
Lookism: The Dealer

reincarnated in lookism. (The story is a Manager Kim X Lookism)

firebeast200000 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 2- Past and the Meeting

As Ryu leaned against the rooftop's railing, smoking while lost in thoughts.

'To think I reincarnated in Lookism'

Ryu didn't expect when he died he was reborn in Lookism.

This world isn't peaceful and friendly at all, if a person came to this world they wouldn't know how they died.

But that didn't apply to Ryu at all, because violence was always apart of his past life, there he stood at the top of the food chain but it was different. He had rivals, he was in danger, there, power and influence were the currency of survival as there was higher power like the police and the government.

There he was bounded by logic, but it all changed when he was reincarnated in Lookism with advantages like cheats that placed him above others in terms of strength. For physical strength and appearance was the main asset for survival and dominance in Lookism.

Here, people are super human that defies the logic of his past life, and with his mindset to eliminate anyone that obstructs his path and the advantages he was given when he got here, he will be able to achieve his goals.

He's now 18 years old which is the year the 1st generation will start. He was also apart of the 0.5 generation when he was 16.


A phone call brought Ryu back out of his thoughts.

"What is it?"

"Sir, the numbers have been informed."

"Got it. I'll be there in 10 minutes. And Samuel, make sure they don't make a mess till I get there."

"Yes, Sir"

Ending the call and taking a last puff of smoke, Ryu stood at the edge of the railing.


With a leap from the railing, Ryu plummeted six stories to the ground, the impact creating a crater as he landed. He smoothly landed on his feet and strode to his motorcycle, driving off.


Inside a small house.

"Heh, you fucking twig think your stronger than me?"

"Think? It's the truth you muscle head bald ape."

Two people could be seen arguing, one was skinny with a height of 180 cm with short black hair and brown eyes in all black holding a metal numchuk and the other was full of muscles with a height of 190 cm whose bald in tank top and jeans. Holding a hammer.

The tension between the two could be seen as both were angry as veins popping from their body, as if the next second the two will tear each other apart.

"Man, do you guys have to do this every time?"

A lazy voice coming from someone with a who had his head laid on the table in his arms, he has red hair and black eyes with dropped sleepy eyes.


"Jam-gwi leave them be, they will get over it when the boss gets here."

Who replied to him was tall with a height of 196 cm with long half black and blue hair and yellow eyes who was in a bikers outfit sitting on the chair while his legs rested on the table and has a long bat resting on his shoulders as he was eating chips.


The door to the shed was opened to reveal someone who wore a black Business outfit, he had a business man hair style, and wore glasses.

"Oh, Samuel you're here, want some chips, they're ultra spicy."

The guy with the half black and blue hair shouted.

"Now is not the time for that Dongmin."

"Man, you are always so serious. Well it's to be expected since you're the right hand of the boss."

"And you two, enough. The boss conveyed me to tell you to not make a mess till he gets here." Samuel said.

"Well, it's not my fault that Junho is an overgrown muscle head ape."

"Huh, what about you Joon you fucker, you make it sound like being a twig is something to be proud off."

"Enough, the boss arrived."

At that they stopped arguing.


"You're all here, good." Ryu entered the door as he looked at the numbers gathered.

When he active at 16, he picked up five people forming the group 'Numbers'.

"Yo boss, wants some chips?" Dongmin offered Ryu

"I don't like spices." Ryu rejected

Dongmin at that shrugged and continue eating his chips.

"Well, let's start then." Ryu grabbed a chair and sat on it. "So how is the business going on in each of your territories."

Joon was the first to respond

"Boss, the drugs are selling like crazy, I got it operating to the black market, criminal organizations and the streets, the boys under me knows how to work"

"Hah, you twig that's nothing compared to mine" Junho laughed that made Joon shake with anger as he continued. "Boss, the firearms are selling through the dark web marketplaces and encrypted messaging apps thanks to Samuel, and the legitimate looking establishments works like a charm at covering the trades"

Ryu nodded as he looked at the sleeping one.

"What about you Jam-gwi"

"Boss, my territory's doing just fine. The prostitution ring's running smoothly."

"Good to hear. Any issues?"

Jam-gwi shook his head "Nah, nothing we can't handle. The brothels, girls are keeping the clients satisfied, and our security's tight."


Releasing a long yawn he continued "And as for individual trafficking, it's been easier ever since my boys established reliable routes and methods for transporting oversees."

"And you Dongmin?" Ryu asked.

"Well, everything is ok"

"But I heard that your buissness was troubled by some dogs that bite more than what they can chew"

"Well, when it comes to extorting money from businesses, individuals, and even gangs, it's a breeze" Dongmin grinned. "We promise them protection, and they fork over the cash without a second thought. And as for the issue, well, taking the issue itself to set an example. A little demonstration in front of the others, and they fall in line real quick. That's what you taught me, boss."

Ryu nodded as he shifted to the business wearing suit

"And Samuel?"

"Boss, cyber and hacking operation?" Samuel removed his glasses cleaning them as he continued "It's a gold mine. We're pulling strings in every dark corner of the digital world, siphoning off secrets and cash with ease. And when it comes to laundering the profits from Joon, Junho, Jam-gwi, and Dongmin? Simple" Placing his glasses on as he pushed them along the bridge of his nose "I've got the money flowing through a maze of offshore accounts and shell companies, leaving no trace behind, our funds are protected in the dark."

"Good job everyone, in the span of two years you accomplished this much."

Ryu said making everyone smile.

If anyone from two years ago who became their enemy saw this, they would be shocked to know that these demons can show such genuine smiles, as of now they are still suffering from a fate worse than death.

"Now listen up, everyone. The new generation's coming, so it's time to expand the territories. Make sure while you are expanding to draw the attention to the police, we want them to come to us not the other way around, and when the police are at place where we want them to be, we will strike and take control step by step. Remember, we're not just expanding, we're setting the stage for our takeover."

"Got it, boss"

Ryu stood up as he made his way to the window.

'At the start of the second generation, I'll make sure to have every police department in Seoul controlled behind the scenes, and then we'll strike the Government. It will be a war, it won't be easy, after all the government is hiding something. In Manager Kim it was stated that there was a mad scientist who was killed by the government because he started a project creating something that accounted him as a huge threat to them, but of course they are still using what he created'

Ryu's face morphed into a savage grin

'Will it be a bunch of clones with a perfect body, if that's the case it might cause me a little trouble. But...'