
Lord Of Mysteries In DC

Follow the journey of Klein Moretti as he explored the Dc Universe. Watch as he develops bonds, fights against beings, and searching for his purpose in a new world, devoid of family or friends. Discover with him, the joys of life, the thrill of battle, the happiness of saving lives. Follow as he creates enemies aswell as forge friendship with allies. ———————————————————— I do not own any character or pictures throughout my fan-fictions. this is purely for fan-fic without any other intention.

n0_cl0ut · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Unknown

Hey guys, I started this fan-fic for a couple of reasons. One of them is being that I haven't read anything good where it accommodates the lord of the mysteries in a verse where the power level makes sense. Another being, I love Lord Of The Mysteries, with it being my favourite novel so far.

For this fic however I'm going to have to balance Klein's power since in the novel he reached the level of the Great Old Ones, however compared to the level of DC, the novel is much weaker. So in order to counteract this I'll make it so that he is able to destroy multiple galaxies. It seems to fit.

Anyways, enjoy this fan-fic guys!!


3rd POV:

After the Tarot club members disappeared and left Sefirah Castle, Klein rubbed his temples.

This wasn't because the will of the Celestial Worthy had already escaped from "His" state of eternal slumber, nor was it because of the pain from maintaining his lucidity; it was just a habit.

Klein slowly leaned back into his chair and sighed.

On both sides of the long, mottled table, Justice Audrey, The Hanged Man Alger, The Sun Derrick, The Magician Fors, The Moon Emlyn, The Hermit Cattleya, The Star Leonard, and Judgment Xio appeared in the order they joined the Tarot Club.

But this time, they weren't real. They were only projections. They no longer appeared blurry, revealing their images from Klein's memory.

Soon after, more figures appeared. They were:

A mature man with a receding hairline with deep eyes; a beautiful witch with blue eyeshadow and red blush; a middle-aged man with black hair mixed with silver hair, his voice unusually loud and sonorous; a woman in her late forties with ear-length short-hair; a youth that gamed on his phone while eating delicacies; a happy young lady who kept giggling; a civil servant who looked old than his age with a high hairline; a young girl dressed in an old-fashioned skirt who focused on machinery; a doll-like lady with a pale face; a teacher with soft facial features and bronze skin; a child licking on ice cream; a madam holding four heads; and an elder looking all serious at a bill...

They either sat or stood, gathering beside the people they knew. In the flickering candlelight on the long table, they discussed different things, followed the music, and danced.

Klein silently watched the lively scene as his expression gradually softened.

After an unknown period of time, he stood up, passed through them, and walked into the depths of this space.

Behind him, the figures, the candlelight, and the music faded away and disappeared.

When he saw the strange door of light above the grayish-white cloud, Klein beckoned for the magic mirror, Arrodes.

At that moment, the transparent or opaque worms and insects that clustered together to form spherical lights in the strange door of light turned bluish-black.

It was like a thick layer of fog that made one unable to see what was behind the door.

After Klein arrived, he didn't immediately enter. He felt as though there was an extremely terrifying monster behind the door, waiting to devour him.

He raised his head and looked at the transparent cocoons hanging above the door of light. He looked at the "modern" humans with different skin colors inside the cocoons.

Closing his eyes to sense them, Klein raised his right hand and closed his five fingers.

The cocoons cracked open as the people inside transformed into specks of light. They flew out of Sefirah Castle and landed in the real world, into the bodies of those who had just died.

After doing this, Klein lowered his head and looked at the magic mirror in his hand.

"Are you scared?"

The aqueous light on the surface of the ancient silver mirror swirled and the pale words outlined itself:


In the next second, Arrodes raised his own question according to the rules:

"Great Master, are you afraid?"

The corners of Klein's mouth twitched.


With that said, he took a step forward with the magic mirror in hand and walked towards the bluish-black fog in the middle of the strange door of light, passing through it.

His figure disappeared behind the door that had the unknown hidden behind, who knows what awaits him. (A/N: I DO!)


(Scene Change)

In a large expanse of white space, there was a patch of land seen. Atop of it, there was a tea table with two seats. Sitting on top of one of the seats, is an elderly man, donning a black suit, a white shirt with a black tie; atop of his head was a black bowler hat. He is holding an umbrella, which is closed, on his right hand. He was a short man, however his eyes show immeasurable wisdom one that cannot be measured by mortal standards.

All of a sudden he snapped his head to the left. He was greeted to the sight of a being, who was in a long hooded robe: bizarre tentacles where sprouted from beneath the robe. He had a translucent mask mask with a symbol of something at the top. He has black gloves on, which seems to hold some time off concept, same with the mask, as well as the cane with star speckles. They all held the concept of something, which are trying to merge with the being. The boy, judging by the age of his soul, (A/N: which is like 10,000+ but compared to the Precense he is a boy.) seems to be in deep sleep, trying to fight against something within him. Something that's corrupting him.

As the elderly man continued to observe and analyse, he suddenly squints his eyes. He's observing the beings soul, and he realises he's being corrupted by something, or someone. A will of a previously soul, trying to take over the boy. He can see the indifference to creation in the will's soul. So as to assist the boy, not to let the will win, he raised his hand towards the boy.

Suddenly, the bizarre boy was wrapped in a large bluish hand. The hand, seems as if it possesses boundless power, carried the boy as how a mother would hold their child. The boy was covered in a golden light, as he was cleansed of any corruption within himself. To not let that happen again, the elderly man breathed his essence into the boy, now stalking his claim on the boy, as his new child. He watches as the concepts, that he was unconciously rejecting, start to accomodate.

As the gaint hand disappeares, the boy starts to fall. Before he hit the ground, he plops onto the bed that somehow appeared, granting him some sleep. (A/N: Bro deserves some peaceful sleep for real). The elderly man continues to watch the boy sleep, while's sipping on some tea.


(Unknown amount of time later….)

Waking up from his dream, the boy grunts. Not in pain, but in the pleasure of finally having a peaceful sleep. Not being constantly assaulted by the corruption of the celestial worthy, trying to take over him. As he lifts his head up, he finds himself on a bed, situated in the large expanse of white space. At first he thought it was the Sefirah Castle, but quickly shot down that idea, since he cannot feel any connection between this place and himself.

Conjuring a coin from the historical void, he attempts to do a simple coin toss divinity to assess whether he was in danger. Tossing the coin, he catches it and it shows that he is not in any danger. Getting confirmation, yet still wary since divinity isn't almighty. Looking around the space, the boy spots a man sitting at a tea table drinking tea. Since he isn't getting any danger warnings from his danger intuition, he approaches the man.

As he approaches, the elderly man looks towards him with an amicable smile, gesturing him to sit on the opposite seat. So the boy complies. Sitting down he spots some tea on a cup before him, so without thinking much of it he drinks the calming tea.

"We have a lot of questions to ask and lots of answers to answer. But first let us enjoy this tea before we get into the complicated manner." He says with a fatherly smile. The boy replies by nodding his head.

A couple minutes go by when the erlderly man asks suddenly;

"Who may you be?"

As the boys hears the question, he halts the tea cup in his hand, and sets it aside. He stands up and does a bow;

"I've gone by many names during my life. Zhou Mingrui, Klein Moretti, Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, Dwayne Dantès, Merlin Hermes, The Fool, and now the Lord Of Mysteries. However, you may address me as Klein." The boy, now identified as Klein, replies.

"Nice to meet you Klein, I also go by many, many names. However you may address me as Yahweh." The elderly man, now identified as Yahweh.

"As in the biblical god Yahweh?" Klein replies, with a cautious, respectful, yet you can sense a hint of excitement and curiosity.


"Where am I? I was meant to enter a deep sleep in order to fight of the corruption within me. I can feel that the corruption is gone, and I have accommodated the uniqueness of Error, Door and The Fool. I could also sense that I'm no longer in my universe."

"You are correct. You are no longer in your universe. You somehow entered through the source wall, and arrived in my domain. Which normally could never happen. However it seems a much higher power is involved." Yahweh replies, while's looking up. All of a sudden the domain shakes as if it was about to crumble, before it returns to its serene state. (A/N: Dude nearly broke through the fourth wall *Whew*)

"What was that?" Klein asks abit fearful

"Nothing for you to worry about." Yahweh replies with a gentle smile. "Anyways tell me more about this uniqueness of Error, Door and Fool. It's an interesting power system, it seems as if everyone in your universe has the opportunity to ascend into godhood."

"Yes everyone in my previous universe has the ability to try and ascend into godhood. However it's not quite as it seems. To ascend to godhood, you need to go through a certain pathway through potions which you concoct with ingredients. By consuming something called Beyonder potions, a normal person can gain varying powers depending on which Pathway they choose. As the powers differ, there are significant differences in the strengths, weaknesses, and expertise of each Pathway. But aside from the various powers which can give advantages and disadvantages to Beyonders, their most significant problem is the chance of losing control. If a Beyonder loses control, the most tame result is lost of sanity or death, while the worst outcome is they turn into a Rampager, a dangerous, mystical monster. In essence, Beyonders are putting foreign, mystical elements in their body in exchange for powers, and accompanying this is the chance of madness. It is important for Beyonders to understand their potion and maintain mental stability in order to avoid falling into the abyss. The higher the Sequence, the higher the chance of madness. This does not even include other threats such as hidden existences attracted to specific Pathways, which can cause the same misfortune on Beyonders. My late mentor once quoted to me 'We are guardians, but also a bunch of miserable wretches that are constantly fighting against threats and madness'." Klein replies explaining the power system of his universe, ending the explanation in a melancholic tone.

"Interesting, so I assume that once you reach the end of your pathway you gain godhood in the specific pathway." Yahweh assumes.

"Correct, however once there is a God in your pathway, you won't be able to reach it. At most you would become an Angel under that God."

"Interesting." Yahweh replies, genuinely finding it interesting. Staying silent for a couple of minutes Klein asks.

"Would I be able to return back to my universe? There is still an impending apocalypse and I need to save my world from the cosmos." Klein asks in hope.

"That would be impossible for numerous reasons, however I will explain three of them. One, I can't let you exit the source wall. It would cause great disruptions throughout my multiverse. Second, I can no longer find your universe. Third, your universe was reset, meaning whatever happened to you will happen again, there will be another you. This doesn't mean everyone died and the universe reset. It means time was reversed. So you do not need to be worried." Yahweh replied.

"Then what now? What will I do? I've fought so many being, so many monster, I've risked everything for the safety of my universe. Did you know, this is the second time I've lost my home. My soul was kept in an incubator, with lots of other souls for 10,000+ years. I was plunged deep in the middle of a war between Earth and the cosmos. My fate has been manipulated over and over again. I was but a mere mortal. Now I lose my home to never be able to return too." Klein replies with a lost look in his eyes as he starts to despair once again, holding back any tears. "Is there even any meaning to my life?"

"Then why don't you reside in one of my universes. Why don't you retire from you fight with your enemies. You can enjoy yourself once again. Find the meaning for your life. You do not need to worry about enemies of Earth, there are beings who defend Earth. You may watch, join them whatever you want. Try find meaning to your life." Yahweh replies, in a fatherly tone.

Taking a long time to consider, Klein says;

"Then I'll accept, you may send me to one of your universes. I'll try find meaning to my life once more. If needed be, I'd protect Earth since it is my home." Klein replies with a small smile, breaking out from his abilities as a Clown.

"I will send you too my rebellious son who has 'retired' and resides on Earth. He will accommodate you in your new world."

"I thank you, Yahweh." Klein says before he disappears into moats of lights.

"You have my blessing Zhou Mingrui." Yahweh says before he contacts his rebellious son.

To be continued….


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this fan-fic. I'm going to try and incorporate Klein into this universe, even with his powers. It may not follow the original timeline since there's a new player in town now, so you may find some things different.

If there are any plot holes just comment it and I'll fix it. This fic will have action but it's also about his development as a character.

Anyways, stay tuned for more!!