
Lord's Mercy

He was scarred by the violent war, but then he was transferred to a world where war, unlike to them, is nothing but a child's play. In great anger, he will make changes nothing the people have ever seen, only to make things right, right as they should be.

DaoistfoEIVn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

He who teach knowledge

"If you think the center of the universe isn't Aleya, then what is?"

The food is really delicious, and I am already relaxing. But then this lady disturb it.




"That's just absurd, isn't it? I mean if there is no center of the universe, then the universe is pretty much unstable."


I should finish this food while I can enjoy it, this madlady will surely make me puke even the most delicious cuisine served in this table.

"What do you mean, 'exactly'? Does that mean you believe that Aleya is the center of the universe?"

After biting off the last chunk of beef meat, I wipe the leftovers off the side of my mouth and drink a handful of milk.

"No, what I mean is the universe is really unstable. Tell me, by universe, do you mean the sun, moon, the other planets, and us?"


"Then, yeah, probably. It would be pretty much unstable without a center of gravity."


"Gravity, is, what we call it, the force that keep us from floating away from the surface of our world. Moreover, the world, or Aleya as we call it, is not flat, it's spherical, not a perfect one, but still, it's not flat nor have any of it."

"So this gravity you say, is some sort of force that pulls us to the depth of the world?"


"Then, if that is the case, how come the sun, moon, and other planets had yet to collide with us?"

"That is a good question. One that made me think you have made progress to understanding what I am saying.

"Just like I told you, the universe, or let's say solar system—"

"Solar system?"

"Yes, solar system. It is the star system made up of planets and the sun. We call it solar system since it the planet are organized systematically, and then there's the sun, a big, giant ball of fire that keeps us warm and the surrounding bright.

Anyways, the reason why planets, the moon, and the sun hadn't collided with us is because, we are not the center of the solar system like I told earlier."

"Then, was it the moon?"

"W-what? How did you even come to that conclusion.

No, it's the sun."

"Then why have we not yet collided with the sun?"

"Well, that is another good question that was answered by the most brilliant man."


"That would be hard to answer, you see it's complex. But to answer your early question, the reason why we have not collided with the sun yet is due to the work of the fabric of spacetime.

Imagine, there's a blanket here in the middle, held by my servants. Then I put a big ball in the middle, what do you think would happen?"

"It'll create a distortion in the blanket?"

"Exactly! Then imagine this blanket is the spacetime fabric and this big ball is the sun, what do you think would happen?"

"The sun will cause a distortion in the blanket?"

"Close! The spacetime fabric. The spacetime fabric is an imaginary outline that we can imagine by seeing what's beyond the sky, or the heaven, if you are a devout believer.

You see, Elaina, the outer space is boring, it's nothing but emptiness, void, and darkness. But if you use your imagine, you'll feel excited and delighted by every discovery you unravel in this mysterious universe."

With eagerness, Elaina nodded.

"Hmm,hmm... I think I'm following now."

"Then, continuing my discussion, if this spacetime fabric is distorted, it will affect its surrounding, in space, the greater the mass, the greater the spacetime distortion. And if a spacetime distortion occur, many things will happen.

One of this things are what we call time.

Time is sacred, right? But in this discussion time is nothing but a scope of ingredient to fulfill the recipe of unraveling the universe.

If spacetime is distorted, time will slow down, and it will slow down depending on the mass of the object that distorted it."

"I-I see. Then, how did that answer our word not being in the center of the universe?"

"Gravity. The greater the mass, the greater the distortion, and so is the gravity. We are being pulled by the sun, the center of our solar system, but the sun is also being pulled by a greater force. The one that is at the center of the galaxy."

"New word?!"

"Well, galaxy is simple, it's just a group of star system like us, clouds and other unidentified things that lurks in the universe's darkness, orbitting the center of the galaxy, the greater force.

So while we are being pulled to the sun, the sun is also being pulled by a greater force, then there's the formation of what we call an orbit, an imaginary line that is used as path for our world to revolve around the sun."

"Woooow... So, that means, we are constantly getting pulled to our death, but that is avoided by another bigger object, which repeats the cycle of our journey around the sun?"

"Yes. Though I am still uncertain if galaxy also orbits a greater force."

"But I am still confused, if we, the populace of Aleya, are not being pulled to the sun, does that mean someone was keeping us from our death?"

"Well, yeah, technically. Though compared to the sun, our spacetime distortion is insignificant, we are still being pulled by our own gravity to remain in one place."

"that's amazing! Your excellency, this knowledge of yours is revolutionizing. We can use it to debunk those old bastards who thinks they knew all just because they theorize the flat earth and being the center of it!"

Look at you, just earlier, you are trying to make me look like a fool for believing earth is sphere.

Well, either way, it seems she's pretty much intrigued. And that's the plan in order to keep her here.

"Well, talk is over, I'm tired. I've been speaking with other people that my energy have greatly depleted."

"Wha–, wait, your excellency!"

"Helen, Escort her to her room please."

"Yes, master."

"Can you please stop with the 'master'?"