
Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echoes Across Time

After crossing over from the Detective Conan world to the Lord of Mysteries world, Lynn gained the ability to project avatars into different timelines. Avatar/Smurf Account No. 1 became an angel upon arrival. Apart from being half-mad, it had no other issues. Lynn decided to use it to follow the Ancient Sun God and live comfortably. Smurf Account No. 2 was born in the era of Earth civilization. Lynn declared: "Preventing the arrival of the Cosmos and protecting a high-quality life starts with me." For Smurf Account No. 3, Lynn chose to work in the Solomon Empire, successfully achieving the "Empire's Flow, Lynn the Unyielding." accomplishment. ... With the Main Avatar/Account, Lynn infiltrated the Tarot Club, tore apart bad scripts, beat up Amon, tricked Adam, and teamed up with Klein to plot against the Outer Gods. During this process, Lynn comprehended his own essence and ascended to godhood. Lynn is a traveler of time. He witnesses everything, records everything, bears everything, and controls everything. Thus, the past is within him, the present is within him, and the future is also within him. PS: The protagonist's true form is a bubble. He is a fragment of humanity that accidentally emerged from the bubble and eventually became an independent entity. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. You can check out the original: "诡秘:我的马甲遍布时间线" Written by: "Like Listening to the Sound of the Wind" The author of "Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself" -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon and get access to 30 translated chapters in advance: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Book&Literature
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Chapter 115: The Sword of the Goddess Feels Exhausted

Hearing Lynn's words, Klein was immediately tempted. As a Nighthawk who had seen various sealed items, he was well aware of the harmful effects of Beyonder items. If spending more money could indeed minimize the negative effects of a Sequence 6 mystical item, it would certainly be worth it.

Seeing Klein's obvious interest, Lynn continued to press his advantage, "Not only will the negative effects be minimized, but the item crafted with perfect service will also retain the abilities of its pathway to the maximum extent, making it more powerful than other items of the same level."

Just as not all Shepherd characteristics crafted into mystical items become "Creeping Hunger," the final product varies with different craftsmen. The better the craftsman, the better the mystical item.

On this point, although Lynn was trying to empty Klein's wallet, as a Sequence 2 Knowledge Magister, his skill was beyond question.

Normally, a Sequence 2 Knowledge Magister wouldn't bother to create a Sequence 6 mystical item.

"I understand. I will prepare extra money for this." Though it pained him, Klein made his decision.

Spending extra money was worth it if it meant minimizing the negative effects and maximizing the abilities of the mystical item.

Though this would nearly deplete the first bounty payment from Miss Justice, he still needed to reserve half to send to Benson and Melissa. Why does money go so quickly… Klein sighed as he calculated the remaining money in his wallet.

The bounty had barely warmed his hands before most of it was spent.

If he wanted to buy anything else, his pockets would be cleaner than his face.

"As long as you've decided, be happy. Money isn't leaving you; it's just staying with you in a different form."

Seeing Klein's pained expression, Lynn cheerfully offered a fake consolation with one of Roselle's "famous quotes," then continued, "When do you plan to meet the craftsman? I can help you schedule an appointment, and you can discuss your expectations directly with him. This is a special privilege due to my influence; normally, people just pay and wait."

"It seems you're quite happy…" Klein glanced at the obviously gloating Lynn, muttered something, then thought for a few seconds before saying, "If possible, I'd like to meet the craftsman within this week."

"No problem. I'll check his availability." Lynn gave Klein an OK gesture, finished his coffee, and said, "I'll head back now. See you tomorrow, great detective."

He still needed to write a report. Of course, this time, it wouldn't be under the name "Lynn Sotos"; he would be an anonymous good Samaritan.

Though Lynn knew that writing a report now would likely be linked to the Evernight Goddess and the "Angel of Secrets," he felt it was necessary.

"See you tomorrow. I need to rest; my head hurts." Klein rubbed his temples.

Although today's battle hadn't drained much of his spirituality, Lynn's AOE attack had left him quite fatigued, requiring a good rest.

Before resting, Klein would remember to offer the devil dog's characteristic above the gray fog to avoid any trouble.

Wait, he hadn't fed "Creeping Hunger" yet, and it was still lying above the gray fog… Remembering the glove left above the gray fog, Klein yawned and decided to deal with it tomorrow.

After all, "Creeping Hunger" wasn't new to being left unfed; it should be used to it by now.

While the two main parties involved in the devil dog incident were already asleep, and the report had been written, the devil dog incident report finally reached the desk of the Sword of the Goddess, Crestet Cesimir.

"Based on our investigation at the scene, we believe that the person who killed the devil dog this time is likely from the same organization as the one involved in the Lanevus case."

"Given that both cases involve tarot cards, this might be closer to a ritual or a declaration. The mysterious organization may use tarot cards as a symbol or code. For now, the organization hasn't shown any malicious intent, but we can't assume they're a friendly secret organization…" The Nighthawk squad leader reported seriously.

Since the existence of the Angel of Secrets was classified, only a few high-ranking members and the involved parties were aware. Thus, the squad leader didn't know the details.

Crestet Cesimir, who knew part of the truth, nodded thoughtfully. He also believed that the organization behind the Angel of Secrets might use tarot cards as a symbol. He wondered about the Angel's status within that organization and what his codename might be.

Was there an unknown secret entity behind him?

These were the questions Crestet Cesimir considered, but with the Evernight Goddess's oracle and his contact with the Angel of Secrets, he didn't harbor significant hostility towards the Angel and its secret organization.

For now, the organization seemed more like the pre-fall Moses Ascetic Order, capable of friendly coexistence with the church.

"The devil dog likely intended to perform a Sequence 5 promotion ritual, with the nearly victimized woman as its first target. However, it seems that it didn't expect to be someone else's prey while hunting…" The Nighthawk squad leader continued to report.

"The only regret is that the only survivor, the woman nearly killed by the Hellhound, had her memory tampered with. We tried to recover her memory but failed."

"Have we identified the Hellhound?" Crestet Cesimir asked after listening to the report.

"Sorry, we haven't identified it yet. We can only confirm it came from a demon family." The squad leader replied, lowering his head in shame.

"It's not your fault…" Crestet Cesimir said, rubbing his temples. Ever since dealing with the Angel of Secrets, he felt like he was encountering more and more Beyonder events.

(The End of Chapter)

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