
Lord of Mysteries: Demoness Pathway

Angel Gray, a former Templar Knight, died and was reborn as Cole Granger, a former man who took the Sequence 7 "Witch" potion and died. What would happen if a justice-driven Templar Knight traveled through a world of mysteries and vileness? Let's find out. My Patreon: Droama

Droama · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

18. Madam Sharon's Death

Seeing that Daly did not splatter blood on the spot but timely initiated spirit communication, binding Mrs. Sharon, the heart that Angel felt jumping out of her throat finally fell back into her chest.

Leonard, who was beside her maintaining a charging forward posture, also freed himself from the silk thread's bind, stumbled forward, and almost fell.

"Doesn't seem like it's been twenty seconds yet?"

Angel asked Daly, according to her own timing, at most only half of the time had passed.

Mrs. Sharon took a bullet voluntarily, using a mirror double to move next to Daly. Originally thinking Daly, still in the midst of communicating with spirits, had no resistance, she didn't expect that Daly had initiated the spirit communication effect in advance, making Mrs. Sharon, who walked into the trap, appear like a clown.

"Heh, I tricked her, ten seconds were enough."

Daly, with her face a bit pale after casting spirit communication twice and wearing eyeshadow and blush, also squeezed out a slight smile.

"Quickly finish her off. Although the black fire is useless against this spirit, I'm afraid she has other tricks up her sleeve."

Angel didn't stop her movements while talking; she quickly loaded the last five "Storm Convergence" bullets into the chamber and walked briskly towards Mrs. Sharon, who was stiff on the spot.


The first sound was not from Angel's gunfire but the shattering of mirrors. Leonard directly picked up a chair and started smashing the remaining decorative mirrors in the reception room one by one.

Seeing that the mirrors in the room were all shattered into pieces smaller than the size of a palm, Angel then raised her handgun, pressing the muzzle against Mrs. Sharon's forehead.

Mrs. Sharon's expression, mixed with anger and horror, suddenly became calm, her pale red lips turned pitch black, and the brown of her eyes spread to the surrounding whites, like the calm surface of a lake.

Black flames erupted from Mrs. Sharon's body, enveloping her from head to toe, and then white frost appeared within the black flames, quickly spreading into ice, covering the black flames like an ice coffin surrounding her body.

Silk threads, originally invisible, appeared in the air, wrapping the ice block layer by layer, forming an object like a cocoon, with the temperature around sharply dropping, as if the room had fast-forwarded into winter.

All of this happened in an instant. Angel thought Mrs. Sharon was launching another attack, scared, she took two steps back, shielding Daly, and Leonard also rushed over with the chair, the few of them surrounding the "cocoon."

But the "cocoon" made no further moves, just standing quietly in place.

Leonard first frowned in confusion, then as if he remembered something, his expression drastically changed, he quickly said, "She is trying to lift the curse on Miss Daly, we must kill her quickly."

Angel immediately fired her gun, a "Storm Convergence" bullet hit the "cocoon," the bullet successfully tore through the outer layer of silk threads but was blocked by the solid ice, shattering after leaving a dent on the ice surface, only leaving behind a shallow blue trace.

This features the "Storm Convergence" ability, where damage increases with each bullet that hits the same spot consecutively.

"Wait, don't waste the bullets yet."

Leonard reached out to stop Angel from continuing the attack and turned his head towards Daly on the side.

"Miss Daly, please find its weakness."

Daly nodded, her green eyes quickly turned gray-white as if covered in a layer of fog, and then became transparent.

With her special eyes, Daly stared at the "cocoon" for just a second, then pointed to a spot about the height of Angel's waist: "At this height, shoot straight, and you'll hit her head behind it."

The silk threads outside the "cocoon" were showing signs of loosening, and in a few seconds, Mrs. Sharon might be released from the curse and break free.

Squatting down slightly and lowering the gun, Angel aimed at the spot Daly pointed to and pulled the trigger again.


The first "Storm Convergence" left a blue bullet mark on the ice.

"Bang! Bang!" The next two bullets hit the mark precisely, and the cumulative damage took effect, breaking a small hole in the solid ice, right behind Mrs. Sharon's pale forehead under her brown hair.

Goodbye, Sharon Hoy, go and join Cole below... Angel silently bid farewell to Mrs. Sharon in his heart and pulled the trigger, firing the last "Storm Convergence."

Like being detonated from the inside, the ice and silk "cocoon" exploded, and black flames burst out from inside, dissipating into the air.

Mrs. Sharon knelt at the original position of the "cocoon," her beautiful face overlapping with the image in Angel's memory. The large-caliber bullet entered her forehead and flew out from the back of her head, bringing a spray of blood in a fan shape, leaving only half of her head as her body fell backward from the impact, limply lying on the ground.

If the last bullet hadn't killed Mrs. Sharon, they would have faced an even tougher battle...

Angel breathed a sigh of relief, then realized his right hand holding the pistol was trembling slightly. Firing the powerful "Storm Convergence" consecutively, even a body enhanced with magic potions couldn't bear it.

Daly, behind him, unceremoniously sat down on the ground, her face pale and eyes lifeless after consecutive spirit summonings, looking like she could faint at any moment.

Upon seeing this, Angel hurriedly assisted Leonard in supporting the "hero" of the battle to the only intact sofa in the room.

"I'm fine, just a bit drained spiritually. A rest will do."

Despite Daly's reassurance, the paleness of her face that even blush couldn't hide and her lips as pale as if she had lost blood made Angel somewhat worried. She decided to leave the sofa, allowing Daly to lie down flat for a good rest.

Leonard seemed more accustomed to such situations. He took off his coat and covered Daly with it, who fell asleep as soon as her head touched the sofa. He then returned to the battlefield, picked up a revolver, and went back to the side of Mrs. Sharon's graceful yet grotesquely opened corpse.

"We're so lucky." After a long silence, he squeezed out a sentence.

Angel was startled, then immediately understood his meaning.

"Indeed, we are very lucky," she also sighed.

A Sequence 6 Beyonder being, under a surprise attack, not only failed to kill anyone present but was even counter-killed with the cooperation of several people. Ultimately, it was due to Mrs. Sharon's lack of preparation.

Had Mrs. Sharon been fully prepared, carrying a firearm, and decisively shot after her silk threads had taken effect, the people present, lacking nearly unbeatable defensive abilities like mirror doubles, would have been unable to dodge the controlled threads, allowing Mrs. Sharon to kill whomever she wished.

Perhaps due to overconfidence, a hasty decision, or an attempt to maintain her public image after secretly killing Angel, Mrs. Sharon came to the Night Watcher's stronghold with just a dagger, attempting to control everyone with invisible threads and silently kill her targets while invisible before making her escape.

Unfortunately, although the combined strength of those present was inferior to hers, the coordination of their various Beyonder abilities formed a synergy. They not only quickly broke free from the silk threads' restraint but also counterattacked her.

Angel's suppression of invisibility, Leonard's sleep melody and combat support, and most importantly, Daly's "spirit" ability, which controlled Mrs. Sharon twice, ultimately gave them the opportunity to kill her.

Looking at Daly Simone, who had fallen into deep sleep, Angel guessed that she must also possess strength close to Sequence 6. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to control or even curse Mrs. Sharon, a Sequence 6 being, by commanding invisible spirits, even with the help of others.

"Unfortunately, Miss Daly is spiritually depleted and can't perform necromancy on the deceased Mrs. Sharon, otherwise we might have known her reasons for attacking this place."

Kneeling beside Mrs. Sharon's corpse, Leonard frowned as he said, while wearing gloves to check the pockets of Mrs. Sharon's clothes. Apart from a dagger that no longer burned with black flames and a small mirror the size of a palm smeared with an unknown dark red liquid, he found nothing of significance.

"Communicating with spirits? Even with the dead?" Angel asked curiously.

"Of course, for a spirit medium, the dead are more useful than the living. Didn't you just witness the effectiveness of a spirit?" Leonard picked up the dagger, leaving the corner of the room filled with the smell of blood, and returned to the sofa.

"Ms. Daly, as a 'Spirit Medium' of sequence 7, can obtain quite complete information as long as the time of death does not exceed one hour, and the spirit has not been destroyed by Beyonder forces. But in her current state, she definitely won't risk continuing the communication with spirits, as it could lead to loss of control."

It turns out "Spirit Medium" really is Daly's magic potion name, and it's sequence 7, no wonder she was able to temporarily restrain Mrs. Sharon of sequence 6... Angel thought silently, also noting the keyword "loss of control" in her mind.

Wait, if "Spirit Mediums" can communicate with the dead, then killing Mrs. Sharon actually did not achieve the effect of silencing her?

This thought shocked Angel, causing her to break out in a cold sweat. She looked at Daly lying on the sofa, feeling somewhat relieved. The only person here who could communicate with spirits had depleted her spirit energy, and it seemed she would not be able to communicate with spirits for a while. According to Leonard, the optimal window for spirit communication is within an hour, so as long as Daly does not recover to a state where she can communicate with spirits during this time, then she would be safe.

But then, why didn't Dunne Smith consider bringing Daly along when planning the operation? Isn't the "Spirit Medium's" ability very useful in capturing fugitives like Mrs. Sharon?

Angel raised this question, and Leonard's originally tense face relaxed, even showing a hint of a gossiping smile.

"You don't know about the captain's relationship with Ms. Daly, do you?"

How could I possibly know...

Angel was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

Leonard carefully glanced at Daly, who was still asleep, to make sure she had not woken up, before continuing in a low voice:

"Actually, the captain has always liked Ms. Daly. He pretends not to care, but always uses her as an example when teaching us, never straying from 'how Daly does this and that'. In my opinion, Ms. Daly also has some feelings for the captain. Her station is in Enmat Port, and she needs to apply to the church every time she leaves, but she often comes to Tingen City. Of course, there are various reasons, like assisting investigations, escorting sealed artifacts, and so on, but they don't escape my observation... Back to your question, actually, using spirit communication against 'Demoness Sect' and similar Sects carries a lot of risks…"

The noisy sounds from downstairs interrupted Leonard's gossip, making him tense up and shrink his neck. Only after listening carefully did he realize it wasn't Dunn and the others but several police officers questioning passersby.

"It must have been the residents nearby who heard gunshots and reported it to the police station. I recognize one of the policemen downstairs; he's a patrol officer from this district."

Leonard peered out from the window, observed for a while, and came to a conclusion.

He put the handgun back into the holster under his arm, walked towards the door of the reception room, then, after a thought, returned to Mrs. Sharon's body, grabbed the tablecloth that had fallen to the ground, and covered her gruesomely unbearable head along with her entire upper body.

"I'll go downstairs to deal with the police for now. We can't let them come up yet. Mrs. Sharon is a celebrity in Tingen City; it's better to wait for the captain to communicate with the superiors before announcing her death."

He explained to Angel.

Angel nodded. Mrs. Sharon, as the most famous socialite in Tingen City, had close relationships with many politicians. If they knew she was not only a Beyonder person but also a member of the Demoness Sect, these people would probably not be able to sleep tonight.

Suddenly, the noisy sounds from downstairs disappeared, as if the sounds from before were only an illusion experienced by the two people upstairs. Angel and Leonard exchanged glances, and Leonard returned from the doorway, looking out the window once more.

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