
Lord of Darkness: My Recruitment is Ten Thousand Times Crit!

Hadye crossed. In this world, everyone wants to be the lord of the dark world. Recruit servants and open up territory! A general-level attendant can guard one side. A prince-level attendant can help a lord to become a king. And Qin Ye starts to activate the system and recruits tens of thousands of critical strikes! The recruited attendants start at an epic level! You have recruited an epic class—Nine-Tailed Monster Fox·Sudaji! You have recruited the legendary class-the eternal emperor Yingzheng! You have recruited the mythical level-the lord of heaven and earth·the blue dragon of the beast! … Each of his servants has become a nightmare for other lords! “Report! Lord Qin Huang has successively wiped out 18 little lords, and he still has more to say!” “Report! Lord Bai Qi slaughtered 300,000 subordinates of a certain lord of the African country!” When he stepped onto the altar, countless people asked for tricks. “What’s the trick to this? I’m an ordinary lord, that is, the servant is a little bit stronger than others…”

Big_Eve · Others
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100 Chs

Chapter 67

When Had Ye invaded.

This lord did not think of a way to resist at all, but was...packing things and running away!

Along the way!

Had Ye found that all the civilians of Lord Jack were tearing down all the buildings and recycling them into source crystals at the fastest speed.


When Hadye probed the opponent's initial territory.

It was discovered that the other party had even demolished the Lord's Palace, and all the surrounding buildings were completely demolished.

This is too simple, right?

"Lord Shadow Demon, you are finally here."

"Perhaps you really want a subordinate with an S-level talent?"

"I can tell you clearly, my Lord Jack is an S-rank Lord talent!"

"But unfortunately... I am not your subordinate!"

A white young man in flowery pants was in front of the lord's core with a smile!



Even if the territory was about to be destroyed, he didn't panic at all!


[Adapt to the dark: S-rank lord talent! Every time the core of the lord is destroyed, the next time you enter the dark world, the talent level will not decrease, and the attributes of all friendly forces will increase! ]

He has such a lord talent!

Even if the core of the lord is destroyed, he will become stronger and stronger.

Entering the dark world for the first time, all the attributes of his men increased by 20%.

Entering the dark world for the second time, all his subordinates' attributes have been increased by 60%.

Now he has spent 8.1 million source crystals to purchase a Level 3 Dark Lord card and entered the dark world for the third time.

All the attributes of his staff have been improved by 120%!

If the core of his lord is destroyed again, he needs to spend about 72.9 million source crystals, buy a level 4 dark lord card, and enter the dark world for the fourth time...

All attributes of his men will be increased by 200%!

Equivalent to three times the initial attributes.

It is also equivalent to the start of all the attendants are two stars.

Others are full of stars and 9-star servants, all attributes are 1000% of the base.

In his case, it is 1200%.

The attendants have a higher growth limit!

Especially in the early stage, this 200% increase in attributes allows him to easily crush other new lords around him!

And each dark lord has a limit on the number of reopens, and enters the dark world at most five times.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for other lords to reach the reopening limit.

Because after reopening twice, even if the A-level talent is downgraded to C-level, there is no possibility of growth at all. You have to spend a lot of source crystals to buy the dark lord card, which is not worth the loss.


In this star country's Lord Jack, the more he reopens, the stronger.

Enter the Dark World for the fifth time at most, and all friendly forces will increase their attributes by 300%!


The Lord Jack, seeing that he couldn't stop the Lord of Shadow Demon, he gave up altogether.

If possible…

He certainly didn't want to be killed.

After all, he is equivalent to five lives, and in the end he only has two lives left, it is impossible not to cherish it.

But in front of the Shadow Demon Lord, struggling is useless!

Then just lie flat and don't resist.

Take away what can be taken away, all the buildings will be disassembled into source crystals and extracted to the actual blue star!

Seeing this Lord Jack, who wore flowered pants, looked so calm.

Qin Ye was also a little surprised.

This guy…

It seems something is wrong?

Your S-level talent should not be my subordinate, am I rare?

Had Ye started directly!

The next moment...the void circulates!

Qin Huang Yingzheng rode a purgatory war horse and came to this territory.

This is a full eighty kilometers away!

With no resistance at all, Had Ye easily destroyed the opponent's lord core.

At this point, this territorial war about the "dark alien lair" has finally ended.

Except for Hadye...

The other three lords were all driven out of the dark world by him!

As for Lord Jack, he left the dark world after speaking.

Back to Blue Star!

After waiting for a while in my villa...

[The core of your lord has been destroyed by the lord of Shadow Demon! ]

"It was finally destroyed."

The starland youth Jack, wearing floral pants, sighed.

Don't say it yet.

This third time, his development was quite smooth. With 120% of the attendant's full attribute bonus in the early stage, he killed several new lords around him, including two or three lords of the Eastern Federation.

As for the lords encountered after level 10, their territories are relatively large and their shapes are irregular.

When confronted with resource competition, he has never flinched, and is the ultimate winner every time.

Until this "¨`Dark Alien Lair" dispute!

Because it was too far away from his initial territory, he couldn't fight for it with all his strength.

In the end it was just a tie with the other two lords.

Then, the Lord of Shadow Demon appeared...

"It seems that we have to enter the dark world for the fourth time."


"Fortunately, at the start of this game, all of my subordinates' attributes have increased by 200%!"

"It should be smoother than last time!"

Lord Jack also had a faint worry in his heart.

Because, if he died again after entering this time, even his father would not be able to help him.

To enter the dark world for the fifth time, you need 650 million source crystals to purchase a Level 5 Dark Lord card!

He couldn't take out such a large amount of source crystals.

Even his father can't get it out.


The next fourth entry was his best chance. Even if he was destroyed by others, he would have to wait for him to earn 650 million source crystals before he died.

This means...

He entered the dark world this time, and he must persevere as long as possible!

It must not be easily wiped out again!

"let's start."

Young Jack, took out the Level 4 Dark Lord card that his father had prepared for him long ago, which is worth 72.9 million Yuanjing!


His family is wealthy, and it really allows him to develop better in the dark world, which can be said to break common sense.

But like him...

It is a special situation in itself. There are tens of billions of people on Blue Star, and he is probably the only one in this situation.

"The Fourth Trip to the Dark World..."

"Start now!"

Young Jack took a deep breath.

Use the Level 4 Dark Lord card to enter the dark world for the fourth time!

Disperse with the darkness.

What appeared before his eyes was a blue scene.

A piece of water occupies nearly half of his territory!

"This is…"

"Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom?"

Young Jack took a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"No, this is not the sea."

"It's a freshwater lake!"

"The problem of water and food has been solved directly, and development is now smoother!"

For a dark lord.

How to distinguish between sea water and lake water is a compulsory course.

No matter what rivers, lakes and seas are in the territory... it means that food can be obtained by fishing, which can save a lot of food expenses.

"This place is great, you can start to develop, let's have a ten-game draw first!"

Young Jack, very satisfied with his new initial territory!

Just then.

Had Ye was transforming into darkness, giving up all the territories acquired by the three hostile lords that he had just explored.