
Lord Commander Of the Night Watch

summary: Edgar wakes up to find himself in the north of Westeros, and is captured for stealing food, before being sent to the wall. A translated work of the Chinese novel The king of the desperate Great Wall at 69xinshu.com I do not claim ownership of novel, I’ll only be translating the last volume since I found it terrible the rest I’ll just be posting here. you also don’t have to send points or such thinks, this is completely free, if you can’t find the link let me know.

Magnar · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

chapter 18

"fear." Edgar concluded, "The largest fortifications and standing armies must be used to deal with the most terrifying enemies. It is fear that can make the ancestors thousands of years ago They built such a high wall, raised and fed an army of more than ten thousand people, and did not produce or accept mobilization. There is no other reasonable explanation."

"Okay, you have a point." Tyrion said frankly He admitted frankly, "But please forgive me for my little insistence. I will never believe in the existence of any legendary monsters and monsters until I see them with my own eyes."

"It's your right not to believe." Egg spread his hands, trying to convince the him, about his story.

The existence of white walkers is not his main purpose: "Actually, I didn't really believe it before I personally fought a White Walker and watched it smash the steel sword in its hand like breaking glass with its ice sword."

"Just now I I thought you were an accountant in the Night's Watch, why did you run out to fight with the White Walkers in the blink of an eye?" The dwarf showed a curious expression.

"Are you a steward or a ranger?"

"Ranger, alas..." Egger Looking at Jon: "Young man, do you want to know why your uncle doesn't support you joining the Night's Watch? Come with me to see the broken steel sword of the White Walkers. You will soon understand that your proud swordsmanship and His skills are vulnerable to that kind of enemy."

The bastard followed Egger's pace without any hesitation, while Tyrion hesitated slightly and followed with two short legs. This made the time traveler relax: nominally he wanted to show Jon something, but in fact he wanted to find a reason to get closer to Tyrion in order to elicit topics he hoped to talk about.

The Lannister and the bastard followed Egger to the room arranged for him by Benjen Stark. The Night's Watch took out the evidence he had brought from the Great Wall to Winterfell to show to Eddard Stark to request aid, and placed it on a small wooden table in the room for the two guests to see.

"The one of Weimar Royce was more broken, but it was left to your father by Lord Bunyan for delivery to the family of the victim, the Earl of Runestone City." Egg introduced while placing the broken sword. , "The two swords in front of me are the swords of my comrade Gary and I."

Tyrion raised his eyebrows: "The version I heard is that Waymar Royce disappeared during patrol and has been confirmed to be dead?"

"I watched him fight with the White Walkers and be killed with my own eyes." Egg lied. In fact, he only heard it, but anyway, Weimar Royce was indeed dead, and the two people in front of him could never expose him. He said: "Originally, another ranger and I would have died, but the dragon crystal dagger saved our lives. It's that black thing. No, it was made by me... If you are interested, you can Put these two swords together and have a look. Not everyone has the chance to see a steel sword cracked by ice magic."

Jon had a young heart and couldn't help but start taking action after hearing his words, and Tilly Ang wasn't interested in weapons... or broken weapons. He walked around the room with his hands behind his back, but didn't find the wine bottle or glass, so he had to walk back to Egger and look up at him.

"Your name is Iger, what's egg?"

Iger was overjoyed and worried that he would not have the chance to continue his performance, so the dwarf gave him a step.

"My name is not Egg. Egg is just a name given to me by a few Westeros farmers. I don't even know what it means." Egg made a wry smile. "I don't have a surname in your usual sense. From where I come from, the way of naming people is a little different from yours..." "

I just said that you look a little different, so you are not from Westeros. Where are you from, Essos or the Summer Islands? It can't be Sothoryos?"

"No, I come from what you call...a continent called Cena to the west of the Sunset Sea. Cena means the land of Middle Earth, because my nation was in the past. For thousands of years, we have always believed that the place we are in is the center of the world. In the boundless sea around us, there is no other land except islands."


"Thai Na?" Tyrion was just drunk enough and was fine. Qian came over to have a look, and when he had nothing to say, he asked the identity of the night watchman in front of him. Unexpectedly, he got an unexpected answer, and he suddenly became interested: "I have never heard of this place, how could you know this?" Run to Westeros to be a night watchman?"

"It's a long story." Egger didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly, and he managed to attract the other party's attention in just a few words. But then, he had to try to grasp the results of the victory.

"After conducting a series of astronomical observations, calculations and conjectures, our academic community came to a conclusion: the world is a ball. If a ship is sent out to sea and sails in one direction, It will return to the starting point after circling the world. In order to test this theory, the ruler of Caina decided to send a fleet to sea for an ultra-ocean voyage. We used steel to build several extremely strong ocean-going ships and sailed eastward and westward. Sailing in the four directions of north and south..."

"Building a ship with steel? How is it possible?"

"If you put an iron bowl in the water, will it sink? The same goes for ships made of steel. What determines whether a ship will float or sink is its displacement, and It's not the material. The technology of Tina is much more advanced than that of Westeros. I can introduce it in detail when I have the opportunity in the future."

"Iron bowl... displacement." Tyrion is a smart man, and he figured this out in a flash of his mind. It makes sense, but soon a new question arose: "But how do you make an iron bowl that is so big that it can carry people? As long as there is a leak in one place, it will sink faster than a stone." "

We use a method called ' The process of welding melts the joints between steel plates to make them one...I am not an expert in the specific details, so I really can't explain them in detail." "

Sounds awesome, continue your story." The dwarf pondered how to let the steel plates In the scene where they were connected and turned into a boat, it was the first time that I felt that my imagination was so lacking. I stopped talking and motioned for Egg to continue.


"As a well-known adventurer, I certainly couldn't let go of such an interesting adventure. After sponsoring a large amount of money for this plan, I got a cabin and sailed eastward. The fleet set off from Cena, and after several months of sailing, it arrived in Westeros." "

I haven't heard of any foreigners landing from the Sunset Sea. Where is your ship."

"It sank. We discovered land. existence, encountered a storm while looking for a place to land. Originally, our steel ocean-going ship was designed to withstand the storm, but the huge waves threw the ship onto a reef... Just as you just suspected, Although a ship made of steel is strong, it will sink faster than anything else if something happens. Because I was watching the huge waves on the deck at the time, I was lucky enough not to be taken to the bottom of the sea. After hanging on to floating objects and floating on the sea for a few days, I went up Ashore."

"Then what?" Tyrion urged, "Are the people in the North so crazy that they grab anyone they see and send them to the Great Wall?"

"I drifted at sea for several days and was starving to death. The first thing I did when I landed was to find food. Unfortunately, I finally found a place where people lived along the way, but I couldn't communicate because of the language barrier. The villagers couldn't understand me. I refused to help... A living person can't hold his urine to death, so I decided to take it myself." Egg sighed:

"Obviously, I am not good at this. I was caught before I could fill my stomach. The trial My people asked me to choose between cutting off a hand or wearing black clothes, so I became a night watchman."

"Uh..." Tyrion's eyes widened: "You may be the first person in history from beyond the sunset sea who arrived in Westeros and was captured by the Night Watch like this?"

"You can say that."

"This is the most nonsense story I have heard this year." The dwarf had a strange expression, "If I were to Choice, I prefer to believe that White Walkers not to exist, for my own sanity mind you."