
Lord's Mercy

He was scarred by the violent war, but then he was transferred to a world where war, unlike to them, is nothing but a child's play. In great anger, he will make changes nothing the people have ever seen, only to make things right, right as they should be.

DaoistfoEIVn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

He who sits in power

For some reason, I feel unmotivated today. So I took the day off. And 2 weeks have been long so I decided to just sit on the throne of the duke and awaits lines of people seeking audience of me. Two of my adjutant stands side by side.

The first person who came in. A person from the Viscount Johannes, a delegate. To, perhaps, improve the relation between master-servant family.

"State your purpose. " and it seems the two former maid of mine have gone and adapted to their new position, perhaps they even enjoyed it.

"The Viscount wish to invite his excellency, the Duke of Mylenia, for the coming of age ceremony of her lady, Elisa Von Johannes, daughter of the Viscount. Here in my hand is the letter, engraved in the seal of his excellency, the viscount."

I showed no reaction, and gestured one of my adjutant to receive the letter for me. Then I dismiss the man. But before he leave, I caught a glimpse of his hatred eyes.

So I did what anyone would do.


Confront them.

"What is it, your excellency?"

"I don't like your eyes, do you?"

The man stumbled on his back upon seeing my petite, yet intimidating figure.

There it is... Fear.


The man then fled to nowhere.

But I should consider attending the ceremony. Johannes is a loyal family of the duke Lorenz, perhaps I could talk logic and have him side with me. If not then I'll have his eldest daughter succeed to him and control them.

The next one is... A representative from the royal court.

"State your purpose." Just like they were trained, they were able to keep up with me. I like this two adjutant of mine.

"The royal court orders the duke of Mylenia to gather and rally up 20 thousand soldier for the reoccupation of lost territory from Terrendra Empire."

Look at them, thinking as if I owe them my life. They don't even provide relief for my people and yet they think they can order me around.

"20 thousand is a lot, eastern alliance currently prepares for an invasion to reoccupy the Mouri Forest. I will have to think about your request."

"This is not a request, Duke Lorenz, this is an or—"

"I said I'll think about it, didn't I? Also, it's Duke Mylenia, not Lorenz."

"Very well, the royal court expect your cooperation."

"You're dismissed."

After the man wearing an expensive, extravagant clothes left, another came in. This time, the man wears different colors.

"State your purpose."

The man clears his throat with a cough, then proceed to voice his request as kindly as possible.

"My name is Giorgio von Hansburg, I came here as a representative of the Terrendra Empire's Imperial court to appeal to his excellency, Duke of Mylenia.

The war that will wage will not affect the Mylenia territory. So I hereby offer a few sums to convince your excellency. In exchange for remaining neutral between the war of Portlus Dynasty and Terrendra Empire, we will provide yearly tribute of 12,000 gold for 3 years. And if, per chance did the Terrendra win against this defensive war, we will use our political influence to support his excellency's path of independence."

Finally, someone with a sense of humility.

"You know that I am part of the Welia Kingdom, your enemy, right? Such treasonous act would be expensive for me. Since if, for some chance was I expose of collaborating with your nation, my head will come flying. A mere 12,000 gold per year would be nothing compared to the potential the duke of Mylenia has, don't he?"

The Man laughs in delight.

"Indeed, indeed, wise Duke of Mylenia. Such young child with great intellectually truly have the potential. And it would be a humiliation to offer such few sums in risk of being beheaded. I heavily apologize for my foolishness!"

The man kneeled as he sincerely apologize to me.

"Rise. I atleast could here your other offer. There's more, right?"

The man smiles.

"Of course! There will be nothing but limitless offer to our potential partners! So here, in exchange for rejecting and refusing to the war of invasion, the Terrendra Empire will provide military support upon the Eastern Alliance's invasion. Not only that, we will offer 36,000 gold per year for 5 years and humanitarian relief for the victims of Mylenia famine caused by your father. And certainly, your independence will be backed by the Terrendra Empire."

This Terrendra Empire is terrifyingly amazing with their intelligence. The fact that they even have the knowledge regarding our future plans of independence, of which only a few only knows is enough to consider their espionage top class.

But their offer is too amazing to be true. The fact that they will backed me upon gaining independence and help me fight off the invasion is suspicious. There could be a catch.

"That's truly a great offer. And I would gladly accept it!"

The man's face brighten, to the point that it almost cause me to evade my eyes from his face.


"However, your offer is just too good. I can't help but be suspicious of it, sir Giorgio. Tell me, why make such far-etched attempt?"

This time. I saw a sincere face expression,

"The Terrendra wishes to create deep diplomatic relation with Mylenia, not only because we have the same enemy, but because Mylenia and Terrendra used to share deep bond.

We only wish for such bond to continue and exist once more."

I see. Although it's unbelievable. I have seen numerous records of it in books this child once read. And most of them mention the alliance between Mylenia and Terrendra.

However, the more recent books mention that Mylenia fell from its glory due to issues that involve the Terrendra so I have to be wary of them.

Still, there's no hurt by accepting their offer. I just have to make them swallow all the Eastern alliance's force to destroy the threat they could pose on my territory.

"Then, very well. I will consider your offer. And please do expect a positive outcome."

"My gratitude, your excellency. And once again, I apologize for my ignorance."

"You are dismissed."