
Lord of Annihilation

What does it mean to truly be alone? To lose your friends, loved ones, and your entire species. Are humans truly alone in this vast cosmos, or is there a greater stage awaiting it to enter? Is Death really the end? Or is there something beyond it? Follow along with Lucius, a man who was once truly alone for 300 years, as he returns to the past once again in order to break free from 'The Rules' and 'Them' The only path to the end is through Annihilation! ------------------- Volume 1 Synopsis: Lucius returns 300 years to the past, along with Ka'lor'ah, to the year 2320. Carefully having to manipulate 'Cause and Effect' without being discovered by 'Them', he has to ensure Mankind's survival and prevent its annihilation during its 'Ascension'. But can mankind's fate really be changed so easily or is it destined to fall during its 'Ascension'? ------------------- Volume 2 Synopsis: With the awakening of their souls, mankind has found the path to greater power. Enemies within and without, Mankind must band together in order to survive. Will it manage to rise above its Ordeals to truly Ascend? Or is it destined for a fate of 'utter annihilation? Meanwhile, Lucius awakens his true bloodline. A rotting darkness that feeds upon everything. A madness that threatens to swallow him whole. A price too great to pay. Alas, darker powers lay in the shadows, waiting. ------------------- Volume 3 Synopsis: Where lies Good and where lies Evil? What defines a Friend and who can become an enemy? With the fate of the Universe as his goal, Lucius must the calamitous waters of a politically divided Grand Alacana Empire to forge his path to victory. However, where does victory lie? And is it worth the sacrifice it demands?

C0nstance · Fantasy
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412 Chs


"I measured her." Lucius casually answered, slightly tilting his head in confusion.

Back in Pectron, when Lucius was performing the procedure on Olivia, he had flooded her entire body with his soul power. Since he was looking for the root of the Curse Energy within her body, Lucius had scanned Olivia in her entirety, noting her bone structure and density, muscle distribution, organ placements, etc. 

The matter regarding her sizes was simply another result of this detailed scanning. Therefore, it was not wrong to say that Lucius had indeed 'measured' Olivia.

But of course, when heard without the above context, the listener's mind would most often arrive at another conclusion. And such was the case with Reyna.

'Wa-wai-wait! He measured her?? Does that mean Olivia stripp--!! NO! No, stop thinking!! I don't want to get into any more trouble!!!' Reyna hurriedly shook her head to clear her mind.