
Lookism: Pornhwa

Basically, what if Lookism was a pornhwa? Daniel discovers he now has a second body and takes full advantage of it. A/N: At the start, Daniel is still socially awkward, but as he meets more girls, he starts to become more confident and has more rizz. Caution: This is a Harem story, so MC will be more of a scumbag and has purely physical relationships with girls. NTR-haters rejoice, there will not be any in this story. I'm only writing this because I am bored at work and I wanted to practice writing romance and R18 scenes. There is going to be more 'plot' than actual plot, so, just a heads up. I created a new account to post this story because I didn't want my previous works to be associated with this story. Maybe one of you can guess who I am from my writing style.

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Daniel thought he might have a nosebleed imagining the sexy Hana wear the pictured lingerie, as well as the implications of her last message. He also felt quite bad having ignored her messages for so long, so he quickly sent a few messages in response before checking his other unread messages.


Olivia: (15:03) Send pics of your new fit! Hope Sophie has good tastes, hehe.

Olivia: (15:03) [recently deleted]

Olivia: (15:03) Just kidding haha!

Olivia: (15:03) Or am I…

Olivia: (15:05) Yep, it was a joke. Just ignore please.

Olivia: (15:10) Okay have fun with Sophie.

Olivia: (15:11) Hahah, was that a little pagro? I didn't mean it to be…

Olivia: (16:26) Text me when you're home!

Olivia: (19:18) You're not home yet? Where did Sophie take you lol should I be worried?

Daniel: (20:47) Sorry for late reply

Daniel: (20:47) You can just see them on Sunday *smiley*

Daniel: (20:47) What did you delete? Now I'm curious!

Daniel: (20:47) I'm not home yet

Daniel: (20:48) We just went to watch a movie…


He then saw that he had 14 unread messages from Brooke.

'Ah crap, I ignored her texts for so long…' Daniel felt the worst for leaving Brooke hanging since it seemed like she was busy thinking of date ideas for tomorrow but he didn't reply to any of her texts. He thought that she must have been anxiously waiting for his reply, not knowing if he even remembered about tomorrow.


Brooke: (14:59) What time should we meet tomorrow?

Brooke: (15:00) What time do you usually wake up?

Brooke: (15:00) Where should we go tomorrow?

Brooke: (15:00) Should we meet for lunch first?

Brooke: (15:01) What do you like to eat? I know where all the good spots are at!

Brooke: (15:30) Sorry, was that too many questions? Lol

Brooke: (15:30) You probably don't an idea of where we can go tomorrow since you just moved here

Brooke: (15:30) I should be the one bringing you around right? Haha

Brooke: (16:26) Do you want to watch a movie? I heard the new Bong Joon Ho film is good!

Brooke: (17:01) We can also go to the arcade. Do you like arcade games?

Brooke: (18:21) Eating dinner now, wbu?

Brooke: (18:21) *picture of some homemade food*

Brooke: (20:01) What time should I set my alarm haha, I'm worried I'll oversleep

Brooke: (20:11) You remember we're going out tomorrow right…?

Daniel: (20:50) Sorry for late reply! Was busy.

Daniel: (20:50) Omg haha so many questions. Wait, let me answer 1 by 1.

Daniel: (20:50) I'm good to meet anytime tomorrow.

Daniel: (20:50) I usually wake up at around 9, if there's no school.

Daniel: (20:50) I'm down for whatever haha

Daniel: (20:51) Sure we can meet for lunch first!

Daniel: (20:51) I don't really have any preferences... you can bring me to your favourite place to eat.

Daniel: (20:51) A movie? Sounds good!

Daniel: (20:51) Arcade sounds fun too… I'm indecisive lol

Daniel: (20:51) (replying to picture) That looks better than what I'm going to eat. Burger and fries haha.

Daniel: (20:52) Of course I remember! How could I forget I'm meeting you tomorrow *smiley*

Olivia: (20:52) Hi oppa! Okay, then should we meet at the subway station? 11:30am?

Olivia: (20:52) I'll bring you to my favourite restaurant

Olivia: (20:52) Then we can decide what to do next while eating?

Daniel: (20:53) *Sticker of an animated OKAY*


"Ahh, I'm starving!" Sophie exclaimed before taking a bite of her burger.

"I'm surprised that you can still eat after swallowing so much of my…" Daniel left the rest unsaid as he ate a fry of his own.

She almost spit out the half-chewed up food in her mouth after hearing that. Quickly swallowing her food she blushed and pouted, "Oppa, don't make fun of me!"

It was close to 9pm by the time they sat down with their food, so the place was not crowded. Otherwise, Sophie would've hid her red face in her hands from his teasing.

"How did you even have so much of 'that' in you? I would've been worried you were going to dehydrate yourself if I wasn't so… distracted." She asked curiously. When she made her ex boyfriend cum the last time they had been together, it wasn't nearly as much as Daniel's release.

Daniel honestly wondered that himself. Perhaps this body was just built different. It wasn't that surprising since it already had the magical ability to transfer his consciousness between bodies.

Obviously he couldn't tell her that, so he just used it to compliment her instead, "It's only because looking at you gave me endless energy."

"Endless energy is right…" Sophie reddened even further remembering his zero delay recovery period. It had been constantly erect the entire time they were fooling around, as though he had taken Viagra or some other performance enhancing drug.

She looked him seriously and put down her burger, feeling conflicted at what she was about to say.

"Oppa, you know that was the furthest I ever went with a guy right?" She remarked.

"Really? I couldn't tell since you were so skilful…" Daniel joked but regretted doing so when he saw her get sad and panicked.

"I'm telling the truth, oppa! I really never s-sucked anyone else's thing before! I have only ever used my hand and only twice on my ex-boyfriend. You believe me right?"

Sophie was almost in tears at the thought of Daniel thinking she was a promiscuous girl. She didn't just want a casual hook up with him. She wanted to be his girlfriend, and even maybe his wife in the future. And she was worried he was the type of guy who wouldn't want to date a girl he thought was a slut.

"Wait, wait I was just joking, Sophie. I believe you. Don't cry!" Daniel was terrible with facing a girl who was tearing up, having never been in such a situation before. If she actually started crying, he wouldn't know what to do.

Sophie sniffed and wiped away the tears threatening to fall, "Really? You really believe me right? I'm really not someone who would do all that with just anyone. Don't think that I am, please oppa…"

'Uhh, shit what do I do, people are starting to look at us. Wouldn't they think I am harassing her or something?'

Daniel moved to sit next to her, when originally they had been sitting across each other. He put his wrapped his arms around Sophie, hugging her and patting her back awkwardly.

"I believe you, Sophie. I know you only did it because of me, right? So don't cry okay?"

She leaned into his comforting and warm embrace, feeling secure in his strong arms and large, reliable frame. And as Sophie pressed up against his rock hard pectorals and breathed in his intoxicating smell, she thought that she really didn't want anyone else to be in her current position right now or ever.

Sophie looked back up at Daniel and asked, "Then, can I be your girlfriend?"
