
Lord of chaotic pupil in Peerless Tang Sect

From the Nine Heaven Ten Earth Great Thousand world a invisible golden light flow through the Space, Xu Hann, the exiled son of the prince of the Sun and Moon Empire, found himself in a desperate situation following the palace change that occurred within the empire. However, amidst the despair, a ray of hope emerged as an unexpected turning point presented itself. The prince's father, who was previously a high-ranking minister, embarked on a daring mission to rescue his son from his life of exile.

DaoistHI4fqd · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Emperor Dragon Soul Instructor Group

The sun rose in the east and set in the west, leaving a large shadow on the ground at the top edge of the city wall on the west side of the island. Xu Hann has seen such a scene countless times in the past three years.

He was imprisoned on this island like a captive domestic animal.

The sea breeze has already made the mellow black tea in the porcelain cup lose its temperature.

A soldier guarding the door of the room lowered his head and walked quickly to Xu Hann, took the teapot from the table knowingly, and was about to go down and make another pot.

Xu Hann waved his hands without interest.

"No, you go down first."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

The soldier stepped back respectfully, exchanged glances with another soldier guarding the door, and then continued to stand straight on both sides of the door.

It is true that Hai Xiao will not have any restrictions on his behavior, but he will always let his subordinates monitor him.

Xu Hann knew that this was probably the order of his cousin Xu Tianran, so he didn't make those meaningless attempts.

Putting the porcelain cup in his hand on the table, he looked thoughtfully at the eastern port.

He possesses the golden boy of the spiritual body Wuhun, his own spiritual power is extremely outstanding, and his five senses are also extremely sharp.

Listening to the voice from the port, the ship that Hai Xiao mentioned earlier with a hundred noble ladies should have arrived.

Not long after, there was a gentle knock on the door. Xu Hann looked sideways knowingly, and the person who came was Hai Xiao, the head of the Xihai soul mentor group that he had seen before.

"His Royal Highness, the empire's ship has arrived at the port, are you going now or..."

"Let's go now, Master Haixiao, please go down and prepare first." Before Haixiao could finish speaking, Xu Hann interrupted it.

Given his current situation, what's the difference between early election and late election? For my poor dignity?

Even life is in the hands of others.

The rose-golden sun disappeared into the horizon, and the night gradually shrouded the boundless sea.

The soul guide lamp in the room had been lit by the soldiers outside the door, but Xu Hann was still sitting on the chair by the glass window, supporting his head with one hand on his cheek. The noble and glamorous purple eyes dazzled people.

The soldier who had just turned on the soul guide lamp suddenly felt a quiver in his heart, and looked in Xu Hann's direction in surprise.

For a moment, he actually felt an extremely dangerous aura from His Royal Highness.

But he quickly came back to his senses, scolded himself for thinking wildly in his heart, and then left the room.


The bright silver moon hangs in the night sky, reflecting misty reflections on the sea.

This is an unknown sea in the west of the Sun Moon Empire.

A black shadow suddenly drilled out of the sea water, rolling up a large spray, causing the reflection of the silver moon to shatter.

Sombra's body shape is very strange, the upper body maintains the appearance of a human, but the lower body has a wide tail fin. The skin all over the body is dark, giving people a metallic texture. The weirdest thing is that there is a huge spiral horn on his forehead, which is more than three meters long.

"The fourth soul skill, Stormy Seas!"

A low shout sounded suddenly, and the fourth soul ring beside Heiying suddenly became brighter. The rich sky-blue soul power overflowed from his body, and an ethereal and long soft chant pierced the sky.

The translucent narwhal phantom gradually solidified behind him, and crashed towards him like a real entity.

And on the sea directly in front of him, a black and purple phantom flashed past, and then a hideous giant suddenly appeared in front of him.

The whole body of this monster was covered with black and purple scales, and the length of its body that was exposed on the sea surface was already more than ten meters long. The cold purple vertical boy exudes a faint light like a lantern, and the sharp teeth are still stained with dark red blood.

"Hiss hiss——" the monster raised its head to the sky and let out a sharp hiss. The originally calm sea began to become turbulent, and its tail also covered with black and purple scales surged out of the sea, directly facing the blue sea. A solid phantom of a narwhal.

The phantom of the narwhal was at least twenty meters away, but it was instantly crushed by the monster's tail.

The water mist from the sky fell on the sea surface, making a crisp rushing sound.

Through the moonlight, he could clearly see the gloomy expression on Hei Ying's face.

This is a rough middle-aged man in his forties. The reason why he became like this is naturally because he used the ability of Wuhun.

The spirit possessed by the beast soul master.

The whole body of the middle-aged man was stained with blood, and he could even see many wounds.

"Damn it, how could there be a 20,000-year-old Sea Viper here." The middle-aged man cursed secretly, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his shining eyes.

"Since we're here, we don't have to worry about the two soul engineer groups that alarmed the Sun Moon Empire."

He was ready to fight to the death.

With sixty-fourth-level soul power, his martial soul black-striped narwhal is also a very powerful martial soul. If it was his heyday, he certainly wouldn't be afraid of the 20,000-year-old sea viper in front of him, but now he has been seriously injured, and the soul power in his body is less than 50% of what it was at the peak. Facing such a powerful sea spirit beast, his chances of winning are not high.

But he has no choice now, and it will be difficult for him to persist if he continues to escape.

In order to rescue the young master, he must survive, and then convey this crucial message.

There were bursts of metal collision sounds, and two thick black gun barrels appeared out of nowhere on his shoulders, and there were several smaller gun barrels above his arms.

He is not only a soul emperor, but also a powerful sixth-level soul engineer. He didn't use these soul guides that burdened his body just to save his soul power and escape.

Dazzling white light spewed out of the gun barrel, as if it was about to turn into a dense soul guide beam and cover the sea adder in the next moment.

But at this moment, a deep tiger roar resounded through the sky, and a huge black-winged tiger that was a little bigger than the sea viper hovered in front of Yinyue.

Two yellows, two purples, four blacks, the seventh black soul ring is shining faintly. It turned out to be a Contra level powerhouse who was using Wuhun Avatar.

The fur color of the two-winged black tiger is dark purple and black, and the willow leaf-shaped black, gray and white stripes are distributed from the top of the head to the tail and buttocks. The body is thick and slender, and there are some pockmarks on the face.

Flapping its wings like covering the sky and covering the sun, it was already in front of the ten-thousand-year-old sea viper in a breath, and the surrounding space seemed to be cut open between the waves of its black and non-variety tiger claws. It made the skin of middle-aged people feel a tingling pain.

"Dongdongdong..." Several huge snake bodies fell into the sea, and the overflowing blood stained the surrounding sea area blood red.

A deep light condensed on the broken corpse, and a powerful ten-thousand-year sea soul beast fell.

Looking at the ferocious black-winged giant tiger in front of him, the middle-aged man finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said hastily with relief.

"Division commander, I have confirmed the location of the island where the young master is being held."

The black-winged giant tiger's body surface's soul power radiance converged, and it turned into an old man about fifty years old. The old man's figure is not tall, but it gives people a fierce feeling. The whole body is covered with a deep purple dragon pattern armor stomach, and there are three deep claw marks on the right eye, and a pair of tiger eyes are extremely oppressive.

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the old man first frowned in surprise, but quickly restrained his emotions and stared at the middle-aged man coldly.

"This is your first and last time acting on your own initiative."

The middle-aged man withdrew his martial spirit, and his pale face changed.

"Yes, division commander."

The old man standing in the void waved his right hand indifferently, and the middle-aged man was pulled by his strong soul power, and violently fell behind him.

A strange scene appeared.

On the originally empty sea, a warship with a length of 100 meters gradually appeared. The whole body of the warship is covered with unknown metal, and the soul guide gun tubes are mounted on both sides, shining coldly under the moonlight.

On the deck of the warship, forty or fifty soldiers also wearing dark purple dragon pattern armor stomachs stood proudly, with a sense of killing spontaneously.

The middle-aged man fell heavily on the deck, involving the wound on his body, making the corner of his mouth twitch.

The old man landed on the deck after him, and the soldiers on the deck naturally heard the conversation between the two, and all looked at the old man with burning eyes.

Sure enough, the old man looked around the crowd for a week, pondered for a moment, and then shouted coldly: "I belong to the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group. After two hours of rest, come with me to rescue the young master!"

The emotions brewing in the eyes of the soldiers were finally ignited, and they knelt down on one knee, clenched their right fists firmly against their left chests.

"Yes, division commander!"

The Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group belongs to the five soul engineer groups directly under the Sun Moon Empire. It is called the Hand of the Nation, and it is the most powerful group besides the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group.

Every division head is a member of the Sun Moon Empire's royal family, and the last division head was Xu Hann's father.

The old man's name is Wang Xiao, and he was the former deputy head of the Imperial Dragon Soul Engineer Corps.

The sea fog was hazy, Wang Xiao stood in front of the battleship deck, his hands holding the fence trembled slightly.

He is not only the deputy head of the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group, but also a retainer of Xu Hann's family. The soldiers of the former Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps who defected with him are all direct descendants of Xu Hann's family.

A young man in his thirties walked from the cabin to the deck and quietly came behind Wang Yao. His figure belongs to the kind of relatively slender, feminine and delicate face. If it weren't for the obvious masculine features at the throat, he could easily be mistaken for a woman at first glance.

The long black hair was combed meticulously, draped over her shoulders, giving off the suave air of a gentleman. Unlike the soldiers of the Emperor Dragon Soul Master Corps, he was not wearing a deep purple dragon-pattern armor, but a luxurious white soul master robe.

The young man took a few steps forward and leaned against the fence side by side with Wang Xiao, his deep black childlike eyes followed Wang Xiao's eyes to look at the dark sea in the distance.

"Uncle Wang."

"Yaoyang, in fact, you don't need to come with us. If the matter is revealed, you can only live a life of escape like us. I am afraid that your family's hereditary title for thousands of years will also be taken back." Wang Xiao still looked at Looking at the distant sea area, a pair of majestic tiger eyes are rare to have some other emotions.

Yao Yang smiled wryly and shook his head, but his tone was extremely firm.

"If it wasn't for the prince and you, I wouldn't have survived until now, and the blood of my family would have been cut off in my generation, let alone the hereditary title. If you want to flee, you can flee. I have already lived such a stable life. I'm tired of it. I've spent my whole life repaying the kindness of His Majesty the Prince, but now I'm rescuing his only heir, if I just sit back and watch, I really can't make it through myself."

"If you succeed in rescuing the young master this time, your identity as Viscount Yuenan may not just be discarded like this."

A flash of reminiscence flashed in Wang Xiao's eyes, and he was not surprised by Yao Yang's attitude. He smiled inexplicably and patted his shoulder.

Yao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Uncle Wang, do you agree with my previous proposal?"

"Everything will wait until the young master is rescued."

Wang Xiao waved his hands, but did not give an affirmative answer. Then he turned around and came to the soldiers who were already ready to go.

Meng Cang, who was seriously injured before, was among them. Under the treatment of the soul master of the healing department, his physical injuries have basically healed. But after suffering such a trauma, it is not possible to recover overnight.

Wang Xiao glanced coldly at Meng Cang, but kicked him out of the team.

Among the soldiers of the former Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Corps, Wang Xiao was obviously very prestigious. The entire deck was silent, Meng Cang opened his mouth to say something, but he closed his mouth after all.

Wang Xiao selected five people from the team to stay on the warship with Meng Cang one after another. Without saying much, he jumped from the deck directly to the sea with a big wave of his hand.

Yao Yang and the group of more than forty soldiers from the original Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group followed closely behind, and the light of soul power flickered continuously in the darkness.

Small boats were taken out of the soul guide and floated on the sea one after another.

This kind of boat is very strange, without sails, and the hull is long and narrow. There are only three seats on each boat.

To be precise, this kind of boat can be regarded as a third-level soul tool, and each of them has a third-level propulsion core magic circle engraved inside. As long as you inject soul power, you can maintain high-speed sailing.

Everyone poured their soul power into it alternately to ensure that their soul power was at its peak, and at the same time maintained the queue and drove towards the faintly visible island in the distance.

Yao Yang, who was on the same boat as Wang Xiao, suddenly changed. A head of long black hair fluttered in the wind, and her originally feminine temperament became extremely gloomy and cold. The whole person's body became illusory, turning into a pitch-black phantom, and a thick black mist rose from under his feet. Those black eyes also turned blood red.

Very weird.

One yellow, three purple, three black, seven soul rings that exceeded the ratio of ordinary soul masters rose from under their feet one after another. It seems that he is less than thirty years old, but he is already a strong man of the soul saint level.

While the black soul ring in fifth place was shining, he said in a deep voice to everyone: "Be careful not to leave the range of my fifth soul skill."

Before the words were finished, the soldiers and the boats under their feet disappeared on the sea one after another. It was as if the previous scene had never happened.

Unwillingly, Meng Cang punched the deck hard, with an annoyed look on his face.

Among the soldiers remaining on the warship, a young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old quickly knelt down and helped Meng Cang up. A little dissatisfaction appeared on the simple and honest face that was eighty percent similar to Meng Cang.

"Father, you have made great contributions this time. It is really unfair for the head of the division to treat you like this."

The dissatisfaction is not only for his father, but also for himself.

He originally wanted to show off his skills, but his first mission to join the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group ended in this way. It is impossible to say that there is no emotion in the heart.

Hearing what his son Meng Lang said, the annoyance on Meng Cang's face was swept away, his eyes widened, he raised his head abruptly, swung his right arm and slapped his son hard.

"Bang, bang, bang——" Meng Lang was knocked down on the deck by the fan and bounced three times in a row. His body and the fine iron guardrail were tightly fitted together. One can imagine how strong the slap was. Heavy.

"Bastard!" Meng Cang's chest heaved in anger, his previous injuries were affected, and he coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

Meng Lang resisted the burning pain on his cheeks and body, looked at his furious father, and lowered his head in fear and aggrieved.

It took a long time to calm down before Meng Cang covered his forehead and sighed to Meng Lang: "Didn't you realize that all the division commanders left behind, except for Lao Cheng, all had soul powers that hadn't broken through level 50?! Your soul power is only level 40." , and you didn't even get the fourth soul ring, what can you do after you go?! It's just a burden to go. There are two soul engineer groups there, and the Xihai soul engineer group is not as strong as ours The Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group, but it is also one of the few elite soul engineer groups in the Sun Moon Empire."

"Forget about Lao Meng, Meng Lang is just a little young and energetic. Isn't it the same for us back then?"

The other five soldiers who were left behind were all older, and one of them quickly smoothed things over and came to meng lang's side to help him up.

"Old man, don't speak for this bastard."

Meng Cang's eyes on Meng Lang were still vicious, but seeing his old brothers who had been through life and death for decades come forward, he couldn't get angry again

Meng Lang stood up and touched his swollen cheek, full of resentment.

His character is simple and honest, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. At this time, it is natural to go downhill, not daring to offend his father's bad luck.


In the hall on the first floor of the castle shrouded in soul guide lights, Xu Hann sat silently on the central seat and tasted the fragrant juice squeezed from fresh fruits that had just been shipped from the Sun Moon Empire. Sitting on the upper left beside him is Hai Xiao, and on the upper right is Master Yu Yun, the head of the Lan Hai Soul Instructor Group who escorted the hundred noble ladies over.

A group of soul engineers formed by the border cities of the West Sea of ​​the Sun Moon Empire.

The level of soldiers is uneven, far inferior to Shanghai Xiao's Xihai soul engineer group. There are only a hundred people.

As the head of the division, Yu Yun is dozens of years older than Hai Xiao, but his cultivation has only just broken through to the soul sage, and he still relies on medicine to assist him, so his life may stop here. His posture in front of Hai Xiao, the eighth-level soul engineer, was very low.

Xu Hann propped his chin with his right hand and looked up. The whole hall was full of Yingying and Yanyan. Although a number of noble ladies were talking with each other, he knew which noble ladies' attention was actually on his side.

"Hmph." Laughed lightly in his heart, the scene in front of him reminded him of the time before he was exiled to this island.

At that time, he was still the only son of a powerful prince, and the various nobles of the Sun Moon Empire thought of ways to send the family's first daughter to his mansion, just to find a chance to contact him and seek the tiny chance of marriage.

It was so similar to the current scene, but his two situations were completely different.

Those aristocratic ladies in the hall, either glamorous or pure, always inadvertently tried their best to show their best scenes in front of him.

But the joys and sorrows of people are not connected, Xu Hann just thinks they are noisy.

But in order to satisfy his cousin Xu Tianran, he still pretended to be picking on the surface.

Perhaps as Hai Xiao said before, he can keep all these noble ladies. But this is not in line with the character he has shown in the past.

In order to avoid any accidents, he still only intends to select ten of them.

Of course it comes according to your own preferences. After all, he has no need to wrong himself.