
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 28

I haven't had time to write the chapters of this story :(

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I hope you enjoy the reading!


When the attack on the Hostel base finally began, Jerry Kwon took his time getting to the place where the fierce battle was taking place.

Having been defeated in such a humiliating way made him want to find the man who had beaten him. He couldn't accept defeat so easily and was determined to demand a rematch.

But he was confused when, after arriving in the middle of the fight and coming face to face with Warren Chae, Jin Jang ordered him to leave.

He questioned this decision, but didn't reject it, after all, even though Jin Jang was a damn rat, his orders were still Jake Kim's, and he wouldn't go against his leader.

So, even though he still wanted a rematch, he left. With the strength of the man who had defeated him, he knew that the two of them would eventually meet again.

He would still have his chance to get revenge.


It was indisputable that at that moment, the students of J High were being completely dominated by the members of the Hostel.

Their bodies were bruised, and they barely had the energy to stand.

But they still stood their ground, taking on the leaders of the Hostel branches and being able to distract them enough for Warren Chae and Eli Jang, who by now had arrived on the scene, to reduce the number of enemies on the battlefield.

The students knew it was only a matter of time before their bodies finally gave out, but as long as they could take down countless opponents, Eli Jang and Warren could take care of the rest.

They just needed to stay on their feet as long as they could.


Unfortunately, fate didn't seem to be in their favor.



Taking them by surprise, Vasco and Zack were unable to defend themselves when Olly Wang suddenly appeared, knocking them down with a single blow and dragging them by the hair.

From that moment on, hope slowly began to fade.

After showing Eli Jang the dozens of children created by Olly with the intention of achieving a "perfect Eli Jang", Eli found himself too shaken to attack the children, leaving him out of action while the little Eli Jangs attacked him relentlessly at Olly's behest.

Warren tried to take on Olly, but there was a considerable gap between the two, which meant Warren couldn't overcome his opponent, even if he used all his strength.

With their bodies already exhausted, J High was completely overwhelmed. Zack was unconscious, Vasco too weak to fight again, Daniel and Jay almost defeated by Justin and Chuck, and Vin Jin too busy facing his old elementary school friend.

Jin Jang watched everything with a smile on his lips. Everything was going according to plan, and seeing that pleased him.

No variable could save J High at this point, and Hostel B wouldn't last long with Eli Jang too shaken to fight.

Jin Jang could only enjoy the fruits of months of preparation with satisfaction in his eyes.

Hostel would then be in charge of itself.

Or at least, that's what Jin Jang believed with all his might.


Because, destroying all his countermeasures created in case some undesirable figures appeared on the battlefield, Jin Jang's eyes widened when a shadow suddenly appeared behind Justin and Chuck, who were too busy confronting Jay and Daniel to notice it.


And paying for their lack of attention to their surroundings, the Hostel's two uncles couldn't escape when their faces smashed into the ground and they were knocked out right there.

"It seems like the second time I've been late today."

Jin Jang observed the new figure with astonishment. He might have expected Johan to be there, but this person was totally unknown to him.

A new variable? Would he be able to turn the tables completely?

Jin Jang wondered a little fearfully, but in the end, he didn't care. Taking down the Hostel A uncles or not, Jin Jang didn't think that someone he didn't even know would be able to defeat Olly.

'A new variable won't change anything, after all, my plan is infallible-'


But while Jin was praising himself, the last thing he saw before his vision went completely dark was a shoe inches from his face, his body being pushed into the ground with enough force to crack the concrete.

"And you, you're a rock that I feel will be a problem later on."

Unconscious, Jin didn't feel when his face was stomped on.

"Lohan, you're here!"

Daniel, realizing who had attacked the two Hostel members, immediately approached with a hopeful smile. Even with such a strong body, he wasn't exempt from exhaustion, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he finally gave in, so it was really motivating to see Lohan finally arrive on the scene to help them.

"It looks like the situation is not good here."

Lohan looked at the numerous members of the Hostel around him with hostility in his gaze, which combined with the fact that he had been able to take down two of their leading members with a single attack, was able to frighten most of them.

"There are too many of them, and by the time we arrived, we were too tired." Daniel sighed, noticing when Jay walked over to his side.

"I understand." Lohan snapped his fingers as he nodded, taking a step forward that made the surrounding delinquents recoil. "I have unfinished business with Big Daddy, I'll let you deal with the rest of the members."

"But while I'm on my way to Olly Wang, I'll clean up along the way."