

"Why did he just blow up like that?" Lumian muttered, frowning as he watched the blood slowly soaking into the soil. He gripped the carbide lamp tightly.

His two questions hadn't been intended to end Jebus's life. He had simply wanted to carefully test the limits, one step at a time.

Anthony calmly explained, "The fundamental rule of hypnosis is to never directly threaten the subject's life. So when Jebus was asked something that would seriously endanger him, he either would refuse to answer or the shock would jolt him awake, breaking the hypnotic hold."

"I was ready for the possibility of him breaking free from the hypnosis," Lumian said, having anticipated this outcome.

Jebus couldn't dodge the Spell of Harrumph at that range. Lumian also had three ritualistic dog skins and a cow hide in his Traveler's Bag.