
Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echoes Across Time

After crossing over from the Detective Conan world to the Lord of Mysteries world, Lynn gained the ability to project avatars into different timelines. Avatar/Smurf Account No. 1 became an angel upon arrival. Apart from being half-mad, it had no other issues. Lynn decided to use it to follow the Ancient Sun God and live comfortably. Smurf Account No. 2 was born in the era of Earth civilization. Lynn declared: "Preventing the arrival of the Cosmos and protecting a high-quality life starts with me." For Smurf Account No. 3, Lynn chose to work in the Solomon Empire, successfully achieving the "Empire's Flow, Lynn the Unyielding." accomplishment. ... With the Main Avatar/Account, Lynn infiltrated the Tarot Club, tore apart bad scripts, beat up Amon, tricked Adam, and teamed up with Klein to plot against the Outer Gods. During this process, Lynn comprehended his own essence and ascended to godhood. Lynn is a traveler of time. He witnesses everything, records everything, bears everything, and controls everything. Thus, the past is within him, the present is within him, and the future is also within him. PS: The protagonist's true form is a bubble. He is a fragment of humanity that accidentally emerged from the bubble and eventually became an independent entity. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. You can check out the original: "诡秘:我的马甲遍布时间线" Written by: "Like Listening to the Sound of the Wind" The author of "Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself" -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon and get access to 30 translated chapters in advance: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 50: Double the Joy

Regardless of how future generations record this event, or how the tool known as Medici views this double standard among believers.

In short, the two children were busy in the Land of the Demonic Wolf, running around the battlefield saving people.

"Anyway, you all stay here for now. I need to go save others. Don't worry, as long as you don't leave this circle I've drawn, you'll be safe."

After once again sending the rescued humans to the temporarily arranged safe zone, Lynn, as usual, reassured everyone with a gentle smile and arranged for a temporary leader to maintain order before heading to the next area to search for survivors.

Just then, Lynn suddenly sensed something and looked in a certain direction. Near the horizon, a large area of orange-red light rapidly surged, occupying most of the sky and blocking the sun, plunging that entire region from midday into dusk.

But in the next moment, dense darkness emerged from the other side of the sky, quickly colliding with the orange-red dusk.

The magic wolves and vampires originally fighting in that region, or other Beyonders, all suddenly collapsed, seemingly falling into a deep sleep.

Is this the official start of the Gods War? Given this trend, it's probably the Giant King fighting the Annihilation Demonic Wolf now?

Lynn stroked his chin, guessing in his heart. Suddenly, he felt a strong life force coming from that area, and all the vegetation began to grow wildly.

Even seemingly dead dry grass revived and quickly grew taller than a person, while vines and trees that were already thriving became colossal in seconds.

Not only that, but Lynn could see many magic wolves sprouting fruits or vines and similar things.

Just like in the original story, where in the Future klein encountered the Earth Goddess's power, many magic wolves had watermelons or other fruits growing on their heads, with some even covered in vibrant mushrooms.

These fruits or fungi looked lush and tempting, making people instinctively hungry. It was hard to tell if the magic wolves lying on the ground, covered in growths, were alive or dead.

And this growth continued to spread. Even though Lynn's area was some distance from the start of the Gods War, it was still affected, showcasing what it meant for everything to revive.

Fortunately, perhaps because of Lynn's protection, or maybe because they were far from the core of the war, the humans in the safe zone didn't mutate.

This allowed Lynn to breathe a sigh of relief and continue watching the changes in the distant sky, wondering if the next to appear would be the Mutated king's sign.

But what would the Mutated king's sign be?

Recalling the descriptions of the different species pathway in the original work, Lynn suddenly froze, as he saw a thick shadow "curtain" appearing above the sky where dusk and darkness clashed.

Faintly, Lynn seemed to see a pair of eyes hidden behind the "curtain", and through those eyes, he suddenly saw a sea of indescribable colors, seemingly containing all secrets.

The Chaos Sea!

In an instant, having seen the Chaos Sea through the Ancient Sun God in cheat mode, Lynn understood that Sasrir had acted.

Wait, so what about the Mutated king? Doesn't he deserve a sign?

Lynn stroked his chin, glanced at Medici beside him who was also looking at the distance, and then at the people behind him huddled together. Seeing their fear but overall stability, he said to Medici, "Shall we go have a look?"

There was no need to save people now. No magic wolves or vampires would kill anyone at this moment.

"I thought you wouldn't dare!" Medici folded his arms, his tone as mocking as ever.

"I'm not afraid. Besides, going now, we might just see the ending. It's no big deal," Lynn smiled.

The two brothers looked at each other and headed toward the battlefield. However, their speed was leisurely compared to the normal pace of angels, as if taking a casual stroll.

Obviously, both Lynn and Medici were sensible enough. They had the willingness to witness the Gods' War but had no intention of becoming collateral damage.

At the heart of the Gods' War, amidst the flourishing vegetation and cloaked in darkness and dusk, behind layers of "curtains".

Time seemed to freeze in this moment. Beneath the tangled vines, the beautiful maiden-like Lilith turned her head in disbelief. Behind her, the dusk giant's sword pierced through her body.

"Au, Rm, Ir?!"

Lilith pronounced the name one syllable at a time, her tone filled with extreme anger, as if completely unprepared for this backstab from the Giant King, Aurmir.

Aurmir looked at her coldly, seemingly unwilling to explain or simply too disdainful to.

"Hmph, if I'm dying, we'll die together..." Lilith laughed angrily and maniacally, making it hard to believe everything was still within her plan.

In the next second, an intense life force exploded in the area. The rapidly growing plants engulfed Lilith, Aurmir, and the unsuspecting Mutated king.

Elsewhere in the battlefield, Antigonus, nearly caught in the Gods' War from the start, watched in shock at the scene unfolding.

He saw his father, the powerful God, collapse in an instant, his blood splashing all over the "Goddess of Misfortune" Amanises.

In that moment, Antigonus almost thought he was trapped in a nightmare. He couldn't understand why things had changed so suddenly, why Amanises, who had been helping his father fight that unknown entity, suddenly attacked him.

Antigonus never imagined such a day would come, never thought his powerful, ruthless father who made him fear and revere him would die so easily.

For Antigonus, who had never experienced much intrigue due to his noble birth, this was like shattering and reshaping his worldview in an instant.

Antigonus felt an overwhelming fear, looking at this strange world, at the surrounding chaos, like a child suddenly thrown into society, confused and anxious.

(End of this chapter)

TN: (In kratos's voice) "Antigonus, Grow up Boy!"

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