
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

The Master Behind the Tarot Club

Lin Ruo plans to meet Kaspers and introduce himself to the Extraordinary Party.While there is some risk involved, it won't be substantial, and it should be relatively simple for Lin Ruo to deceive Kasper's by posing as an ordinary person.

"The extraordinary potion formula for Sequence 8 is about 400 Pounds, and the Ingredients must be taken into account... I still possess 1618 Pounds. In case there are issues with procurement, they won't be significant, and even the material costs are nearly the same." Lin Ruo naturally wanted to calculate his current net worth, as he needed to consider purchasing potions.

As the saying goes, a little is better than nothing. Even though the original owner's wealth is now beyond Lin Ruo's reach after he went incognito, he still has some assets. In addition to the cash he currently holds, the house Lin Ruo resides in and the two adjacent properties on the next street are assets of the original owner. They're located in a West Borough hotel that generates a very satisfying monthly profit, in which Roaldie Fryer also has a significant stake.

It's safe to say that if Roaldie Fryer didn't prioritize revenge, He could've lead a comfortable life with the remaining assets of these estates.

"I possess three Extraordinary characteristics: [Sheriff], [Interrogator], and [Judge]. If I were to sell them all, it should exceed the total assets of the original owner... The Extraordinary certainly comes with a fast-paced spending career!" Lin Ruo teased himself but also realized that his situation was something ordinary Beyonders couldn't replicate.

Considering that the Loen military and the royal family are likely fervently searching for clues related to his "angel" persona who killed Capim, Lin Ruo plans to keep a low profile, at least until he's short on funds. He doesn't intend to sell these three Extraordinary characteristics just yet.

However, when the time is right, he might consider selling them to "The Arbitor " Xio Derecha . She should still be at Sequence 9, and finding her shouldn't be too difficult... He could potentially leverage Xio and Fors to seek justice within Audrey's group.

After all, Lin Ruo possesses complete potion formulas for Sequence 9, 8, 5, and 4 of the Spectator pathway. Instead of holding onto them, he could sell them to Audrey "the Justice". Unfortunately, he lacks the auxiliary materials for the Sequence 7 and Sequence 6 potion formulas.

"Wait, I still have a complete potion formula for the Sun Pathway from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5..." Lin Ruo suddenly had a thought and rubbed his chin. "The little sun is in the land Abondoned by God, and it might not be wise to sell it directly, but I could sell it to Klein, who could then resell it to Little Sun... The Seer Pathway potion formula can also be sold to Klein. I have all of these."

Although Lin Ruo doesn't mind sharing his occult knowledge with Klein for free, he still plans to negotiate with him regarding the potion formulas. It's not that he lacks the money; it's more about avoiding potential complications that could arise from simply giving away the formulas.

"I have this feeling that I can influence the Tarot Club on my own..." Lin Ruo's smile took on a sly edge. "The Master behind the Tarot Club... the mentor of the Lord of Mysteries? Hmm, that does sound intriguing!"

Of course, while he indulged in some playful thoughts, Lin Ruo remained focused on the business that needed to be done.

For instance, employing the power of truth to amplify the likelihood of a "provoker" formula surfacing at the gathering I'm attending tomorrow.

The night had fallen, and Lin Ruo, anticipating the Bravehearts Bar's opening hours, patiently waited until evening before setting out.

During the day, he didn't idle away his time. After completing his daily studies, he visited Extraordinary acquaintances of the original owner and discovered that the previous party the owner had attended wouldn't be held again. Consequently, Lin Ruo took it upon himself to craft a few new false identities, just in case.

Once all these mundane tasks were completed, night had descended, and Lin Ruo made his way to the Bravehearts Bar, having meticulously disguised himself.

Upon entering, Lin Ruo passed through the substantial black wooden gate, brushed past the burly doorman, and was immediately enveloped by the fervent cheers and toasts, as well as the potent scent of malt in the air.

A cursory glance revealed two stages at the bar's center: one showcasing a lively act of dogs chasing mice, and the other hosting a spirited brawl.

Lin Ruo approached the bar, ordered a half-and-half, and then inquired of the bartender, "Where can I find Kaspers Kalinin?"

The bartender, in the process of pouring a drink, looked up upon hearing the question, studied Lin Ruo for a few seconds, and replied, "Cardroom No. 3."

"Thank you," Lin Ruo courteously acknowledged before proceeding to the entrance of Cardroom No. 3.

The door wasn't locked, and Lin Ruo knocked politely before entering. Inside, he found a man with a pronounced scar on his face engrossed in a game of Texas Hold'em with a group of individuals.

The room fell silent as they all turned their attention toward Lin Ruo. Unfazed, he maintained a calm demeanor and offered a smile. "I'm here to see Kapsers Kalinin, introduced by an old acquaintance."

Kapsers Kalinin briefly glanced at him, tossed his cards onto the table, muttered something under his breath, and approached Lin Ruo.

The two exited the cardroom and found a secluded corner devoid of onlookers. Kaspers Kalinin spoke, "What's your business?"

Kaspers Kalinin ,primarily known as a black market weapons dealer, aside from facilitating introductions to Isengard Stanton's Extraordinary Party, was deeply entrenched in the arms trade.

Although Lin Ruo possessed his own means of procuring weapons, the recent confiscation of his firearm when he ran afoul of the law left him weaponless. In light of this, he decided to ingratiate himself with Kaspers Kalinin by initially purchasing a revolver and ammunition from him before broaching his real inquiry. "I've heard you have knowledge of individuals with extraordinary abilities beyond human limits. I wish to make their acquaintance, and I'm willing to compensate you accordingly."

Kaspers Kalinin initially laid-back gaze sharpened and turned cold. He scrutinized Lin Ruo, consciously exerting an intimidating presence.

In this situation, an ordinary person might have been easily cowed, but Lin Ruo maintained his composure, even leisurely sipping from his drink.

"I can inquire for you, but I can't guarantee they'll agree to meet you." Despite Lin Ruo's continuous smile, Kaspers Kalinin ,skilled in intimidation tactics as a black market trader, maintained his dominant stance. He sensed that the person before him could also be an Extraordinary.

However, Kaspers Kalinin harbored no fear. Having dealt with numerous Beyonders over the years, he merely added, "Wait here, and I'll provide you with an answer later."