
Lord : Daqin Necromancer

A lost and broken soul, Long Su knows nothing of his past or purpose. But in this unforgiving world, he holds onto one dream - to build his own home and find happiness amidst the chaos. With no other options, he sets out to become a master of the deadly profession of lords, willing to do whatever it takes to claim his rightful place and create his own destiny.

saadh996 · Sci-fi
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68 Chs

chapter 56 : using the faith point

In the hushed stillness of the palace, Long Su began his quest to harness the power of the Daqin faith points, his spectral form a beacon of unwavering resolve as he absorbed the energy that coursed through the city.



The night sky stretched above him like a canvas of infinite possibility, and he knew that reaching the second level of cultivation would be the key to unlocking a new world for him



With each passing hour, Long Su's spectral form seemed to shimmer and pulse with the energy he absorbed, his spectral fingers delving into the rich wellspring of power like a master craftsman shaping a work of art.


The ancient throne upon which he sat seemed to hum with an unseen force, as if the spirit of the Qin Dynasty itself were guiding him on his absorbing the faith points



As the first glimmers of dawn crept into the palace halls, Long Su's spectral form blazed with the radiance of the Daqin faith points, his eyes burning with the promise of the future that lay before him.


His efforts had been a mighty storm, reshaping the landscape of his spirit and forging a path to a new world of possibility



As Long Su delved deeper into the rich wellspring of Daqin faith points, his body form became a testament to the transformative power of the energy that coursed through him.


The palace walls seemed to shudder in response to the growing intensity of his aura, as if the ancient stones themselves could sense the awakening of a force that had lain dormant for centuries.



The physical impact of the faith points was evident in the very fabric of Long Su's spectral body, his once ethereal form growing more substantial with each passing moment.


The lines of his face, once obscured by the ghostly haze of his spirit, began to sharpen and take on a more defined appearance, as if he were stepping from the realm of ghosts into the world of the living.


The spiritual effects of the Daqin faith points were no less profound, a powerful maelstrom churning within Long Su's spectral heart as he absorbed the energy that would be his key to unlocking the second level of cultivation.



As the first light of dawn filtered into the palace, casting the throne room in a soft golden glow,


Long Su's spectral form radiated an almost palpable sense of potency and purpose. Though he had not yet reached the elusive second level of cultivation,



His progress was undeniable, a testament to his unwavering determination for powrr



His spectral body hummed with the power of the faith points, a tangible reminder of the transformation that had taken place within him.


The energy he had absorbed was a fire that would continue to burn within him, illuminating his path to the second level of cultivation.



Though Long Su had not yet reached his coveted goal of leveling towrd the second level

his mouth corners could hardly be suppressed. With this faith point, his combat mode can be changed from a child to a teenager


In terms of appearance, Long Su was just an above-average-looking guy, while now  anyone can see him with a handsome face

a hint of evil on his body, and his hair also now has small Whit lines from the left and right sides, which gives people a kind of weird beauty.


"This felling is fantastic; faith points really are magical powers."

Said Long Su as he walked towards the exit of the palace.


"The circle of faith is when one person who has his own city with two towns and four villages and form a the first circle of faith , I hope today Dungeon will have what I need."


Say these words, then move from his throne place

But before going out with a thought he check the numbers of daqin faith point

Daqin faith point : 3340

Filthy faith point : 0

' spending almost 4 thousands faith point and still did advanced '

With this thought he return to his room.


The increase in power This time was in another level, the time when Long Su first used the faith's points.


He just konw why the Lord's World is a world that people yearn for, and it is also an enviable class.


The world is thus divided into two worlds: one is the lord world, and the other is the mortal world.


The class of normal people is almost solidified, and you only need to


If you are not extraordinary, the only thing you can do in your life is to work hard and make a living.


You work hard to raise children, and you expect your children to be able to awaken their world seeds and become extraordinary.




Next day


As the gentle morning sun illuminated the silent classroom, Long Su found himself seated alone, his thoughts circling around the upcoming challenges of the day's dungeon expedition.


The weight of anticipation pressed heavily upon his shoulders, but a welcome distraction arrived as the door swung open, revealing the cheerful presence of Bai Qilan.


Her arrival seemed to chase away the lingering shadows of doubt that had begun to gather in the corners of his mind.



"Good morning, classmate Long," she greeted him warmly, her bright smile a beacon in the quiet room.


"It's quite unusual of you to arrive so early. Are you eager to face the trials that await us in today's adventure?"


Mustering a small smile, Long Su replied, "Good morning, Bai Qilan."


"I couldn't sleep yesterday because of the preparations for today's dungeon." His voice, though steady, could not fully mask the undercurrent of apprehension that stirred beneath the surface.



Bai Qilan's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she took a seat beside him, the today look of long su is very different from yesterday, her presence a comforting reminder of their shared purpose.


"So, tell me, how many units have you prepared for our journey into the depths?" She inquired, her gaze searching for any sign of hesitation.



"I've managed to muster a force of ten thousand," Long Su revealed, a hint of pride coloring his words.



"Though most are still at the nascent stage of level one, I have faith that our numbers may yet tip the scales in our favor."


Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the full weight of his revelation. "Ten thousand units, Long Su? You've achieved in a single month what took me a full year to accomplish."

Bai Qilan marveled, her admiration for his abilities shining brightly in her eyes.


"Your talent is truly exceptional."

A humble smile graced Long Su's lips as he acknowledged her praise, though his mind was still focused on the task ahead.



' What will she do if she knows that my units are more than double what I said? '

Long su thought in his heart


"My army of undead skeletons requires no houses, no farmers, and little in the way of logistical support."


He explained, his voice betraying a hint of relief at the simplicity of their needs. "I am free to devote my full attention to building my forces, while you must divide your time between nurturing your human army and tending to their worldly needs."


"Our paths of management are different."


Long Su said all of this while looking forward and decreasing eye contact with Bai Qilan.


Because even now, sometimes the behavior of the original body controls his unconscious.


Just like now, when he was speaking with Bai Qilan, he couldn't have any eye contact with her.






today chapter hop you like it

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