
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

The Law of Indestructibility

After obtaining the desired information, Lin Ruo chose not to kill the two traffickers who had aided him in their criminal activities, as he was concerned about drawing unnecessary attention. Instead, he commanded them to commit suicide the following night. Taking with him a scoundrel who had attempted to assault a woman nearby, Lin Ruo returned home.

He began by recalling the details from the original book, making a rough assessment of the sequence and abilities of the four Extraordinary individuals protecting Carpin. Based on his own abilities and resources, he proceeded to formulate a detailed hunting plan.

As the night grew darker, Lin Ruo found himself somewhat bewildered when the events he anticipated unfolded and he was inevitably drawn back into Klein's world.

Being three or four in the morning, Lin Ruo was already half asleep when he suddenly jolted awake. His moment of wakefulness lasted only a second or two before darkness enveloped his vision once again.

Simultaneously, in another city, he transitioned back to a spiritual state and opened his eyes. Lin Ruo saw the first scene—Klein standing alone on the street.

This caused Lin Ruo to blink and float toward Klein with an air of mischief, greeting him loudly, "Hi, good evening, or should I say, good morning?"

The sentence was naturally spoken in Chinese.

Startled by Lin Ruo's sudden greeting, Klein's body jerked in surprise. But he quickly regained his composure, directed his gaze towards Lin Ruo's voice, and recognized him. Although he couldn't see anything, he still said, "Lin Ruo?"

"It's me!" Lin Ruo nodded, affirming Klein's recognition.

"You scared me to death," Klein complained, but his relief was evident. After Lin Ruo had vanished abruptly before, he had been quite worried about his well-being, considering their connection as fellow individuals.

Now that Lin Ruo had reappeared, Klein let out a long sigh of relief but couldn't help but ask in confusion, "What happened to you before? Why did you suddenly disappear?"

"Well, as I told you before, I was abruptly pulled over to establish contact with you. And the reason I disappeared in the morning is actually the same—it was me returning to where I came from," Lin Ruo replied straightforwardly, without delving into any physical issues he might have experienced.

"Returning to where you came from? But couldn't you have left a hundred meters away?" Klein was a bit puzzled, then had a realization, "Has the inexplicable connection between us been broken?"

"Not really!" Lin Ruo shook his head. "The connection between us still exists. You should be able to perceive this once you become an Extraordinary."

"As for what happened in the morning, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure. But after I returned there, although the connection with yourself remained, there were no longer any restrictions on my range of movement. However, the restrictions have reappeared now. It seems that this distance limitation only applies here." Lin Ruo explained, not hiding his lack of understanding in this matter.

After all, a Senior Traverser doesn't claim to possess omniscience and omnipotence, so there's no need to pretend to understand everything about this matter.

Hearing Lin Ruo's response, Klein pondered for a moment before asking, "So what's the rule behind you being pulled to my side? What were you doing before you were pulled over?"

"I was sleeping, but I had only slept for a while, so it shouldn't be the reason," Lin Ruo shrugged and replied.


Klein paused for a moment, suddenly realizing that this was quite normal. After all, it was around four in the morning, and most people would be asleep at this time.

Although knowing that Klein couldn't see him, Lin Ruo floated in front of him and asked, "By the way, why weren't you sleeping outside at midnight?"

Asking this question, Lin Ruo had already guessed the reason.

According to the plot, at this moment, Klein should have been in contact with the Night Watcher due to the Antigonus Notes. He would have passed Dunn's inspection .Furthermore, he would have proceeded with the investigation, clearing his suspicion thoroughly, and most likely received an invitation from Dunn to join the Night Watcher.

And indeed, after hearing Lin Ruo's question, Klein hesitated before explaining what happened after Lin Ruo's departure, which aligned with the original plot.

After finishing the narration, Klein asked, "Lin Ruo, since you're also an Extraordinary, do you know what happens when an Extraordinary loses control?"

"Lost control..." Lin Ruo didn't address Klein's previous question directly but sighed and said, "Losing control is a threat that every Extraordinary faces. It's connected to the origin of the extraordinary abilities in this world."

"Extraordinary abilities? What are those?" Klein clearly heard this term for the first time.

"I probably shouldn't have told you this, but the Law of the Extraordinary states that an individual becomes an Extraordinary by ingesting potions. When that Extraordinary dies, the potion they've consumed precipitates and condenses into corresponding items known as extraordinary abilities."

"These extraordinary abilities can serve as the main ingredient in potion formulas for specific sequences. By blending them into potions again, the world never runs out of Extraordinaries." "Isn't that...cannibalism?" Upon hearing Lin Ruo's words, Klein was taken aback, realizing the cruelty of the extraordinary realm in this world.

"You could say that, but it's not that straightforward. After all, extraordinary abilities are merely the condensation of potions. You can think of them as enoki mushrooms... Does that make it a bit more digestible?" Lin Ruo couldn't help but make a witty remark, hoping to lighten the gravity of the extraordinary world.

"Enoki mushrooms..." Hearing this familiar term, Klein, aware that Lin Ruo was trying to comfort him, found his initial shock from facing the cruelty of the extraordinary world subsiding. He responded, "Are there enoki mushrooms in this world?"

"Yes, there are various types of mushrooms in this world, and some of them are quite...special," Lin Ruo said meaningfully. "Besides, not all potions need to be made using other people's extraordinary abilities. As you know, potion formulas consist of materials obtained from extraordinary creatures... In other words, extraordinary abilities are just substitutes for extraordinary materials."

"In reality, only a limited number of individuals are aware of Beyonder characteristics. The majority of Beyonders, including most low-level official Beyonders, are unaware of the existence of Beyonder characteristics and the Law of Indestructibility . This secrecy extends to Sequence 0 and remains a hidden truth for the majority," Lin Ruo paused briefly and continued, "But in a way, this can be considered a fortunate circumstance."