
Lord of Conspiration

After surviving the destruction of the world, I woke up again from a long slumber with a young body in the early era of the steam engine. Out of loneliness, I made clones of myself, a boy and a girl. At first everything was fine until I noticed the strangeness of the two Clones. The male clone thinks that he is a secret agent from the kingdom, while the female clone thinks that he is a member of a secret organization that is on the path of evil. While I didn't realize what was really going on, somehow, what the two Clones imagined turned out to be true.

GreedFoxNV · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Bent iron

Time flies so fast, nothing can make me smile except playing with my two siblings. They are very charming with their own personality.

The bookcase was getting smaller, and the books my two brothers had been reading were gone. That's very reasonable, the only entertainment then read every day eventually runs out in a short time. No matter how thick the book is, it will eventually run out.

Then how do I overcome the boredom that arises from running out of entertainment materials? No, it's not magic. The magic show must remain exclusive so as not to destroy my brother's imagination that magic is mysterious.

If only they knew that magic was all a lie, they would definitely be disappointed in me, let time prove it to them, the more they grow they will eventually realize that.

And for now, telling Yulia and Julian that science books are a continuation of the novels they read, maybe not a bad choice. Even if the book isn't as thick as it looks but the contents of the book are really hard to understand you know? I mean the research book of myself and my past comrades.

I know Yulia and Julian will suffer because of this, but it's better than hearing their whining who always ask for books. Even though I already told them that the novel was finished.

Then what happened after a few years? If I hadn't been spouting some bullshit for reading science books to them, they'd have been crying for sure. Then what nonsense do I say to make teenagers who are just adults not annoyed when they read books that are supposed to be shown to Biology students? Yes, that's something everyone should know.

"Open your mouth Yulia. "

Yulia then opened her mouth.

With a flashlight in hand, I then looked at Yulia's oral cavity to check her health. He's growing up healthy, I can tell that.

Slim body, black hair and soft voice, Yulia has grown into a very beautiful teenage girl. I think Yulia is 17 or 18 years old if you look at her physical body, but her demeanor is completely different from what I remember when she was little.

"Brother Rey, how much more chemical mixture do I have to put in the tube. It might explode if it gets too much. "

"A few drops are enough to get the results we want. Yulia, don't push yourself, if it's too hard, you can rest."

"No, brother Rey. It would work, the recipe in the book would work if I tried a little harder. "

"Big brother Rey doesn't force you to help, you can just relax like Julian did. "

Hearing what I said, Yulia sighed softly as if trying to mock Julian.

"—Ah, that kind of person, I don't like to see that guy relax when brother Rey and I are trying hard. "

Actually there was no meaning for Yulia to help me, what she learned was just the basics from Biology and Bio medic books, it didn't really help me at the moment, but because Yulia looked happy, so I let her think like that.

There were a number of things that made me do all of this, it was a simple concern about the survival of me and my brother dan sister.

Over time, I began to notice that the melting ice in this cave rusted some metals that were not properly manufactured. There was some weathering there to the point where metal the size of my hand could bend just from being hit by a rock from above.

I started to consider getting out of this cave with my brother, buildings that are about to collapse are not good to live in, the lab that housed me for hundreds of years is now on the verge of collapsing.

Over the years, I've seen a lot of bent iron, and what could bend iron if it wasn't a boulder? The answer is no, that's very clear.

I didn't know how much longer this place could last, so I worked for months to concoct a chemical bomb to destroy the iron gate. The problem is that the raw materials for making it are very difficult to get even though I use high-tech machines.

I have sometimes thought of using nuclear fusion in the engine room, but I am not foolish enough to expect uncertain results at a great loss.

When I was thinking hard to find a solution, Yulia then spoke to me.

"By the way, about the crooked iron that Rey's brother once complained about, it was all Julian's doing, he was the one who bent it. I've often told that idiot to stop showing off his strength, but he never listens to me. "

Do you think I'll believe it, Yulia? This girl always said strange things, perhaps it was due to the mixing of imagination and true science, that her perceptions had a tendency that was hard to understand.

I mean, how can one mix the Imaginative stuff in novels about superpowers and such with science studying biology? This isn't quantum physics or theoretical math class, really are you kidding me Yulia?

A teenage girl thinks that her brother can bend iron using pure physical strength. This is more than enough evidence to show that Yulia cannot escape her childhood imagination.

After I thought again, was there a comparison to make Yulia realize that what she really thought was actually just fiction?

Theoretically, if Yulia grows up in a normal society, experience and age with the interactions of children her age will eventually make Yulia grow up little by little. But obviously I couldn't live up to that aspect. What I can teach him is very limited.

Maybe in the past, I used to think that when someone grew up they would forget their imagination as a child to switch to a more rational, realistic mindset. But, if there is no evidence at all to wake them up, how can all of that be done?

There are indeed good side effects for Yulia because of that imagination, especially her speed to learn things, but that's about it. There are many things to consider, but for now I will say it explicitly to Yulia.

"Yulia, have you ever thought about getting out of this place? Exploring the world and such, I think that would be great for you. "

I said that in a fairly low tone. While Yulia was silent for a moment, the girl then looked at her other siblings.

"Ha ha. Julian, that sounds like the opening story of the harem adventure you've been waiting for. Shouldn't you be putting a little effort into it, Julian?"

Julian, who was currently leaning against the wall, raised his right hand to train his body with a weight. She had been doing that a lot during this time, apparently after she got bored enough with reading books, she tried to train her body while hoping to become someone who would serve a queen of a kingdom.

For a moment I thought, What member of the kingdom do you want to serve?

And after all these years, his body has become noticeably strong with rock-hard abs and rock-solid arms.

This is a great development for Julian, he is a man who is very diligent in exercising and taking care of his health. Even though what Julian did was based on something imaginative, but it wasn't bad at all.

Sometimes small children need stimulation of the imagination to want to do something good for themselves.

I then nodded my head as my eyes looked at Julian. He then muttered as he placed the weight in his hand onto the floor.

"Of course not. Did you think I would do something like that?"

"... Geez... You really can't do anything. Have you heard that brother Rey often complains about what you did? What's with bending iron? Can't you see that brother Rey is always in trouble? If you don't want to help us, at least you don't bother other people. "

"Hey, so you're saying that just to make fun of me?"

Yulia then crossed her arms while showing a disapproving expression.

"Hmp... Damn you Harem lovers. You deserve to be ridiculed."

Yes, at least the two of them were very familiar.

I still can't believe what Yulia said about Julian being able to bend steel. The human body had a clear limit to how strong they were, the iron in this bunker was made with the finest materials, it was designed to survive any nuclear grade explosion.

While it was true that the steel inside the bunker was of a different grade from that on the outside, it was still impossible to bend with bare hands.

At first glance, given the muscles Julian possessed, one might believe he could bend steel. That leads me to believe that Yulia must be thinking something similar.

But of course, that couldn't be happening. Julian was still a normal human, he couldn't go that far.

I did think that my former Coworkers before they died, might have managed to find a biological breakthrough for the human body that was inserted into my body before I could revive, but they didn't leave any journals, so I can't be sure.

After all, my former co-workers didn't have the courage to trade their time and energy as they battled madness and anxiety.