
Lord Dylans' pet

Evie Wiggs, the daughter of Lord Fredrick who was the former Lord of the country before he died. Her mother who was Lady Elizabeth, the Lady was well for her ruthless behavior and this made the people talk about her, even after her death. Back then, Evie had her secret lover who often suffered the wrath of Lady Elizabeth. Her secret lover was a simpleton, a young skinny boy who cared for their horses. Dylan. They usually rode on horses to the highest mountain to get away from the Lady. The death of the Lord and Lady was a tragic one for the Wiggs family. People began mocking and spreading bad rumors about them. Everyone she knew and loved let her, including her lover. Her lover left the country when she least expected it. It was rumored that he was banned years ago by Lord Frederick. Oh yes, it was true Lord Frederick banned him, to secure a brighter future for his daughter. Three years he came back to claim what's rightfully his in a revengeful way, after learning the truth about Evie Wiggs. ……………………………………………………………………………… "Dylan, we'll destroy ourselves," she said. "Then let's do that, again and again," he said caressing her hair. "You are the only one in this country, who has the right to call me by my name." She took a step back and the wall hit her back. He placed his hands above her shoulder, trapping her between himself and the wall. Then he began leaving wet trails on her neck, leaving her insides on fire. Standing right in front of her was no longer her lover she once knew, but the devil himself. She swallowed nervously as soon as he drew her to himself. He wrapped his arm around her and nuzzled against her hair. "Did you perhaps, use lavender?" he asked. "Yes," she said with a hint of nervousness in her tone. "You never change," he said tightening his grip on her. And his effect on her never changed, she hated it. At that moment, she knew what he was capable of. He could have anyone else, but he chose to have her and destroy her. And she couldn't do a thing about it.

Vicky_Amy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

It was raining heavily on a Sunday morning and Evie ran with her handbag over her head looking for a shade.

She'd just returned from morning mass and was heading home when it began raining cats and dogs.k

A horse carriage stopped right in front of her and she quickly got in.

She dropped her handbag beside her and turned to thank her savior.

She was stricken on seeing who it was.

"Dylan...is that you?" she muttered.

"That's a Lord Dylan to you," he corrected.

Dylan was dressed smartly and had long black hair that suited his emerald eyes.

"Ohh", he's the new mayor.

"Your dad must have liked being mayor because I do," he said and chuckled.

Evie felt her eyes watery and she looked away.

This wasn't the Dylan she used to know.

He'd changed so much in three years.

The horse carriage stopped right in front of her house and she picked up her handbag and hurriedly got off the carriage.

"You might need this," he called.

She quickly turned and he handed her an envelope.

She took it reluctantly and dashed into the house.

On getting in, the house was empty.

Evie and Junior must have gone to the park.

She opened the envelope and saw a wad of cash.

He must have done this only to mock her.

She tossed it aside and headed to the kitchen.

She dished herself a plate of spaghetti, she'd cooked earlier that morning.

After she'd finished eating and washing, Sophia and Junior came back.

"We got a mail," Sophia said waving a piece of paper.

Evie collected it and began reading.

"I think grandma sent us some cash and stuff," Evie said.

"Yay!, what are we waiting for, let's go right away," Sophia said.

"Junior you wash and eat then take a nap before we come back," Evie said taking her shawl.

Junior nodded and walked to his room with Buddy.

Evie and Sophia got out and walked to the post office.

Once she arrived, she stood on her tippy toes and looked through the transaction window.

"Good day sir," Evie greeted the officer behind the counter.

"Uhmm, we came for our mailbox," Sophia piped in.

"I thought you'd never come," the officer muttered with a sigh.

He stood up and left then came back with a box and a letter stuck on the top.

He passed it through the window and Evie collected it.

"Thanks," she muttered and walked away with Sophia.

"There's a paper here," Evie said.

"Was it about?" Sophia asked.

"Uhmm it's from grandma," Evie said, "If you're reading this now, I might be gone, I've always promised you guys I'll come for you, but I never had the money, to take care of your siblings Evie...much love from grandma," Evie read out loud.

"Grandma's gone?" Sophia asked.

"It's been a month since we called, let's confirm from Mrs. Gilbert," Evie said trying her best not to think negatively.


"Grandma's gone," Evie muttered.

Sophia could say nothing, as she only stared at nothing.

"I'm sorry girls, she passed away last week," Mrs. Gilbert muttered.

"How come we knew nothing about this?" Evie asked.

"Well she sent that note a day before she passed but I think the people at fault are the post officers," Mrs. Gilbert said.

"How's Junior gonna take the news?" Sophia suddenly asked.

Evie felt depressed at the thought of how devastated Junior would be.

She went home with Sophia.

Sophia wasn't herself as she kept on crying and Junior followed her on finding out about grandma's death.

Evie took out the one thousand dollar grandma had sent to her.

That must have been her saving because the money was a whole lot.

Grandma had also sent a gift pack and new wears for them.

She was grateful, now she wouldn't have to worry about money or what to wear.