
Lookism:The 3rd

I reincarnated into lookism but I wasn’t one of those protagonists that could remember everything and future investments or future events. Heck, it was hard remembering what happened in every year and now you expect me to suddenly remember it when I never paid attention? Yeah, my new life in this world was looking bleak as I lived a normal life with only working at a huge shopping mall. In this new life, I would have to slave away again…..but i remembered wasn’t Charles Choi looking for bodyguards? What if I become his 3rd bodyguard? In this life where I had vaguely remembered important events, my most impressive feat is what I was born with. A perfect body like Daniel but not with his copying ability but Unnatural strength, speed, reflexes, stamina and sturdiness that was uncommon for someone being born. So that question wasn’t out of it. I can become his 3rd bodyguard and recive some Money! One is serious, the other one is goofy and me, well I could be a blend. PS: All pictures are not mine, respectively and respectfully, I will take them down if the owner tells me to

FatherGun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

6)Cheonliang [3]

"I find you interesting that's why I'm telling you"

Pietro suddenly found his foot grabbed as he tried to step away but he was lifted and then smashed into the ground as he was grabbed and then thrown over Yuk shoulder but before Pietro could make contact with the ground, he shifted Yuk body which made the shoulder throw useless as Pietro caught himself using his feet and flipped Yuk over.

"It won't work on me-"

Seongji Yuk grabbed Pietro waist as he lifted him up and threw him towards a tree. Unfortunately with Pietro unusual capability's that didn't make sense for a human, he got up and yawned as he twisted and cracked his back.

"That's better."

Seongji looked at Pietro with a straight face as his eyes widen seeing Pietro running at him with speed he found unusual. He got into a position and was ready but Pietro suddenly got behind him as a knee to the side sent him away.

"Teacher!" Voices were heard as they rushed at Pietro but once again, all of them were in his range as they were hit in their weak spots insanely quick and precise as they landed on the ground with haggard breaths

"I only came for you Seongji" Seeing Seongji getting up while tying his belt tighter, he rushed in as Pietro got into a stance

'Pietro this style is special, I learn this from fighting one of South Korea 3 legendary military men'

The voice of his once teacher ranged out in his mind as Pietro went past Seongji, his voice crying out in pain feeling all his weak spots being hit at the same time while not being able to see the incoming attacks.

'CQC really is amazing….'

"Damn it!" Vin Jin said in between breaths as he tried to get up but his body started to shake.

Pietro took out his pen and inhaled it. He kept looking at Seongji with a bored face as he exhaled out a puff of smoke "Take this warning as my gratitude for you, leave before you regret it…because I'm sure your going to become a pain for my new boss, and I'll hate to come back to finish you off….friend"

With that, Pietro stepped over them as he began to walk away. Walking past the one girl who was clearly the youngest one out, Pietro only looked at her for second as he looked back foward.


With the sun starting to get low, Pietro crawled into a bed provided by the nearest city motel that was 40 minutes away and the only away into and out of the village was by car or train but since Pietro turned 16, he needed two more years to get his motorcycle license.

Thinking back to the fight and what Seongji said about him defeating the kings, he couldn't help but recall a memory that made him famous and a rumor among some high schools.

[Flash back]

The sun started to set as Pietro appeared in a warehouse with a bloody body as he dragged the person inside and smiled crazily as his eyes took a dark color.

"Found you, you hiding little shits!"

"Hiding? Who says we were hiding?" A person with a huge physic said with scars across his forehead and looked more like an adult than a teenager.

"Since we're all here. Why don't we take out this kid that's been causing a ruckus in our territory?" Someone said among the 17 kings present due to their being 17 provinces.

With a nod, the hundreds of kids from different schools following their leaders, stood by while some dozen rushed in to take care of Pietro. Even though they were considered strong, they were nothing but cannon fodder

"I'm more surprised on how this kid managed to defeat all our kids in our own territory"

"He'll have to fight thousands."

"He didn't. He only went for the top strongest schools and searched for us."

They kept talking amongst themselves and disregarded Pietro as seconds went by with him inhaling and the exhaling calmly once he finished.

He slicked back his hair as he was finally going serious and putting the Hell training Gapryong and his son put him through, to use.


"Well I guess he's not all for show"

"Who wants the first piece" A beautiful kid said with red dyed parts in his hair said as he wore designer clothes.

"Come on, the kids 13, there's no need to-" Before one of the kings could finish their sentence, he was sent flying by a punch Pietro put his strength into as the others got surprised.

"13? Yeah I maybe 13 but not entirely." A young Pietro said as his brown hair was wet while his dead fish like eyes, were now vibrant and full of life as he felt happy and joy.

"Are you sure your going to be okay?" A straight punch which Pietro blocked, was suddenly under his block as another person kicked his leg, making him fall on his knee.

"This is it." Another teenager said with a white uniform as his fist was going to make contact with Pietro but he suddenly ducked as he grabbed him and kneed him in the stomach.

'I have to thank the person who gave me this gift. I'm continually getting stronger when I'm fighting and sleeping.' Pietro thought as he grinned while seeing the painful face the kid was making as he stepped back seeing a hand strike down, shattering the ground.

"The king of Seoul…. It's a pleasure."

"It is….and goodbye." Once he said that, a person was already behind him and waiting for this opportunity as he grabbed his waist and tried to suplex him but found it impossible.

"Not." Was what Pietro said as he used his pure strength to pry away the grip the kid had over his stomach. Landing a back kick on another king and sending him away, their underlings started to get surprised.

'What am I watching…..'

'Who is this kid...'

'This can't be, they're losing?!....'

'Why are the kings losing...'

'Boss…..you can't lose….'

'Why is this happening…..'

"That's 1 down. 16 to go" Pietro chuckled as his eyes stared at the kings with pure arrogance as he was the first one to attack.

He rush into the group of 16 as his unusual capabilities along with the hell training, was the only thing keeping him in equal footing with the kings as he would occasionally take the hits and tank them and would counter attack with heavy attacks in vital areas.

Grabbing one of their head, he kneed their face as two knees squished his own face while smiling as he grabbed their heads and smashed them into the ground.

Two more rushed in as they tried to mix their combat styles but they were both caught and kick in the side as the power went through the both of them.

They would've flew out if not for Pietro grabbing their arms, pulling them in and smashing them against each other. He then proceeded to smash their body's against the ground as he wiped some blood off his lips and smiled.

"Huh, I guess the nickname does really suit you. Ghost eyes. It looks like you do send them to heaven." The person said as he laughed while sticking his tongue out. He wore glasses with his dreads sticking close to his head.

"….Hey. Who do you think your calling that." Everyone could feel the atmosphere shift as Pietro no longer smiled but looked straight with a deadpan face.

"What? Am I wrong? Ghost eyes from 1.5 generation. I wonder, would you be consider a legend if you defeat all of us….would I?" He tilted his head in amusement while sucking on a lollipop.

"That's so cringe" The king with designer clothes said as he shriveled up his face and kept his hands in his pockets as he was one of the phew in back, waiting to attack when Pietro gets closer

"Focus you two. He's getting closer…" The king of Seoul said as he saw Pietro knocking out another king with a Brazilian kick and taking the breath out of them as he would punch them in their stomach for more ensurance.

"15!" He said crazily while getting kneed in the back.


"Come on Boss!"

"You got this! He's just a kid!"

"Don't spare him!"

"Geez, all these flys are making so much noise." Pietro said from the ground as he rose up and yawned as he grabbed one of the kings by their throat and kept smashing him into the ground with the spectators going quiet.


Bending backwards, Pietro saw a hand coming down to his face but he blocked it, leaving his lower body vulnerable.

"Goodbye, almost to be legend." One of the kings said as two fist were coming In but with Pietro amazing strength in all aspects, especially his core, he blocked the punches with his feet's and used their momentum to flip over and choke the king by using his own arm against him.


The two who attacks missed, couldn't help but stand and stare on how he escaped from that moment.His sentence was interrupted as he got sent flying away by a knee to the face as Pietro tackled the other one and lifted him to slam him down.

His painful groan was heard as Pietro grabbed his head and smashed it into the ground, knocking him out.


"This can't be…."

"Should we…."

"Idiot, we can't help them, if we do, we'll get fucked for doubting them."

"But what if-"

"Then that's that. We will either get knocked down like them, or end going home with a great show."

One of the lackeys said to a new member as they watched closely and at first they were calm but seconds turn minutes and minutes turned to tens of minutes as there faces went through multiple emotions.

Calm, nervousness, angry, disbelief, disappointment, scared, and finally, shock.

There final expression was of shock as they came to a scene with the kings under Pietro as he sat on top of them while inhaling and blow out a puff of smoke.

"The king of Seoul and Incheon…..they sure got that title not by luck.Well, I guess it's your guys turn."

"He should be tired!"

"No-no, run it's Ghost eyes! He'll send you to the afterlife!"

"I don't believe this I don't believe this!"

"Keep it together ! Look! He's bleeding and tired. We can do this!"

Murmurs started to go around the factory as the dozens were contemplating wheather to attack or escape.

Soon, night took place as the factory was oddly quiet until the doors opened and out came Pietro, limping, with a mountain of unconscious corpses behind him.

[Flash back end]

'It's crazy now that I think about it….even though I'm this powerful, I know I will lose to Gapryong Kim and Baekho….just 3 more years and I would confidently say I could surpass them….hopefully that much time would be enough.'


so….i made Pietro fight the first generation kings before because HOLY SHIT this new chapter is where I think James would defeat them!!!😱 RIGHT?!?!?!?