
Lord of Light 3rd son

"Lord of Light 3rd Son" is a medieval fantasy tale of Liam, a prince who cannot control the rare magic of light, unlike his seven siblings and father. Ridiculed by the kingdom and his own family, Liam is sent to marry a poor lord's daughter in the northern part of the kingdom. Upon arriving, he discovers the city is in disarray, and he uses his intelligence and management skills to turn things around. Liam creates a guild of adventurers to fight monsters and bring valuable items to the city, making it one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. However, Liam discovers a forbidden book that contains the powers of darkness, which he keeps hidden from everyone, even his beloved wife.

DubiousTone · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Liam's World Comes Crashing Down

Liam had always known that life was unpredictable. As a city lord, he had seen both triumph and tragedy, but nothing could have prepared him for the moment when his wife, fell gravely ill.

At first, Liam had tried to remain optimistic. He believed that with the best doctors and healers from across the land, his wife would make a full recovery. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Liam's hope began to fade. Despite the efforts of countless healers, his wife's condition only worsened.

Liam was consumed by a sense of helplessness. He felt like he was watching his wife slip away before his very eyes, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He knew that he had to do everything in his power to save her, but he was unsure of where to turn.

In desperation, Liam turned to his council. They suggested seeking out healers and doctors from far and wide, hoping that someone would be able to provide a cure. Liam did as they suggested, sending messengers to every corner of the kingdom, seeking out the best healers and doctors. But despite their best efforts, none were able to provide a cure.

Liam was at a loss. He had exhausted every option, and his wife's condition continued to worsen. It was then that he remembered an old friend, a powerful sorceress who had helped him in the past.

Liam knew that seeking out a sorceress was risky. Magic was often unpredictable, and he feared the consequences of meddling with forces beyond his understanding. But he was desperate. He would do anything to save his wife.

Liam sent a messenger to the sorceress, explaining his situation and asking for her help. To his relief, she agreed to see him. Liam traveled to her tower, where she greeted him warmly.

The sorceress listened carefully as Liam explained his wife's condition. She was quiet for a long moment before speaking. "I can try a spell," she said. "But it is dangerous and untested. There is no guarantee that it will work, and there may be consequences."

Liam was torn. He loved his wife more than anything in the world, but he feared the unknown. He did not want to risk making things worse. But he also knew that he could not live with himself if he did not try everything in his power to save her.

In the end, Liam made the difficult decision to trust the sorceress. She worked tirelessly, pouring over ancient tomes and mixing arcane ingredients. Liam watched anxiously as she cast the spell, hoping beyond hope that it would work.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Liam felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Had it all been for naught? But then, slowly, he began to see a change in his wife. Her breathing grew steady, and the color returned to her cheeks.

Liam felt tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. The spell had worked.

As his wife's health continued to improve, Liam felt a sense of relief and gratitude wash over him. He knew that he had made the right decision, even if it had been a difficult one.

Life would never be the same for Liam. He had seen the fragility of everything he held dear. But in that moment, as he watched his wife recover, he knew that he would do anything to protect her, no matter the cost.