
Lord Dylans' pet

Evie Wiggs, the daughter of Lord Fredrick who was the former Lord of the country before he died. Her mother who was Lady Elizabeth, the Lady was well for her ruthless behavior and this made the people talk about her, even after her death. Back then, Evie had her secret lover who often suffered the wrath of Lady Elizabeth. Her secret lover was a simpleton, a young skinny boy who cared for their horses. Dylan. They usually rode on horses to the highest mountain to get away from the Lady. The death of the Lord and Lady was a tragic one for the Wiggs family. People began mocking and spreading bad rumors about them. Everyone she knew and loved let her, including her lover. Her lover left the country when she least expected it. It was rumored that he was banned years ago by Lord Frederick. Oh yes, it was true Lord Frederick banned him, to secure a brighter future for his daughter. Three years he came back to claim what's rightfully his in a revengeful way, after learning the truth about Evie Wiggs. ……………………………………………………………………………… "Dylan, we'll destroy ourselves," she said. "Then let's do that, again and again," he said caressing her hair. "You are the only one in this country, who has the right to call me by my name." She took a step back and the wall hit her back. He placed his hands above her shoulder, trapping her between himself and the wall. Then he began leaving wet trails on her neck, leaving her insides on fire. Standing right in front of her was no longer her lover she once knew, but the devil himself. She swallowed nervously as soon as he drew her to himself. He wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled against her hair. "Did you perhaps, use lavender?" he asked. "Yes," she said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. "You never change," he said tightening his grip on her. And his effect on her never changed, she hated it. At that moment, she knew what he was capable of. He could have anyone else, but he chose to have her and destroy her. And she couldn't do a thing about it.

Vicky_Amy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

As Evie was about to walk into the room, she met a rather annoyed Duke, stomping out of the bar room.

He stared at her before clutching his fist, shaking his head, and walking away.

She crossed her fingers hoping the worst didn't just happen.

"What's wrong with The duke, my Lord?" she asked.

"I don't answer questions," Lord Dylan replied with no expression on his face.

Evie knew deep down that Lord Dylan did something really bad in her absence.

She ran out of the bar room to meet up with The duke.

But he'd left with his horse carriage.

Now, how's she gonna go home...huh?

She placed her hand on her head and sighed sadly.

Why does everything have to turn sour when least expected.

She boarded a taxi with her last dollar note.

On getting home she was exhausted and she met her younger ones asleep on the worn-out sofa.

Why did Dylan have to come back as lord Dylan...everything about him changed.

She was occupied with her thoughts and dozed off without knowing.


In the early morning, she had her bath and got ready to go to her workplace.

Junior had gone to school and Sophia was in her room, knitting.

Evie wore blue checker clothes that were too short for her, but she had to wear them as there was no money to waste on clothes.

She was about to go when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it and saw the same guard she'd seen just yesterday.

He handed her an envelope without saying anything and left.


She closed the door and hurriedly tore open the envelope to read the letter.

It was a break-up letter from The duke of Flummingtin.

She was devastated knowing that she and her siblings would never be free from this poverty bondage.

She folded the letter and ripped it apart before disposing of it away.

Then she headed to work.

When I mean work...not those kinda work where your ass is stuck on the chair for nearly a whole day.

But the type that involves cleaning and scrubbing...

With this job, she earned a hundred dollars at the end of the month.

It wasn't much but it was manageable.

She got to Mrs. Sylver's house, where she worked.

She vacuumed the whole house, scrubbed the rugs and carpets, washed her employee's clothes, then finally cleaned the whole house with warm soapy water.

She always felt exhausted at the end.

There's no way she can continue with this job for the rest of her life.

Maybe she'd consider the young professor at the end of the street.

He's not that bad looking himself.

She then took her to leave and went home.

When she got home she shut her room door and slumped on the bed.

What a hectic day for her!

The door opened and there stood Sophia with a tray that held tea and cookies.

Sophia was gifted in making great teas and cookies despite her current condition.

Evie lazily sat by the side of her bed.

"Evie you could have told me you were back, I made tea," Sophia said standing beside the door.

Evie stood up and muttered a "thanks." before leading Sophia to the bed and they both sat down.

Evie took the hot tea and slowly pipped it, then took the cooking in her mouth and munched it.

"You know Robert visited me today," Sophia began.

"I hope he wasn't acting naughty around you?" Evie asked not looking at her sister.

"My!, no he did not!" Sophia exclaimed.

"He was nice to me," Sophia continued.

"He is a nice lad," Evie said.

"And he brought chocolates for me," Sophia said bringing out a red box from under Evie's bedspread.

"Aww that's so nice of him, he's a gentleman," Evie said and Sophia grinned widely.