
Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Alaric embarks on a journey to the realm of Lords, where everyone possesses the potential to ascend to godhood. However, this lofty goal proves challenging for Alaric, a mere traveler in this unfamiliar world. Unlike the native, who possess innate talents after awakening, Alaric lacks such abilities. Despite this, he manages to awaken as a Lord, albeit without any inherent talents. But determined to pursue his dream of becoming great at the risk of his life, Alaric's fortunes take a turn when his long-awaited cheat finally manifests! ...... For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 64: Daily Attributes Gathering! So Rich? 

"You boy, Gob Pink!"

"Gob Yellow."

"Gob Blue.

"Gob Green.

"King Gob"

"Gob Yellow-Green"

"Gob Green-Yellow"

Alaric discovered for the first time that naming was really difficult.

He relied on his impressions and tried to give the goblins the same names.

But behind, a group of green goblins stood in front of him, making Alaric feel dazzled.

In the end, he gave up completely and started adding colors, surnames, etc. casually.

Think about it one by one. Anyway, at least the result will be good if there are no duplicate names.

"Hey, you made my mouth dry!"

"Alaric-sama, here~ This is the mountain spring water we collected five kilometers away. It is very refreshing!"

Shion is indeed the most suitable person to be a secretary, she has everything covered.

She had already prepared these, and when his voice was dry, she took the initiative to hand over the water.

And at the same time.

Alaric drank water while checking the naming harvest this time.

There is no doubt that after being named, the goblin directly became part of his own camp and shared their destiny.

However, those with higher sharing values ​​are those who originally had names and surnames.

Village chief Rigurd.

Rigur, the son of the village chief.

And the author's adopted son, Gobta who is not the protagonist but has the aura of the protagonist.

Even the luck shared by Gobuta is ten points higher for one goblin!

He was actually on par with Shion who was resurrected from the dead.

The village chief and others only shared about two or three points.

The rest of the goblins are mainly in groups, and only a few points will be reported in a large group.

But it's better in numbers.

After all the goblins in the entire tribe were named.

Adding everything together, Alaric's extra destiny luck has reached 66 to 89 points!

"Speaking of which, there are also lizard tribes, Orc tribes, fang wolf tribes, etc., all distributed in this large forest, and they can all be conquered."

"The Orc Clan is more troublesome, but as long as I deal with the Orc Emperor, he can handle it directly.

An army of two hundred thousand Orcs!

Even if it takes a few thousand units to share a bit of destiny for such units that appear in batches, then there are still dozens or hundreds of points! 

"Shuna, form two teams. One team will find the location of the Orc Emperor, and the other team will find this place!"

The place Alaric pointed to was the sealed cave in the Jura Forest.

If there is no accident, the storm dragon Veldora is sealed here.

Of course, if nothing unexpected happens, he might encounter a certain slime here.

But Alaric is not sure whether this world has been crossed by slimes, or whether it is a parallel world without slimes.

So he asked someone to confirm it.

If not, then he will consider conquering the storm dragon Veldora in the future, but only if he obtains props or skills that can unlock the infinite prison in the world of lords.

Of course, it doesn't matter if slime comes.

After all, this guy is an otaku that loves world peace.

On the way to becoming stronger, Slime was completely pushed by others. If it weren't for so many enemies coming to show off and slap him in the face, Slime would have no interest in becoming stronger at all.

So Alaric eliminated all these enemies in advance and raised the slime as a mascot.

After the affairs of the Jura Forest are arranged.

Alaric does not need to do the rest of the construction himself.

When the garrison barracks converts the land here, the blueprint will take effect.

After collecting basic resources and returning them, he can complete the construction of the Lightning Tower.

Other things like finding a race also have to be done step by step.

On the other side, in the world of the Demon Slayer.

The Demon Slayer Squad has been ordered to lurk in the train station.

However, the lower rank demon has not yet appeared, and there is no fighting for the time being.

Alaric took some time off and opened the group chat, only to find that the girls in the group seemed to have stayed in the group and never left.

No matter what time, the group is always lively.

Shinobu: The first day that Alaric-kun didn't come over ~ I missed him!

Shinobu: The first day Alaric-kun didn't summon me ~ I missed him!

Shinobu: The first day that Alaric-kun didn't join the group ~ I missed him!

Keqing: What happened to you Shinobu-chan?

Erina: Are you feeling lovesick?

Misaka Mikoto: Is Alaric-kun really so charming?

Kanae: Sister, please restrain yourself, there are many people in the group watching!

Shinobu: Woohoo~ It's mainly because I haven't seen Alaric-kun since I introduced Aoi to Alaric-kun yesterday~ I feel like I've greenlit myself!

Kanae: Shinobu-chan, just get used to it, there are still many people in the group staring at Alaric-kun body~

Shinobu: But Aoi is still very good. After getting enough rest today, she still works very diligently in the Butterfly Mansion, making it hard to find fault.

Umaru: It's the first day of freedom, so refreshing!

Miko Yotsuya: Umaru-chan is so good. Since you separated from your brother, no one cares about you and you can party all night long!

Mai Sakurajima: Umaru-chan, you seem to have heavy dark circles under your eyes again? Could it be that you stayed up late playing games?

Umaru: That's necessary!

Umaru: By the way, I got you in the game, Sister Keqing! Your sword skills are so sexy, you twist your butt every time~!


Erina: Your world also has her origins?

Umaru: It seems like things have changed a lot since I moved out. There are a lot more games and anime that Alaric-kun mentioned~

Shinobu: So, after the plot completely collapsed, the development of the world also changed?

[Group reminder: Group leader Alaric sent a gold coin red envelope! ]

Alaric directly started to receive a daily red envelope.

Without further ado, the doctor will check the attributes of the group first.

[Interact with Esdeath, feedback reward: elemental affinity +10, gain control of ice element!]

[Interact with Sakurajima Mai, feedback reward: mental attribute +5, 'outside invisibility' enhancement +1! ]

[Interact with Umaru, feedback reward: physical attribute points +2, "size change anywhere" enhancement +1! ]

[Interact with Shinobu, feedback reward: Toxin Bottle +100, 'Insect Demon Slayer Soldier' ​​Strengthening +1!]

[Interact with Miko Yotsuya, feedback reward: mental attribute +10, spiritual vision enhancement +1!]

[Interact with Erina, feedback reward: taste enhancement +10, mental attribute +1, explosive-level cook (rare critic) +5! ]

[Interact with Keqing, feedback reward: sword skill enhancement +3, elemental affinity +10, gain control of the thunder element!]

[Interact with Shuna, feedback reward: physical attribute +10, 'Great Oni Swordsman and Oni Fire User' each strengthened +1!]

[Interact with Misaka Mikoto, feedback reward: physical attribute +3, elemental affinity +3, 'Thunder Element Control' enhancement +1! ]

[Interact with Kanae, feedback reward: poison bottle +100, flower breathing skill book +10!]


This time, Alaric was dumbfounded.

He thought it was just an ordinary red envelope.

Why does he feel like he got a lot of things this time?

Even the red envelope he gave out this time was only ten thousand gold coins, not the direct one hundred thousand gold coins like the last time he passed the assessment.

The amounts of various attributes have increased.


What was previously reported as feedback has even been strengthened.

Alaric randomly clicked on one and found that there was indeed an additional [+1] strengthening symbol, and the effect had also increased.

For example, for out-of-bounds invisibility, the limit distance has been increased by one meter.

The attribute multiplication of the size change anywhere has also been increased by 10%.


He actually activated two element controls!

Although the attribute value in his element column is high, it has always been [None].

The value of this attribute represents the degree to which it can defend against elemental attacks.

But it can only defend, not use elements.

Only after unlocking elemental control can you mobilize elements as a means of attack.

And now, the data in his column has become——


He can mobilize 150 points of thunder and ice elements for his own use.

As for the defensive resistance of thunder and ice, it is directly doubled.

Keqing: Thank you Leader, you're so generous!

Umaru: Thank you Leader, you're so generous!

Miko Yotsuya: Thank you Leader, you're so generous!

Erina: Why did Alaric-kun stop talking after giving out red envelopes this time? Didn't you always come out and say some flirty words after giving out red envelopes before?

Alaric: Did I say anything sexy?

Alaric: I was just thinking about something...

Keqing: Which girl are you thinking of? Shinobu-chan is almost lovesick because of you. Are you still thinking of other girls?

Alaric: Tsk~ If Shinobu-chan misses me, I can go over to find her at any time. But if you miss me. I can't go over to you now~ (smirk)

Keqing: Who, who misses you~ Shameless!!! (Hmph~)

Although the topic was changed, the idea in Alaric's mind never faded for a long time.

Destiny and luck!

There is so much feedback this time, probably because his destiny value is high!

So these random harvests will become richer!

After all, the more life the protagonist has, the easier and more ways to obtain things!

As for how to verify?



Alaric: Everyone, I am going to draw a top prize pool again. Do you want to come and see it?

A single draw is the best way to verify his luck!


[Tl/n: Looking for new fanfic to read while waiting for update for your favourite fanfic? Don't worry, I gotchu. If you like my works, you will definitely also love this too!

Titled: Hunted by characters I Drew!!]