that Mr. Klein could not find a suitable reason to take it from him——

  You can't let my dear Mr. Fool use the strength of a fortune teller to deal with Master Luo, right? Speaking of which, Master Luo contributed the formulas from Sequence Seven to Sequence V to Mr. Klein in one go, so don't add burden to others.

  Therefore, the Extraordinary Gathering of the Old Mister Wisdom Eye has become a project to cover the bottom line. Although according to his plan, in the next Tarot meeting, he has a high probability of revealing the Clown Potion to Mister Fool, but What if justice and the Hanged Man don't fight each other?

  In any case, as long as Klein comes to Backlund, the Bar of the Brave is definitely one of the Extraordinary parties he can easily find. Well, the other one is Mr. A's.


  Just when Snow was worrying about Mister Fool, Mister Fool was having a headache. Although he found some information about Mr. Azik, but at first, the news came from that strange female Extraordinary, and he was worried that there would be There are traps, secondly...Mr. Azik went fishing for seals...

  Although according to what Mr. Azik said before leaving, he should end his vacation in a few days, but considering the current tense atmosphere in Tingen, whether he will enter Tingen at this time is still a question.

  And another thing, is...

  He had already digested the Seer's potion.

  At this time, he regretted that he did not exchange the formula of the clown potion from Mr. Devil, so that after the other party left Tingen, he completely lost the channel to obtain the next stage of potion.

  Although he was very clear that the other party was in Backlund, he had no reason to go to him, and the current chaos in Tingen made him eager to improve his strength.

  You know, just the night before he and the captain returned from the small town of Ramud, a sensational blood sacrifice took place in Tingen. Killed on the spot, those innocent people who were affected lost years of life at best.

  "How do I get the formula for the clown potion from Mr. Devil? I have a favored one? No, no, no, this is too blunt, and I really need the news that the other party is interested in! What is the other party interested in? Lanevus? Megose? If I knew where they were, I would have reported them already, okay?"

  Amidst the chirping of the summer cicadas, the days passed day by day. In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed since the eighth Tarot meeting, and the time was gradually approaching three o'clock in the afternoon.


  "It's time." Looking at the wall clock on the wall, Snow took a deep breath. In the last Tarot meeting, he didn't dare to speak in order to avoid being too blunt. Today, he will take the clown potion no matter what. Hand over the recipe!

  While thinking about it, crimson light flooded in like a tide, and Snow appeared above the gray mist again, and on his left, there was another male member again.

  "Here we come!" Snow was glad that the little sun didn't disappear without a trace because of his butterfly wings, and he had full confidence in today's action, but he didn't speak first, because the first sentence in the Tarot meeting The opening remarks must be handed over to Miss Justice!

  Unfortunately, today Mister Fool stole Miss Justice's opening remarks, and said to everyone in a steady voice:

  "This is a new member, titled 'Sun'."

  "This is Miss Justice, this is Mr. Hanged Man, and this is Mr. Devil."

 Although he didn't hear Miss Justice's sweet and energetic greeting because of Mr. Fool's relationship, Snow didn't have any thoughts of revenge. He just slightly modified the contents of the diary he had prepared.

  "Mr. Fool, I have collected two more pages of Emperor Roselle's diary." Miss Justice said happily after a short silence, but Snow did not rush to speak because he was waiting, waiting for a very important news.

  New diary?

  Klein was shocked when he heard the words, temporarily ignoring the question of how to extract the potion formula from the devil, and said with a chuckle:

  "Very well, Miss Justice, what do you need?"

  Miss Justice naturally proposed the formula for the mind-reading potion, and Little Sun also spoke at the right time.

  But Snow never spoke, because he was waiting for the Fool's answer.

  Because, he wants to confirm, Mister Fool, whether he has the divine blood to die to peek at the eternal blazing sun.

  If there is, then it is best, if not, he can only take risks,Induce Klein to do this for death.

  Fortunately, the Fool was still the reckless fooll. He easily took out the formula for the Singer Potion and completed the triangular deal. Snow, who was silent, finally spoke at this moment:

  "Mr. Fool, I also memorized a page of Emperor Roselle's diary."

  " Remember? Mister Devil really has a lot of 'Roselle' diaries at home!" Klein saw that Miss Justice had already manifested the diary, and asked immediately:

  "So, what do you hope for?"

  "I hope to obtain a powerful Extraordinary item, one-time items such as demon hunting bullets or spells are also acceptable, but the power must be above Sequence Seven.

  Although a page of diaries is not worth the price, I still have a batch of diaries in my hand, they just need time to memorize.

  In addition, I have a batch of potion formulas in my hand, but I don't have a channel to sell them. I hope that I can use other members' channels to sell them. I can pay 30% of the transaction amount as a reward. I hope Mr. Fool can notarize them. "

  "A batch..." Justice and the Hanged Man were both shocked by the number of units of Mister Devil, and also curious about the formulas of Mr. Devil, but Mister Fool was overjoyed, but he couldn't express too much It was too obvious, just nodded slightly and said:


  Then, in a good mood, he began to read the Roselle diary submitted by the two members.

  Some pathways are interchangeable with high sequences, mysterious and powerful ancient organizations, and mysterious cards corresponding to the pathway of God. These contents made Klein very satisfied. In order not to delay the time of the members, he picked it up without much thought. The diary submitted by Mr. Devil——

  "Sure enough, the handwriting looks more pleasing to the eye...poof!"

  Thanks to the barrier of the gray fog, Mister Fool's majesty did not completely collapse. As for what kind of content can make Mister Fool's expression management almost out of control, it is all because of the sentence written on the first line of this page——

  "It's pretty good to sleep with high-level executives of the secret order. Roselle, who only sleeps with noble ladies, is so weak!"

who is kasper? i have forgotten his true name.

If you remember, you can say in comment.

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