
Lord of Fire is a Gamer

A Fire Nation Noble gains the memories and the cheat of a NEET from the 21st century after he tries to take over his body but fails. Gamer-lite. Might be smut but later, you know plot before 'plot'. Edit: No smut but there are implications of it. You can support me from here https://www.patreon.com/lowkeygoodstuff Thanks for reading. Also on; (started posting here after chapter 30) https://www.scribblehub.com/series/413079/lord-of-fire-is-a-gamer/

Lowkeygoodstuff · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

QnA about the last chapter


A small QnA from the last chapter. But before that read this small fun fact.

Fun fact: Did you know, when I was planning the plot Kunyo wasn't supposed to fight the dragons at all! He was going to properly learn the dragon dance and the dragon fire from them, and build a good relationship with them. After that he would take their egg as they would give the egg to him as they found him worthy.

Q: Then why didn't it happen that way?

A: Because this fiction desperately needed action scenes. Last proper fight happened in chapter 15 (I think?) if you don't count the half chapter long exchange between Kurumi and Kunyo. That's actually why I introduced Kurumi. Kunyo needed somebody who could give him a challange, and what is better than a spirit waifu with time powers who could potentially be a companion? That's also why he is getting his dragon from the system. Anyways, any more than this and I would have to delete the action tag lol.


Q:Why did he want to kill them?


1.He originally didn't want to kill them. He doesn't have any murderous fetishes or something, but he knew he had to fight them and he saw that they were pretty prideful. He didn't want to deal with the aftermath. You don't want to leave 2 prideful dragons (one self-righteous, other one irrational and arrogant) alive after beating the shit out of them.

2.They weren't going to teach him anything. Red only saw him as a toy while the blue was outright against him. Quest told him to 'force' it out of them so he assumed it was his only chance. Also, it's more profitable. Fighting gives bonuses to his growth and he was mostly he sure he would get dragon slayer title.

3. He's slowly getting desensitized towards death. He was never really against killing, now he's starting to get used to it and starting to see killing as something casual. Don't forget he got this powerful so quickly and he's still mostly a teenager. I try to portray mc as someone NOT perfect. You saw his pride and arrogance getting better of him in the crimson demon village arc. He fixed that, but don't expect him to be perfect.

4. Leaving the dragons alive after beating them would be pretty stupid in his opinion. They're prideful beings and they would most likely be angry at him if he let them live. One of them (blue) outright disapproves him and now thinks she was definitely right as he almost murdered them. She wouldn't let a human with such power live a peaceful life. The other one(red) is slightly irrational and arrogant. You can't really trust him to act friendly after beating him to near-death. Letting them live is worthless risk. They might have even caused trouble for his father (blue one showed she was self-righteous and she most likely would have hurt his father without even looking if he was innocent or not, if it helped her defeat the 'bad guy'. Kinda like the church from anime/manga.)

5. He got lots of benefits from killing the dragons.

6. If you realized, he has been craving for some action lately. He was never much of a battle junkie, but looking at his growth he realized this was probably his last chance to enjoy a battle in this world as he would surpass everything else soon.


Q: Isn't he afraid of driving dragons to extinciton and angering the spirits?


1. These 2 dragons aren't the only ones in the physical world. There are still more in the physical world. Green dragon, for example. She even had an egg. Meaning she also had a husband. It was implied that there are more dragons in the physical world but they are just well hidden from humanity. Also, there are lots of dragons in the spirit realm. So, no. Dragon's aren't going extinct even if he kills these two.

2. Spirits won't curse Kunyo, because if they had such power they already would have cursed avatar or anybody close to him. You know, since he drove them out of the physical world for humans. Some strong spirits in the avatar world showed zero respect and resentment towards the Avatar and outright tried to kill him before, but they failed. If spirits could do shit, they already would have done to the Avatar and his companions. (Koh for example)

He was scared of spirits in earlier chapters because he was a fire nation boy who grew up with their stories.

Don't overestimate the spirits. There are few who can match Kunyo right now, and they mostly don't care about him. Just like how they don't care about Avatar. The one's petty and stupid enough to go against him can't do shit to him.


Q: Killing living and thinking creatures like dragons feels kind of evil?


1.I never said it was okay to kill them. It's a matter of perspective. Some cultures kill dogs for food, but I don't even want to imagine a dog's death in front of my eyes. Don't mistakenly think Kunyo is a perfect character. Kunyo isn't you or me. He is someone from that world that lived his whole life in there. He got 21st human memories, but his roots are in the avatar world. His culture, his thoughts are mostly in the avatar world.

2.You should remember, dragon killing used to be a sport in his nation and it's hard for a normal person to see them as innocent beings when they're gigantic monsters with teeth that can bite through your body.

He sees them as monsters because they are monsters.

FUN FACT: I don't think Dragons are innocent beings. It was never mentioned in the show but they live on an island with a cult. A whole island just for them and a cult that sees them as Gods... Is this not kind of suspicious?

Think about it, how do these GIGANTIC dragons feed themselves? Two of them at that. Through the cult of course. The sun cult provides them with sacrifices to feed them. That's kinda like a theme on ancient cults btw. They used to sacrifice maidens to mountains so that they wouldn't erupt. People used to send innocent people to their death for unseen gods they weren't even sure of their existence. Do you think they wouldn't try the same with actual gods living above them that needed food?

I dunno. Just something came up to my mind lol. Might be might sleep deprived brain talking as well.


Q: What about the sun warriors? Did they really just let all of this happen?


1. Sun warriors wouldn't join the battle. They see the dragons as gods. This is like witnessing a battle of gods. They can only have faith in their gods and hope for their victory. No sun warrior is gonna be hot-headed enough to interrupt their god's battle. Not only because of the immense difference in strength, but also respect for their gods.

And no, he won't kill the sun warriors. He doesn't just go around killing people for no reason. Dragon's death benefited him and well... they are dragons. He doesn't kill humans just because they looked at him the wrong way.


Q: Megumin is strangely okay with this... Seems kinda sus.


1.She doesn't comment because firstly, they are dragons. She sees them as monsters. Secondly, she has lived for a long time as a Goddess now. She is kinda desentinized to the killing. She never had extremely strong morals despite being one of the good guys (in konosuba). It's kinda hard for somebody like her (who isn't a stubbornly good person) to feel much when she has already seen death thousands of times already.

2.Megumin sees them as dragons. Not sacred gods but just dragons. Don't forget she comes from the konosuba world where dragons are monsters. She just sees them as monsters, she would be more concerned about him killing humans. But, she has lived for many many years by now and has already stopped caring about it that much.

FUN FACT: iirc, I said something about them killing bandits. I expected people to question Megumin's morality at that point but nobody really said anything. That was kinda surprising lol.


I promised myself I wouldn't do something like this again, but it seemed necessary. Also, there might be some repeated words, because I kinda re-used some of my old comments... I also added some things on them and just edited them neatly like this with some grammar corrections.

I hope this didn't out as aggressive, sorry if it did. Being sleepy might have made me blunt. I'm actually happy that there are people who care enough to comment and discuss this fiction.

Anyways, have a nice day.