
Lord of Mysteries: The depths

Fanfic of Lord of Mysteries with a new pathway inspired by the game 'Dredge' in a first person perspective. Probably at demigod sequence when first meeting Klein/The Fool. MC is NOT a 3000IQ, 5D chest player with intricate plans. 1 chapter every Monday and Friday. I'm a noob writer so let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes. Also LotM is quite a complicated story so there might be plot holes. Forgive me in advance...

Old_puppy · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

- K9 rescue

"My... That is adorable..." A sickly voice hissed out behind me.

I paused.

Then slowly turned around and saw Jacob, the crazy prisoner that had initially healed Bell with his flames, slowly walking towards me.

He was limping and his right arm clutched his left shoulder. There was a wound there and looking at the gash and burnt look, I'm guessing it was caused by a slash that he cauterized with his flames.

His face was paler than I remembered but his expression seemed one of extacy. "My my... I recognize your face but can't remember how we met. But my intuition tells me we are fated. Yes... You're the only person that ignites emotions within me. You're very... very... preciousssss..."

Black smoke escaped out of the pores of his skin and drooped low to his feet before spreading out, like sand being poured onto the ground.

Holding Pillar tightly with one hand, I grabbed the turtle shrine with the other and threw it at him.

Blastoise! I choose you! Tackle him!

Hoping no spirit ancestors or guardian got too mad at my actions, I sprinted away from Jacob and out through the window towards the forest.

A glimpse back had revealed that my throw was accurate but Jacob deflected the projectile with a wooden club he pulled out of his robe. The impact managed to scatter the ashes that had collected in the turtle shell and created a dust cloud, distracting Jacob for a while.

Thank you ancestor turtle! I'll offer some extra large fishes once everything is over!

I was forced to duck and roll as a fire bolt cast by Jacob whizzed past. It would have hit me square in the back had I not reacted.

The fire hit a tree trunk and crackling sounds could be heard as the wood almost instantly burnt to charcoal.

Ohh fuck that will kill me if it hits. I need to lose his trail.

I looked back and saw Jacob leap in the air and land with a thump. He slowly lifted his head and leered at me.

What the heck. Why does a wizard have such high physical abilities? He'll easily catch me and Pillar. I need a better plan.

An idea soon came to my mind: I'll use the path I had used with Bell towards the ritual grounds in the forest opening with the lavander furnace. That path had been trapped and hopefully not too many animals had triggered them.

I juked to the left, almost tripping on a branch, then swerved as I approached a tree that I had marked.

I looked back and found that Jacob was slightly further away.

The limp on his leg must have happened recently and affected his speed. Thank goodness for all these small mercies.

I bent down to pick up a handful of pebbles and threw them at him. They scattered in the air and a couple almost hit him but he deflected them with his club.

Picking up a jagged fist sized rock, I grabbed it and continued running, jumping over some dried leaves. After some distance I used a tree as a shield and waited.

As Jacob emerged out some tall leaves, our eyes met. He grinned, and increased his pace, ignoring the pain his limp created. He stepped on the dried leaves and I immediately assumed a throwing pose.

Jacob's left hand ignited, producing a basketball sized fire and also assumed a throwing pose. It was interrupted when the ground he expected to land on was actually a covered hole.

His body fell inside and he was forced to throw away his club and quench the summoned flames to be able to grab the ground, partially stopping his fall.

It also meant both his hands were occupied and presented me with an opportunity to throw the rock I had been holding on at his head.

It hit with a loud 'thud' and...

The fucker is still alive!?! What is his face made of? Granite?

Blood begin to seep out of Jacob's cut eyebrows and down into his eyes. After he pulled himself out of the hole, he had to wipe his eyes to regain some vision.

By the time it had happened, I already hightailed it out of the area.

Shit! That did not get him. And he's probably pissed enough to ignore his limp. Let's hope Love can handle him like how she handled Bell.

My final hope to defeat Jacob was soon in sight and I ran towards a spear on the ground.

What's this doing here? Oh yeah. Bell tossed it away before she became something that resembled a used condom.

I wielded it and soon Jacob approached the forest clearing but did not get close. He tilted his head, looked at the furnace I was standing beside and then at me.

Ah crap. Does he know about Love? He has been a villager for quite some time...

Jacob clapped his hands, "Well done. Did you expect me to throw my flames and miss, hitting the holy object and angering Him?"

Him? Love is female. I think...

I shrugged. Does this mean he won't try to fireball my ass? Melee time?

Black smoke seeped out from Jacob's pores and wafted down to his feet. There, they coalaced, before slowly spreading towards me, like a snake made of smog.

"Bitch! That's cheating! No poison gas allowed. What are you, Hitler?" I provoked him, hopefully making him do something stupid.

"Hitler? What is that? No matter, everyone needs to breathe. Soon, you'll be my delicious partner... My precioussss..." Jacob however did not seem to mind my words and soon the black smoke was within touching distance of me.

I stepped back and around, using Love as a barrier between Jacob and me.

He seems to avoid Love at the very least. Hopefully there is a maximum distance he can control the smog.

Unfortunately, that wasn't a problem for him as the increasing amount of smog forced me to once again ran away from him, this time towards the unexplored side of the forest.

Jacob dispelled his smog, and slowly walked towards me.

Oh wait. He doesn't know about love. He just thinks shes an altar of a powerful being.

I stopped and let Pillar down so as to be able to wield the spear with both hands.

As Jacob walked until he was between me and Love, fortunately for me, he started to monologue. "Truly, you are a curious person. Who are you? Obviously you're not a local, but HOW. DO. I. KNOW. YOU?"

The furnace Love was in started to spark.

Oh yes! Notice me senpai!

I loudly spoke to hopefully help Love wake up sooner and also to delay Jacob, "You wanna know? Do you remember about Bell? An archeologist that recently visited this island?"

Jacob scrunched his eyebrows and soon sweat started to form on his face. He grabbed his head, trying to remember the familiar sounding name and person. "Bell. Archeologist. Yes. That's why I felt my poison dissapearing from an unknown person. She must have died and somehow I forgot..."

I smiled, "Don't worry. You'll get to know her soon enough."

Tentacles stretched out of the lavander furnace, and soon, the same fate that befell Bell also happened to Jacob.

Awesome. Thanks Love!



Soon, Jacob's charateristics formed and was picked up by Love. She then stretched out one of her tentacles and reached inside my pants.

Oohh kinky! I mean... No touching before at least three dates!

She pulled out the pouch that contained the crystal tongue and all tentacles retreated inside the furnace.

A prismatic flame started burning and I picked up Pillar to give him headpats while waiting for Love to finish 'cooking'.

Not long after, the flames died down and a tentacle, carrying something black approached me.


I stetched out my right hand, palms up in the air and she deposited the item in my hand.



That's a bar of chocolate...

As I was thinking if I just got scammed by Love, Pillar stretched his nose out and licked the chocolate bar.

"Wait, NO Pillar!" I panicked. "Bad puppy!"

Isn't chocolate poisonous for dogs?