
Lord Klaus’ Fated Vampire Mate

Mara is a special, rare vampire who wasn’t allowed to go outside until she clocked twenty, for her own safety. There, she comes across the most breathtaking man ever and discovers he was her soulmate, but he turns out to be soulmates with her elder sister, and rejects her at once. Mara wasn’t happy, but her sister’s happiness came first, so she took the rejection in one stride and went her way. To her bewilderment, she was accused of the murder of her elder sister the very next day, by none other than her soulmate, Lord Klaus. Three-hundred years old Lord Klaus is a very ruthless and feared Vampire King, a dark soul that loves orderliness as much as he loves power. Mara is a huge disruption in his perfectly outlined life, ruining a lot of plans with her sudden presence, and he hates her so much because of that, making him determined to make her life a living hell. With feelings managing to bloom in the most unexpected and complicated situation, falling in love just couldn’t be helped, nor avoided. But when centuries-old secrets and truths start to unravel, Mara realizes that her whole life might be a lie, resulting in life-threatening dangers arising, thrusting not only Mara into the midst of it, but also Klaus. It was intense, gruesome, life-altering, and chaos was bound to happen. What’s going to happen to Mara? ~~~ EXCERPT ~~~ “Why don’t you just let me die? Why?! Dammit, why?” He took in a single breath before responding. “Because I wanted to kill you myself.” “Oh, yeah?” She sneered. “Do it then! Fucking kill me.” He cocked his head and scoffed. “Maybe if you ask nicely next time like a good girl, I’ll consider doing it.” He inched closer, backing her against the wall until there was nowhere she could run to. He lifted a hand and wrapped it around her throat, which he used in briskly tugging her face close to his. “But, for now, you’re gonna have to stay alive. Not because I give a fuck whether you live or not, but because I know that staying alive is a bigger punishment to you than death.”

Smol_Bunny_2318 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


Klaus's POV


As the darkness settled, I struck with deadly precision, sinking my fangs into the neck of one of the bears, draining its life force. 


Blood spilled from the wound, staining my lips as I savored the taste of victory. The remaining bears, fueled by anger and desperation, continued their assault, but my vampiric abilities proved too formidable.


Now there were only three bears. This would give me enough room to attack them the same way I had killed the other one.


With more strikes, I weakened another bear, my supernatural strength overpowering their magical defenses. Bones cracked, fur matted with blood, and the once majestic creatures now laid broken and defeated. The forest floor littered with the purple remnants of their futile struggle.


Their mystical blood flowed into the ground as they looked at me with dying eyes before I released a flurry of shadow blades which tore through the dying creatures, leaving only one to be alive.


I walked to that one, bending to meet the struggling animal.


"You all should have walked away from this fight but here we are."


I felt bad for the creature.


With a sigh, I stood up and decided to leave the creature when I found the other dead bears void of their purple glow.


I heard something growl behind me which notified me that I had made a very terrible mistake letting that bear go free.


"You don't have to do this," I said. "You can run off right now and I won't have to tear you apart. I promise."


But it was a wasted effort.


The growls got louder and louder as I turned to see the bear towering over me with its entire body glowing purple under my shadow cloak I had created.


This was going to be a very long fight.


I was here to spend time with Mara, not fight with mystical creatures. I had to find a way to stop this fight from going out of hand.


The bear possessed a magnificent coat of shimmering fur that seemed to radiate with an otherworldly purple glow. Its eyes gleamed with an intense intelligence, matching my own piercing gaze.


It roared in my direction, bringing down its paw on me as I blocked with a hand. The immense force traveled through my body as the ground shattered under my weight, creating a small crater.


Another hit like that and the ground would give way.


With a smack, I sent the bear flying into the distance before zipping into it.


The bear possessed immense strength and speed, a rare combination that made it a formidable opponent for any creature foolish enough to cross its path. 


It was different from before and even when it was alone, it was far stronger than the other dead bears when they were alive.


Its paws were the size of dinner plates, each claw gleaming like polished silver. It had grown in size, almost doubling its normal size.


I was undeterred by the bear's intimidating presence, and felt a surge of excitement course through my veins. I relished the challenge that laid before me, a chance to test my skills against a creature of such power. 


In my long existence, I had encountered many foes, but none quite like this mystical bear. This was the first time I was seeing a bear which could join its powers with those of its dead brethren.


With a sly smile playing on my lips, I extended my claws, ready to engage in a battle that promised to be legendary.


The bear, sensing my aggression, let out a deep, rumbling growl that reverberated through the shadows. Its muscles rippled beneath its majestic fur, showcasing its incredible might. 


With lightning speed, it lunged at me catching me off guard, its massive paws swiping through the air with deadly precision. 


I relied on my agility and reflexes, swiftly dodging the bear's attacks, my movements a blur in the darkness.


As the battle raged on, the land became a stage for an epic clash of supernatural forces. My vampiric abilities allowed me to move with uncanny grace, my fangs glinting in the dark as I launched counterattacks. 


However, the mystical bear's sheer strength and ferocity proved to be a formidable challenge. With each swipe of its claws, the nearby trees caught in the way splintered and the ground trembled, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.


I was holding back from letting go of my full power as well as controlling how far the shadows would cover so we would not be seen by the outside world.


The battle continued, the air filled with the sounds of snarls, growls, and the clash of supernatural forces. We displayed an unwavering determination, refusing to yield to the other's power. 


That was when I realized something. Despite my cunning and centuries of experience, I had underestimated the sheer might of the mystical bear. 


It possessed a raw power that surpassed anything I had encountered before. With a mixture of admiration and caution, I recalibrated my strategy, realizing that my survival hinged on finding a weakness in this formidable opponent.


Slashing its body with my claws didn't do anything. Its body healed almost immediately which was terrible for me.


That was when I decided to let loose to show it what I was capable of doing.


I released more shadows from inside me, taking a stance which made the bear to stand its ground.


I waited for it to move before releasing my weapons which whizzed into its body, tearing it apart and bringing it down.


With a final, merciless blow, I refused to mercy for the creature as I disposed of the last bear, its lifeless body collapsing to the ground. The silence that followed was only interrupted by the soft rustling of leaves as the wind carried the scent of death through the shadows.


I had won this fight and saved Mara from dying on her first day to the grasslands. I released the shadows and saw her standing before me.