
Lord of Light 3rd son

"Lord of Light 3rd Son" is a medieval fantasy tale of Liam, a prince who cannot control the rare magic of light, unlike his seven siblings and father. Ridiculed by the kingdom and his own family, Liam is sent to marry a poor lord's daughter in the northern part of the kingdom. Upon arriving, he discovers the city is in disarray, and he uses his intelligence and management skills to turn things around. Liam creates a guild of adventurers to fight monsters and bring valuable items to the city, making it one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. However, Liam discovers a forbidden book that contains the powers of darkness, which he keeps hidden from everyone, even his beloved wife.

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30 Chs

The Rival Lord's Plot

Lord Liam had been ruling his city with a firm but fair hand for years. He had always known that there were those who would try to take what he had built, and he had been constantly on the lookout for threats to his power. So when he received word that a rival lord was gathering an army and plotting to invade his city, he was not entirely surprised.

Liam immediately set about gathering information on the rival lord's plans. He sent out scouts to watch the enemy's movements, and he interrogated prisoners to learn more about their intentions. Slowly but surely, he pieced together a picture of what was coming. The rival lord had amassed a large force of mercenaries and had promised them riches and land if they helped him take over Liam's city.

Liam knew that he could not take this threat lightly. He called upon his loyal knights and soldiers to prepare for battle. They spent long hours drilling and training, honing their skills and getting ready for the inevitable clash with the enemy.

As the days passed, Liam's scouts brought back more and more troubling news. The rival lord's army was larger than they had initially thought, and they were getting closer every day. Liam knew that he needed to take action before it was too late.

He gathered his advisors and strategists and began to plan his defense. They pored over maps and studied the terrain, looking for any advantage they could find. They set up barricades and traps along the roads leading into the city, hoping to slow the enemy's advance.

But Liam knew that even with all of these preparations, he might still be outnumbered and outmatched. He needed to find a way to outmaneuver his opponent, to use his wits and cunning to defeat him.

And then, one night, as he sat alone in his chambers, it came to him. He realized that the rival lord had one fatal flaw - he was too predictable. He always followed the same patterns, the same strategies. If Liam could anticipate his moves, he could be one step ahead of him at every turn.

So Liam put his plan into action. He sent out small, decoy forces to lure the enemy into traps, and he used his spies to feed false information to the rival lord. He even went so far as to dress up a group of his soldiers as mercenaries and send them to join the enemy's ranks.

The rival lord fell for it all, just as Liam had hoped. He launched a full-scale assault on the city, confident that he had outmaneuvered his opponent. But as his army charged forward, they fell right into Liam's traps. The decoy forces led them into ambushes, the false information led them into dead ends, and the disguised soldiers turned on them from within.

The battle was fierce and bloody, but Liam and his army emerged victorious. The rival lord was captured and brought before Liam, who spared his life but banished him from the city forever. And as Liam stood on the ramparts, looking out over his city, he knew that he had done what he needed to do to protect it.

But he also knew that he could never let his guard down. There would always be those who sought to take what he had built. And he would always be ready to defend it, no matter what.