
Loot Box System

Eric lived in NY and was 14 at the time, he went to school like any other kid and was fairly popular because he always helped out people now of course he was being used to help all the kids do there homework in exchange for the said “popularity”. He didn’t do any sports and wasn’t really interested in anything other than anime, he was obsessed with anime and everything about it from the cool characters to the powers that they used in the shows. He started watching 1 anime in particular it was a new anime that he had seen just came out on the website that he was watching on known as kisanime. He looked at it for awhile because to him it seemed sketchy because he has never heard of this anime before and he wasn’t aware of any anime releasing anytime soon however his curiosity got the best of him and he started to watch it.

HikaYami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Unknown World - Chapter 1

Zion lived in NY and was 14 at the time, he went to school like any other kid and was fairly popular because he always helped out people now of course he was being used to help all the kids do there homework in exchange for the said "popularity". He didn't do any sports and wasn't really interested in anything other than anime as he had no family left other than his uncle who was not apart of his life at all. He was obsessed with anime and everything about it from the cool characters to the powers that they used in the shows.

He started watching 1 anime in particular it was a new anime that he had seen just came out on the website that he was watching on known as kisanime. He looked at it for awhile because he was deciding if he should watch it or not because he has never heard of this anime before and he wasn't aware of any anime releasing anytime soon, he also had other anime that he wanted to finish as he was almost caught up to One-Piece however his curiosity got the best of him and he started to watch it.

When he clicked on the anime and started to watch the first episode the screen suddenly turned black and then white text started to pop up onto the screen.

"Do you like the current way you're life is going?"

Zion didn't know if this was a advertisement or apart of the show but weirdly enough there were buttons that said [Yes] and another one that said [No], this made him start thinking about his life and what was going on currently, 'I have no family that loves me and even though I have an uncle I don't even know where he is, I don't have any friends that actually like me for who I am and they all just use me because I am smart and they know that I will do their homework so all in all I don't think that I am happy with how my current life is going...'

He pressed the [No] button and then something else started to pop up.

"Do you want to start a new life where everything you could think of would be possible?"

He laughed at the question 'If that was a possibility I wouldn't even look back at this world, sadly that's not how life works. He pressed the [Yes] button anyways thinking it wouldn't do anything and then suddenly he started to feel dizzy and then he blacked out.

'What the hell? Did I just pass out and even if I did why am I here? What kind of place is this?' Zion was currently in a blank room where all there was was just white and that was it nothing else.

Suddenly he saw something coming from far away and it was getting closer he could tell what it was, it was a person? He didn't know what was going on so he tried to rush over to the person who was coming his way. The person in question was wearing all white and his hair was grey with a white beard. As soon as the man reaching him he said "Hello my child, I am assuming that you don't know what is going on correct?"

Did this old man just call him his child? He thought that was weird but discarded it and didn't think about it anymore as he had a more important matter to think about, what was going on and why is he here?

"Yes I don't know what is going on or where I am can you please tell me what is going on" Zion really wanted to know because he didn't like being in places that he knew nothing about.

"Calm down it will all be fine, you currently are in the place that separates the realms, I have brought you here after looking at your life and I decided that I was gonna give you a new life one that you would love. The reason behind this is because I feel bad for you. The reason I can do all of this is because I am a higher deity and have a lot of control you could say. I hope that explains everything to you clearly enough."

"Yes I understand now thank you... but what do we do now? Do I get sent to another world with god like powers?!" Zion said excitedly because he really wanted to experience something like that.

The old man started to laugh at the enthusiasm the child was displaying "Yes you can but you won't exactly start out as all powerful, you have to train first and get powers from something special I will give you."

The boy was sad at first that he didn't get to become powerful instantly but he started to think it would be more fun to train and have a fun adventure, "So what kind of special gift will you give me and what type of world will I be going to?"

"All of these things will be answered in due time my boy, now the time has come make sure to prepare yourself because you're going to be having a lot of fun!"

As soon as the old mad finished speaking Zion started to feel dizzy again and knew he was going to pass out again. When he started to wake up he felt cold and was shivering, he opened his eyes and found out that he couldn't see anything.

When he got up and started to walk around he felt as if he was walking on stone and there was pebbles and dirt everywhere, 'Where the hell did that Damb god put me?!' While he was thinking this he started to see light.

He started it walk towards the light, 'Finally light, I guess I was in some sort of cave, I guess that's why it was so cold.' He got closer and closer to the light until he was finally right next to it and could see out side the cave.

What he saw when he got of the cave shocked him, all around him was a lush green forest and the trees were at least a mile long. 'Wow... this world looks amazing, I remember that the god told me that he gave me some sort of special gift I wonder what it is.'

[Hello, I am known as the Loot Box System, it is my job to help you the user grow stronger.]

He jumped back after hearing this voice, since it came out of no where it shocked him a lot. 'The Loot Box System? This sounds like one of those light novels that I used to read when I was back on earth. What sort of things can you do? Is this what god meant as the special gift?'

[Yes, this is the special gift that 'god' gave you. If you were wondering about the sort of things I can do as of right now I will give you a list

[Inventory] - Store any sort of items you want in here.

[Status Menu] - Shows you your current stats and abilities that you currently have unlocked

[Loot Box] - Use credits that you acquire to unlock a loot box and get special items and abilities]

[That is all I can do at the moment but if you level up and get stronger than I could do many more things]

'Wow, I can't believe he gave me such an awesome ability, I wonder what I should do now. System do you know anything about this place? Like where I could go?'

[Yes I would recommend to stay in this forest for a while before adventuring out, this would is very dangerous with a lot of monsters roaming around, there are these things called dungeons and adventurers clear them to get money and items.]

He was in shock that such things existed here and he couldn't wait for it. 'Okay then let's get started, do I get some sort of starting pack?'