
Lord of Darkness: My Recruitment is Ten Thousand Times Crit!

Hadye crossed. In this world, everyone wants to be the lord of the dark world. Recruit servants and open up territory! A general-level attendant can guard one side. A prince-level attendant can help a lord to become a king. And Qin Ye starts to activate the system and recruits tens of thousands of critical strikes! The recruited attendants start at an epic level! You have recruited an epic class—Nine-Tailed Monster Fox·Sudaji! You have recruited the legendary class-the eternal emperor Yingzheng! You have recruited the mythical level-the lord of heaven and earth·the blue dragon of the beast! … Each of his servants has become a nightmare for other lords! “Report! Lord Qin Huang has successively wiped out 18 little lords, and he still has more to say!” “Report! Lord Bai Qi slaughtered 300,000 subordinates of a certain lord of the African country!” When he stepped onto the altar, countless people asked for tricks. “What’s the trick to this? I’m an ordinary lord, that is, the servant is a little bit stronger than others…”

Big_Eve · Others
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100 Chs

Chapter 84

78.Chapter 78

That was when Had Ye planned to return to the dark world to "harvest vegetables".

The identity of his Shadow Fiend Lord is exposed...

There has been an uproar in the whole East!

at this time.

Hadye's roommate, Li Mao, got up alone in the dormitory.

The first thing is to observe if anything has happened to the territory of the dark world!

The lord of the Blue Star has no vision of his own territory.

But he can communicate with the servants in the territory...

"Fortunately, everything is fine, no one is calling."

Li Mao quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he glanced at the bed next door, empty.

"Tsk tut."

"This one is too cool."

"I actually got the school flowers, awesome!"

Li Mao sighed.

Admire the five bodies of Hadye.

In his opinion, Lin Mengyu's starter S-level talent, the father of the family is still the vice president of the City Lords Association, and the family conditions are extremely superior.

Hadye was able to win this school award so quickly...

Really amazing!

"Is this the advantage of being handsome?"

Li Mao was a little sad.

While washing, he took out the phone.

I wanted to see if anyone sent him a message or something.


Suddenly a piece of news popped up.

[The identity of the Lord of Shadow Demon is exposed! Actually is a freshman in Jiangdu Lord's University? ]

Li Mao was taken aback.

Then click on the news.

Took a look...

In the news, many pictures were attached, all of which were scenes of Qin Ye shopping near the river bank with Su Daji last night.

There is even a photo of him taking Su Daji into the hotel...


"Lord Shadow Demon?"


The young man's eyes suddenly widened.


He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Then suddenly realized, isn't he brushing his teeth?

"Fuck, I swallowed toothpaste?"


"Spit it out quickly..."

He rushed into the bathroom.

It took a few minutes before I walked out without love, the whole person looked a little collapsed.

At this time, he understood.

It turns out that Had Ye didn't go back to the dormitory last night because he didn't go to school with Lin Mengyu.

Instead, he went with his attendant.

Legendary attendant!

Nine-tailed demon fox·Suda 20!

Just looking at the photos taken from a long distance on the news, he could feel that what a beauty that is all over the country!

This made Li Mao extremely envious.

Not to mention combat power.

Just talk about looks...

Isn't this much cooler than the "swamp murlocs" recruited by Li Mao's novice for ten consecutive draws?

"Why can Hadye recruit such a beautiful fox demon?"

"And I'm a swamp murloc?"

"Is there really such a big gap between people?"

Of course.

The most important thing is...

Qin Ye's identity as the lord of Shadow Demon was exposed.

This made Li Mao faintly excited.

He had known the Lord of Shadow Demon before and admired him extremely.


This Shadow Demon Lord is his roommate?

This is too magical!

He didn't even know how to get along with Qin Ye!


at the same time.

Not only Li Mao, but also other students from Jiangdu Lord's University, are already boiling.

Every class is hotly discussing!

Not even just students.

Su Yubing got up in the morning and was called directly by the school leaders.

"Are you sure that Had Ye, a freshman in our school, is the Lord of Shadow Demon?"

Asked by the leader.

Su Yubing nodded: "I'm sure, he used teleport under the eyes of people... this kind of space system ability, at least SS level, it is impossible not for the Lord of Shadow Demon."

"Then you, as his mentor, should care about him a lot, and help him more in life and study."

The school leaders said one after another.

"This...I will."

Su Yubing was a little embarrassed.

Lord of Shadow Fiend!

She already knew that just yesterday, Hadye earned 35 million Yuanjing...

Where does such an existence need her help?

"You have to take the initiative, don't wait for him to find you, you know?"

"Follow him more!"

School leaders, attach great importance to Qin Ye!

Originally, Su Yubing could be said to be the signature of the Jiangdu Lords University. She achieved the third place in the National Lords Martial Arts Tournament in her rank, which was very dazzling.

but now...

When Hadye appeared!


Those high lord leaders of the school have attached more importance to Qin Ye than her ten times!

This makes Su Yubing a little helpless.

But no way.

Who made Hadye the Lord of Shadow Demon?

With the achievements that Qin Ye has achieved now, she can't compare it at all!

Not to mention later...

It is foreseeable that it will not be long before Qin Ye will surpass her mentor!


And Hadano himself, who has sparked global heated discussion.

He didn't participate in any discussion at all.

He took the little fox Daji and returned to the dark world!

"I'm back after more than ten hours..."

"This is a big change!"

Qin Ye stood on the wall with Su Da, his eyes lit up.

According to his plan before he left, the city wall has been extended to both sides, with a total length of 9 kilometers!

In other words, one of the walls of his Shadow Demon City has been completed.

When this wall was built, the entire territory looked much more pleasing to the eye.


The Lord's Hall is completed!

This is a very magnificent palace, the main hall, the side hall, the apse, the side hall... just one lord hall covers an area of ​​several square kilometers.

As for the residential buildings, they were built in the southwestern part of the city.

More than 300 houses have been completed. If there are three people in a room, it can accommodate nearly 1,000 people in total.

"Come and see the harvest."

Had Ye checked the lord's log first.

[Your city is getting bigger and bigger, attracting 178 refugees to come and defect! ]

[You have been away for 11 hours, during which the income from the territory was 2.178 million Yuanjing! ]

[The number of your purgatory horses +4! ]

[Your servant killed 2256 invading dark creatures! ]

[You have obtained 885,000 source crystals by killing dark creatures! ]

[The equipment you get by killing dark creatures are: 7-star lord equipment*1, 6-star attendant equipment*2, 5-star attendant equipment*6...]