
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

PeakCulture · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs


Daniel was a little worried they might get stopped by the police under suspicion of underage drinking because of her behaviour. Of course, he was not aware that Hana was just feeling extremely horny and she was walking like that because she was struggling to suppress her desires.

"Are you feeling okay, Hana? You look a little red. Are you not feeling well?" Daniel asked the girl who had a red face and a layer of sweat on her brow.

She nodded mutely, "I'm okay, oppa. I just need to get home." 'And masturbate while thinking of you.' Her inner thoughts were of course left unspoken. The girl who was in heat looked like she was anemic, and she was walking unsteadily.

Daniel wasn't sure what to make of her words so he decided to escort her home just in case she suddenly collapsed or something.

However, things did not go as he planned.

Because of Hana's preoccupation with trying to restrain her sexual desires, she was walking and stumbling and accidentally bumped into someone else even despite Daniel holding on to her arm.

"Sorry." She mumbled, before trying to walk away but she was stopped with the man she bumped into who grabbed her hand.

"Hey pretty lassy, where you headed to?" He slurred, the pungent stench of alcohol and stale cigarettes thick on his breath. His face was flush from alcohol while his gaze was unfocused yet leering. He stared at Hana with obvious desire in his eyes while they gleamed from the unexpected 'opportunity'.

"H-huh? I'm going home. Let go!" Hana responded, trying to pull away from his grasp but the man refused to let go. His friends had also stopped walking as they noticed him now accosting a girl on the street.

"Hey Ken, what are you doing?"

"C'mon, my girl is waiting for me at the next bar."

The man now identified as Ken waved them off while turning back his attention to Hana who was now looking clearer-minded as she was suddenly grabbed by a stranger.

Daniel, who now noticed this was sweating. 'W-what is going on? Does Hana know him? No way, he looks like he is in his late twenties… then what is he trying to do? Is this sexual harassment? I need to help Hana!'

He stepped in between them and grabbed the wrist of the drunk man named Ken who was likewise holding on to Hana's wrist.

"S-sir, can you please let go?" Daniel asked, politely but firmly, even though there was a slight tremble in his voice.

Ken only just noticed the presence of Daniel, due to his current intoxicated state. When he first turned to the audacious person who dared to grab his wrist, he only saw the wide chest of Daniel. He had to look up to meet Daniel's eyes that was narrowed and steeled.

A rational man would have recognized the size difference and taken a step back to evaluate his life choices. Alcohol, however, was known as liquid bravery for a reason, and the inebriated man did not have the mental faculties to make a reasonable decision. As a result, he doubled down.

"What the fuck!? Who the fuck do you think you are you son of a bitch!? This nosy bastard, I wasn't talking to you!" Ken tried to remove himself from Daniel's strong grip but failed despite flailing around his arm.

Ken's friends, hearing the commotion, also came to his side. However, they were just trying to defuse the situation and calm their friend down.

"Come on bro, are you drunk?"

"Yeah man, let the girl go."

"What's wrong with you?"

Ken ignored his friends and glared at Daniel while trying to pry the teenager's grip off his wrist.

The teenager in question met his glare with an indifferent eye, but inwardly he was panicking. 'There are four of them! What should I do? What if he tries to assault Hana?'

"Sir, she is 16 years old and is in high school. What are you trying to do with her?" He said, keeping his eyes open to see if the drunk man's friends would try to make a move. They did not try to make a move, but instead reacted incredulously at their friend.

"Bro, she's only 16 years old! Just let this go man!"

"I'm sorry about our friend's behaviour, he is drunk."

"This bastard, are you crazy!?"

Thankfully, Ken's friends were a lot more reasonable and sober it seemed.

However the man himself was more stubborn than what any of them expected, "16? That's perfect! She's legal then, right? Heh heh heh…"

Hana's eyes widened at those perverted words, her previous horniness had already faded away completely and turned to disgust. "Ugh, let go of me you creep!"

Ken leered at her and stared at her body without hiding his intentions, "Shut the hell up! Kids these days are getting sluttier and sluttier huh? Dressed like that, it's obvious what you came here for!"

Daniel's eyes narrowed into a cold glare. "How old are you, ajussi? You should mind your age and behave more appropriately. Don't speak so carelessly, you bastard."

"A-Ajussi!? This impudent son of a- hey, I'm only 28 years old you fuck! And let go of my hand already! I'm going to bring this girl with us and show her a good time! You think just because you are tall you can- ARGH!!!"

While Daniel had only been holding on to the drunk man's wrist lightly before, once he heard what the man was saying about Hana, he got angrier and tightened his iron grip harder, causing Ken to scream out in pain.

"H-hey, just let go of her you dumbass!" One of his friends scolded him before turning to Daniel, "Dude, you can see that he is drunk. Can you back off a little?"

Daniel frowned, "Back off? When he is still holding my friend's wrist? Either get him to let go or I will."

"Wha- hey kid, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to blow this matter up?"

"…" Daniel only had a cold, stony expression on his handsome face. His indifference gaze made him look even more intimidating when he was already towering over them, standing a good 8cm over the tallest of the group.