
Lord All People: More Sons, More Blessings, Create The Supreme Kingdom

Ignite the divine fire and hold high the Kingdom of God! This is an era of All People lords, awaken the heart of the lord, become a lord, build and develop, and become immortals and gods! Lu Fei traveled through the parallel world and stepped into this exciting world where all the heavens are fighting for crossing, and thousands of races are bloodshed! Awaken the heart of the Rare lord, take the initiative to invest in investment, and the early development is blocked! Fortunately, Lu Fei has the talent of having many children and many blessings (the only one), so she will become stronger after having offspring. Since then, Lu Fei has worked hard for the better future of the territory. Summon Tifa at the start! Behind is Miss 2B, Mai Shiranui, DVA, Ke Qing... Rookie lord: We are buried in construction, you sing and sing every night, right? Top Ten Supremes: The Great War is coming, let you prepare for the battle, do you prepare for pregnancy every day? However, everyone was shocked to find that Lu Fei was invincible! Lu Fei: You are engaged in development, and I am engaged in fertility. Everyone has a bright future

Dragon_God_ · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The First Matching Match, A Complete Victory!

The largest room in the backyard of the Lord's Mansion.

The decoration of the whole room is quite luxurious.

Moreover, due to the built-in cleaning function of the Lord's Mansion, the room is clean and tidy, spotless, and even the air has an idyllic atmosphere.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a large bed placed in the middle, which is 15 meters wide, which is very rare.

"Hey, baby is so cute."

"Yeah, look at her face, it's full of flesh, I really want to pinch it."

"I'm so envious, Sister Tifa gave birth to a baby again."

"Haha, what's there to envy, aren't you about to give birth soon?"


In the hall of the room, elves and cat-eared girls surrounded the newborn baby, touching and looking at it, very curious.

Lu Fei was sitting on the mahogany round table next to him, looking at them with a faint smile.

In the 17 years since he came to this world, he has not only become a lord, but also has a big family of his own, and has several children.

Speaking out, I am afraid that most people will have red eyes with envy.

Beside him, Tifa and Li Hanyi also had happy smiles, quietly accompanying Lu Fei, witnessing this happy moment.

Li Hanyi looked at Lu Fei's eyes with soft light and water, full of affection.

If she hadn't made the request yesterday that she can only have a bridal chamber after marriage, she would probably be pregnant now, just like those sisters.

Li Hanyi touched his stomach subconsciously.

Imagine what it would be like to have a baby.

Before she was summoned to this world, she had a miserable life experience and had no one to rely on.

It seems that the heart is cold and the face is cold, but in fact, there is a longing for family affection in the heart.

Immediately, I thought how happy it would be if I could have children with my beloved.

Those little babies are so cute.

And the man beside her is someone worthy of her love.

Because of the relationship between the lord and his subordinates, Lu Fei can force her to do anything.

But Lu Fei didn't do this, and instead agreed to her request to get married.

This respect made Li Hanyi's love for Lu Fei stronger and stronger.

Sensing the pair of jade hands in his hands, which were getting tighter and tighter, Lu Fei looked up at Li Hanyi.

The other party's pretty face instantly turned red, and then she leaned on his shoulder.

It looks very sweet.

"My lord, do you need our help in the matching battle later?"

Tifa on the side asked with a smile, without a trace of jealousy.

"No, leave the matchmaking battle to Jana and the others, and we will be responsible for organizing the wedding."

"By the way, the wedding dress seems to have arrived. I'll take it out and you all have a try."

Lu Fei replied with a faint smile.

As he said that, he took out the white wedding dresses that he had made, a total of 20 pieces, and handed them all to Tifa.

Let these brides-to-be try them on.

As for himself, Lu Fei changed into a dress made for him.

The whole person is more handsome and suave, imposing.

With a perfect body and physique, coupled with a heavenly handsome face, Lu Fei can handle the scene even if he is facing 20 beautiful brides.

"Rookie lord-Lu Fei, you have been matched with an opponent, please rush to the matching battlefield as soon as possible."

"Countdown: 60 seconds, you can choose to send only the troops to fight, or you can choose to lead the troops to fight together."

"If the countdown ends and you haven't made a choice, the system will forcefully send you and your troops to the matching battlefield."

"The countdown begins."




Just when Lu Fei was standing in front of the mirror, arranging his clothes.

The reminder of the matching battle sounded.

This is a total of 5 mandatory matches.

It is possible to match successfully at any time, and then notify the lord to go to the matching battlefield to fight.

The matching battlefield is a temporary small space generated during the matching battle.

Whenever two lords are successfully matched, the system will generate a matching battlefield to provide a place for the lords to fight.

After the battle is over, the matching battlefield will disappear automatically.

Now, the system has matched an opponent for Lu Fei.

Lu Fei currently has two options.

One is to only send troops to fight on the battlefield, and he can still stay in the Lord's Mansion.

The second is that he took the troops to conquer personally.

If he does not make a choice before the countdown ends, the system will automatically perform the second choice.

That is, send Lu Fei and his units to the matchmaking battlefield.

As for how to go to the matching battlefield, that is also very simple.

At this moment, in the open space outside the lord's mansion, an oval space vortex stood out of thin air, in which the power of the law of space was constantly rotating, intertwined into a dark red light.

Through this space vortex, one can enter the matching battlefield.

Lu Fei, who originally only wanted to send troops to fight, changed his mind.

It's still a while before the wedding.

It is also the first time for me to participate in the trial, and I am also a little curious about this so-called matching battlefield.

Why don't you take advantage of this to have a look and experience more.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei gathered all the angels and prepared to set off.

Lu Fei led the angels out of the Lord's Mansion, and naturally also out of the shielding range.

When he came to the space vortex, he walked in directly.

The matching battlefield is not big, probably the size of two football fields.

The whole time is divided into two areas, Blue and Red.

The two matching lords each have an area, and the color is randomly determined.

After Lu Fei entered the matching battlefield, he was randomly assigned to the Red area.

At this moment, he is sitting on the throne in the Red area.

Under the throne, 27 angels fly in mid-air, extremely sacred.

And in the blue area on the opposite side, it is naturally his opponent this time.

Lu Fei looked over, the opponent seemed very confident, with a smile on his face that he was sure of winning.

Lu Fei looked down at the opponent's arms, and he knew where the opponent's confidence came from.

The number of opponents' arms is large and the types are also very rich.

But they are all the basic arms of the human race.

Such as pikemen, shield soldiers, spearmen, spearmen and so on.

Standing in a phalanx one by one, it looks very well-trained.

It is in stark contrast to his own extremely casual angels flying in the air.

In terms of formation, the opponent can be said to have won completely.

Likewise, the opponent lord is also heavily armed with Lu Fei's units.

Due to the characteristics of angels, under their own holy light, except for Lu Fei, everyone else can only see a blur of white light and a pair of wings.

The spring light revealed by the cool clothes of the angels is completely invisible to others.

"Brother, what kind of unit are you, it looks pretty cool."

The opponent lord asked curiously.

But Lu Fei didn't respond, he was busy checking the matchmaking battlefield, after reading it, he didn't need to come in next time.

Seeing that Lu Fei ignored him, the opponent lord also felt that he was making fun of himself.

So, he took the lead in launching the attack.

"The shield soldiers act as the front row, resisting damage."

"Pikemen and spearmen followed in turn, divided into two rows, interspersed and advanced alternately."

"Spearers pay attention to standing back, concentrate their firepower, and try to reduce the number of opponents first."

The opponent's lord commanded for a while, and he seemed to be prepared.

Under his command, a large group of troops rushed towards Lu Fei's angel with tacit cooperation.

"It turns out that you have to direct yourself."

Seeing the opponent's operation, Lu Fei understood.

He used to think that the will of the system was used as the referee, and the battle was carried out automatically.

"In that case, I'm going to start too."

Lu Fei looked at the angel.

Immediately, an order was issued: "Turn on skills, fight!"

The opponent's unit is a common unit of the human race and has no skills.

As for Lu Fei's angel, level 1 comes with two skills, and additional skills will be unlocked after upgrading.

Jana, who is currently the highest level, already has 4 skills.

After Lu Fei gave the order, the angels acted immediately.

"Holy Light Bodyguard!"

"Holy light shines!"

"Holy Judgment!"

"Sword of Sanction!"


In the astonished eyes of the opponent, the angels activated their skills, rushed into the pile of troops of the opponent, and started the harvest.

The scene was unusually violent.

Destroy the weak and destroy the dead, unilaterally hang and beat.

The opponent's number of arms was close to 120 units, but it didn't last for 2 seconds.

The battle is over!

"Congratulations to the rookie lord - Lu Fei, you have won a matchmaking battle with +20 victory points."

"Currently your record is as follows:"

"Number of matches: 1"

"Number of wins: 1"

"Winning rate: 100%"

"Since you won, you will get a random amount of resources from your opponent."

"You can also choose to continue to attack, attack the opponent's territory, and harvest all the opponent's resources."

A chime sounded, announcing Lu Fei's victory.

Then, two portals more than 2 meters high appeared in front of him.

There were words written on the door, one said 'Continue' and the other 'Exit'.

easy to understand.

Lu Fei naturally chooses to continue harvesting.

However, he only sent an angel and chose to continue, but he himself withdrew.

"After 3 seconds, you will be teleported out of the matching battlefield, 3, 2, 1..."

A burst of white light flashed.

Lu Fei returned to the territory again.

The previous space vortex has also disappeared.

"It's quite interesting."

Lu Fei smiled faintly and looked at the backpack.

Sure enough, there are more resources.

But the amount is not much.

Lu Fei looked towards the place where the space vortex disappeared, and thought of one thing.

After he wins next time, he doesn't need to send all his troops to continue attacking the opponent's territory, but also needs to bring back some troops to defend.

If the system forced the match again now, he would have no troops to fight.

"It seems that the trip was not in vain, and it still gained something."

"If you don't pay attention to this detail, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot."

Lu Fei nodded, very satisfied with his personal battle this time.

As for the subsequent matches, he is not going to play in person.

Wait for Jana to come back later, explain to her, just use skills to kill randomly after entering.

There is no need to engage in those bells and whistles, it is useless.

The first mandatory match ended perfectly.

Next, Lu Fei will focus on organizing the wedding.

Thinking about it, he went back to the Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, the monitoring consciousness above the territory also disappeared.