

Mysteries about love and hate. How can you love without being hurt? Read and learn.

DaoistFuFvm5 · Teen
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What is Love?

Love is an affection, substance,element and bedrock of any relationship. The relationship can be friendship wise, marital wise, social wise e.t.c.

Love can be acquired not forced and generated. Love is a feeling and emotion.

Love is uncontrollable and can be dangerous if one is not careful. Love can be blinding and carefree. You dont force Love because its a feeling. Love transform, change and turn things around either positively or negatively (depending on someone).

Love create evergreen memories and connections.

Love can create a universe and a strong bond irrespective of destination.

Love has no barrier and can travel as far as possible.

Love can be conditional, unconditional, intentional and unintentionally.

Love is powerful and mighty.

Love is crucial and significant in every relationship.

Without love, there is no progression. If we can love ourselves and embrace ourself, the world can be a better place of abode.

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