
Lord's Mercy

He was scarred by the violent war, but then he was transferred to a world where war, unlike to them, is nothing but a child's play. In great anger, he will make changes nothing the people have ever seen, only to make things right, right as they should be.

DaoistfoEIVn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

He who seeks wisdom

Contrary to the Kingdom, The Terrendra Empires seems genuine when it comes to collaboration. Instead of threat, they gave reward, a prize. It was as if they knew exactly what I need that terrified me.

However, it also gives me ease to find that such terrifying force can be my potential ally in the future. Still, I need to be wary or them. Their sincerity, despite the history between the two nation, is doubtful.

"Lilia, contact the army. Tell them a counter invasion will commence at exactly tomorrow at night. And don't forget, keep it with utmost secrecy. If I ever caught a glimpse or heard you talking about it, I will have you burned in the town's Plaza. Naked."

"Yes, certainly."

She nods, and weirdly, she seems to have enjoyed such threat after seeing her smile as she fades away from the hall.

Helen, on the other hand, remains quiet, steadily standing at my side as if trying to observe our conversation.


But I bid it no concern and call for the next visitor.

The next one is wearing a strange outfit, something akin to a high school uniform of a prestige academy around western Europe.

Is she a student?

"State your purpose."

"Yes. Of course. Your excellency, the duke of Mylenia, I offer my deepest gratitude for this opportunity. My name is Elaina Quese, I am a scholar of Deriq United Monarchy, a nation situated at the eastern part of the continent.

I wish to offer my contribution to your territory by giving you knowledge. In field such as cuisine, agriculture, magic, perhaps we could even negotiate wea—"



"Can you create me a nuclear fission bomb?"


"What about thermonuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb, some sort of fusion bomb? A bomb that can erase an entire city within mere seconds?"

"S-such weapon doesn't exist... Your excellency. It would be outrageous to assume we can create such thing. It is considered wrong ethically." Bewildered by my sudden, absurd suggestion, she furrowed his brow and glare towards me.

I smirked.

"Oh is it?"

"It is... Your excellency, I don't mean to be rude, but are you perhaps mocking the might of DUM?"

My smirk fade, turned to a more serious one.

"Oh no. I apologize if I offended you. But, aside from the weapon I mentioned, will there be something that perhaps could spark my curiosity?"

"W-well... What about arcane magic, your excellency? In exchange for staying here, borrowing a few spellbooks you have, I can give you some knowledge approved by the elder mages."


Despite being here since the time I wake up as this man, I do not have much interaction with it. I've read a few pocket books during my time in the battlefield where the core plot centers around the use of magic, but I have forgotten most of it.

"May I ask, scholar. Are you here according to your free will or were you sent by your superiors."

The scholar seems surprise, but it seems it was not much of a rare occasion for her to be asked such question since she immediately fixed his composure.

"I am here to learn, venturing the continent to gain knowledge."

"Are you a graduate?"



"Then, perhaps I could interest you with some knowledge instead?"

The scholar's face was again bewildered, surprise, then her mouth form a smile.

"Interest me? Oh I would like to know it."

This lady is getting on my nerve. Since when did I gave her the permission to speak casually?

"Is our world, or planet as I call it, spherical or flat?"

"That's a weird question, your excellency, but according to the teaching of our country, the world as we lives on, is... flat."

So they are at that age, huh.

"Does that mean you believe our world is in the center of the universe?"


"What if I told you that's your belief is wrong? The knowledge regarding the universe is false. The planet—"


"—Aleya is not in the center of the universe?"

"That's impossible. We have the calculations and according to the events, such as the eclipse where Luna kiss Sera, Aleya is the center of the universe."

"Then, are you interested on unraveling the mystery of our world, universe, or not?"

Upon hearing my offer, the scholar laugh rudely.

"Bluntly speaking, I don't think you know how to convince a person at all, your excellency. Perhaps you should learn about it, and coincidentally, I know of it!"

"You're not that good either... Setting that aside, do you have some sort of illusion magic, then?"

"Well, of course. Any sort of illusion, imagery, moving images, false reality, you name it!"

"Then teach me, and in the process of it, I'll convince you that Aleya is not the center of the universe."


She's thinking through it? I thought my offer was good enough.

Ah, shit I forgot.

"Of course, you are free to borrow books that can interest you, as well as free lodging in the outer palace. Will that be enough?"

One must be thinking, my offer was just too good, it doesn't sound fair. The scale would be so unstable that a mere touch would cause it to collapse, but to me, this is just an investment.

I was thought of this in my military training.

'Expose the man of his weakness, he will show the path of his own destruction.'

We truly are a fragile race.

"Then, you're dismiss. Helen, please show her the lodging she will she staying."

"Yes, master."



The visitors that follow are no longer important, some are my subjects, some are nobles within my territory, and other are just a few insignificant matters.

Then, dusk came, a turning point. I ordered Lilia, who just returned, to close the palace gate. After that, I ordered Helen to prepare dinner.

At that night, me, Helen, Lilia, and the Scholar who go by the name of Elaina, fill our stomach with delicious food.

It was calming, relaxing. Not until Elaina started an argument.