
Lord Dylans' pet

Evie Wiggs, the daughter of Lord Fredrick who was the former Lord of the country before he died. Her mother who was Lady Elizabeth, the Lady was well for her ruthless behavior and this made the people talk about her, even after her death. Back then, Evie had her secret lover who often suffered the wrath of Lady Elizabeth. Her secret lover was a simpleton, a young skinny boy who cared for their horses. Dylan. They usually rode on horses to the highest mountain to get away from the Lady. The death of the Lord and Lady was a tragic one for the Wiggs family. People began mocking and spreading bad rumors about them. Everyone she knew and loved let her, including her lover. Her lover left the country when she least expected it. It was rumored that he was banned years ago by Lord Frederick. Oh yes, it was true Lord Frederick banned him, to secure a brighter future for his daughter. Three years he came back to claim what's rightfully his in a revengeful way, after learning the truth about Evie Wiggs. ……………………………………………………………………………… "Dylan, we'll destroy ourselves," she said. "Then let's do that, again and again," he said caressing her hair. "You are the only one in this country, who has the right to call me by my name." She took a step back and the wall hit her back. He placed his hands above her shoulder, trapping her between himself and the wall. Then he began leaving wet trails on her neck, leaving her insides on fire. Standing right in front of her was no longer her lover she once knew, but the devil himself. She swallowed nervously as soon as he drew her to himself. He wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled against her hair. "Did you perhaps, use lavender?" he asked. "Yes," she said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. "You never change," he said tightening his grip on her. And his effect on her never changed, she hated it. At that moment, she knew what he was capable of. He could have anyone else, but he chose to have her and destroy her. And she couldn't do a thing about it.

Vicky_Amy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

As soon as they got in, all eyes fell on Evie.

"Isn't that the Evie Wiggs?"

"And what's she doing with The duke?"

Evie got mocking stares from the ladies.

What was she thinking, they so looked extravagantly beautiful?

Just then Lord Dylan walked up to them with guards beside him.

He grinned on seeing Evie.

"Oh what a please to meet you, Lord Dylan," The duke greeted.

"Glad you could make it," he said and moved his eyes to Evie.

Evie noticed him staring at her and she nervously fiddled with her fing

"I suppose that's your spouse?" he asked referring to Evie.

"Yes isn't she beautiful," The duke said.

"You know we used to be friends... more than just friends," he said and took her hand then kissed the back of her hand.

That sent shivers through Evies' spine.

"Oh, my lord. That is great."

"Enjoy the party," Lord Dylan said and walked away with his guards.

"I'll show you off to my friends," The duke said pulling Evie along.

She just hoped that Lord Dylan wouldn't do anything stupid tonight.

No sooner do people begin dancing the waltz on the dance floor.

The duke had left Evie to drink champagne with his fellow men and she stood all alone around the corner.

She turned around and met Lord Dylan staring at her, she felt uneasy at once.

He walked slowly to her and held her hand.

"Long time no see, Miss Wiggs," he said.

She quickly turned to leave as she couldn't stand the sight of him.

He quickly dragged her back and drew her to himself.

"Dance with me," he said using his finger to run across her smooth cheeks.

He didn't look as if he'd take no for an answer.

He pulled her gently into the ballroom to the dance floor.

Immediately the people dancing gave way to them and stopped to look at them.

He held her on her waist and dragged her arm out while she rested the other arm on his shoulder.

"I believe you know how to dance the waltz?" he asked.

"Yes... my Lord," she slurred.

Soon they began dancing and while they were dancing, The duke was staring at them, she shamefully bent her head.

Now, what would The duke take her for? A cheap slut.

But soon she forgot all about The duke and stared into Lord Dylan's deep dark blue eyes, they were so enchanting that she was lost in them. It felt as if they were the only ones in the room.

Then the music came to its climax and they slowed down until the music stopped.

A huge round of applause was heard in the ballroom.

After that dinner was then set, and everyone sat down, while the servants dished out the food.

Lord Dylan called for the men to drink alcohol with him in the bar room.

As the wife-to-be of The duke, Evie followed him.

The men laughed as the strong smell of alcohol filled the air.

Lord Dylan kept on stealing glances at Evie now and then and it made her feel uneasy.

She excused herself and got out of the bar room.

Lord Dylan signaled to the barman to bring a card game and the barman brought a 'hearts' card game.

"Duke of Flummingtin, how about we make a bet," he said spreading out the wad of cards on the table, "Just the two of us," he concluded.

"How much are we talking about?" The duke asked.

"A million dollars," Lord Dylan said

The duke picked up a cigarette, lit it up, and began putting it in his mouth.

"Bring it on," he said, taking his cards.

They began playing and The duke looked terrified at the thought of losing in front of his fellow-men, he often bragged about his skill in card games and also losing a million dollars.

"No!" The duke yelled getting up abruptly.

Lord Dylan chuckled evilly as he tossed the card aside and folded his arm with a smirk on the end of his lip.

"My Lord, there must be another way to clear this bet," The duke said.

Lord Dylan only kept smirking evilly.

"The loss of a million-dollar would be the beginning of the downfall of my company," he said.

"There's an alternative," Lord Dylan finally spoke out.

"Tell me," The duke said.

"Staying away from Evie," Lord Dylan said.

"I can't possibly do that, it's outrageous and besides she's my wife-to-be," The duke said.

"In that case, be ready to lose a million-dollar," Lord Dylan said.

The duke was a greedy old man that loved money, beside he's got three wives and twelve kids.

"I'll stay away from Evie, but mark my words you'll regret making me do so," The duke said and walked away.