
Chapter 5: Stormhold and joining the Adventurer's Guild

With the two women leading the way and my strength of carrying the two unconscious women, we soon reached the nearest city, Stormhold, a relatively large city on the frontier of the Northern Bestial Lands.

The Northern Bestial Lands was a vast amount of land that was taken over by countless monsters, it's a land full of opportunity and dangers...

In the distance, we could see the large stone wall of Stormhold and as we approached it the guards at the gate stopped us from entering.

"Who goes there?" Shouted one of the two guards as he had his sword out and gazed upon the two women on my shoulders.

"Traveler, saved these women from Goblins," I told the Guard honestly.

Once I looked at the Guard's Levels I couldn't help but raise my eyes.

[Human, Lv ?????]

[Human, Lv ????]

Looking at the question marks I couldn't help but think they must be high-leveled Guards, although I have no idea how high their level is.

"Is what he said true?" Asked one of the guards before looking at the two women in front of me who responded with a nod.

"Sigh...okay, and the two women on your shoulders?" The guard asked.

"I am afraid that they broke down and are just shells of their former selves," I told the Guard.

"Then we're lucky you didn't mercy kill her, the Adventurer's Guild has a Tier 1 Mage that can erase her memories and fix her back to her former self, follow me I will guide you to the Guild," The higher leveled guard spoke.

I just nodded and the two other women followed along with me to the Adventurer's Guild.

Soon we arrived at what appeared to be a large structure that had a sign that read 'Stormhold Adventurer's Guild'.

As we stood in a large hall that was bustling with people in armor, robes, and various other equipment, the Guard brought back a beautiful frowning woman who did not look all that pleased.

"You're saying you will pay for their treatment, Garick?" asked the woman.

"I am...and you know very well why," The Guard told the woman who just nodded.

She looked at the women behind me and on my shoulders before telling us to follow her.

She led us to a small office where she told me to lie the women down and leave the room.

Without any arguing, I complied and left the room where I found the guard waiting.

"Don't worry, Miss Barrosa will take care of them," The Guard told me.

"While you are here, are you a member of the Guild?" asked the Guard.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Because Adventurer's Guild members have certain benefits, one being able to enter any city without paying the Fee, and I 𝘮𝘢𝘺 just be willing to wait until the women come out before I charge you the Fee," He explained.

I thanked him before quickly walking over to the Receptionist.

"Uh...Hello? I would like to sign up to become an adventurer," I told the receptionist who nodded and pulled out a crystal.

Once I put my hand on the crystal, a screen appeared on the surface of the crystal.

[Damian Light

Race: Hybrid (Human/Giant)

Class: ???

Level: 9(A/N: Occupational + Main)]

After only looking at my level, she told me that I was an F-Class and that I could take the E-Rank Test once I did 15 F-Ranked Quests and reached level 25.

She also told me that I had a requirement to do 25 F-Ranked quests every year in order to keep my membership.

Besides that, she told me that I could take on higher-ranked quests as well, but the Guild would not be held responsible if I were to die.

Thanking her, she handed me a small badge before leaving me to help someone else.

Once the guard approached me and I showed him the badge he smiled and said that I am exempt from the Fee.

Thanking him, he suggested that I go do a mission to earn some change and that he would stay here to watch over the Women and help them get back to their normal lives.

I agreed and thanked him for his help.

I then headed over to the Quest Board in the Guild Hall and grabbed a few simple F-Ranked Quests that were mostly simple delivery quests that wanted me to deliver something to someone in the city.

By the time I was done with the quests it was already sunset and due to completing the jobs, I had a little over 50 Copper Coins, allowing me to buy a cheap room in an Inn for the night.

[Do you wish to obtain the Courier Occupation?]


[You have gained the occupational skill, Swift Feet(1)]