
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 24

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When he arrived in this world, Lohan had a list of things he couldn't do under any circumstances.

Facing Gun or Goo was second only to riding a bicycle completely naked in public.

But now that he was face to face with Goo Kim, riding a bicycle completely naked didn't seem so bad.


Choking when his liver was hit, Lohan staggered backwards as he raised his defense, his forearm being hit hard enough to push him aside, opening a gap that Goo wasted no time in taking advantage of.


His body smashed against the ground by the force of the stick hitting his face, Lohan spat blood as he struggled to get up, his vision wavering as he clutched his temple.

He hadn't managed to do anything. When he tried to advance, Goo would only hit him hard enough to make him give way. When he finally saw a gap, a painful blow would be waiting for him.

He felt like a child trying to take on a professional wrestler.

It was annoying.

Standing up, Lohan clenched he teeth as he turned to Goo, who had a dejected expression on his face.

"Damn, I thought you'd be more fun. Answer me, how the hell did you beat that brute?" Goo used his stick to scratch the back of his neck, asking with a clearly bored tone.

"Let me show you how."

Lohan wiped the blood from he lips as he stared intensely at the blonde in front of he.

It was obvious at this point that Goo wasn't going to let him go with just a conversation, after all, he said, this was a test.

Lohan believed that Goo wouldn't kill him, but he still didn't like being beaten up.

That's why he would be trying very hard to give you a good impression.


Dodging a punch, Goo immediately countered with a kick, which hit Lohan square in the jaw, sending the boy's head backwards as he staggered.

"Uh?" Raising an eyebrow, Goo began to punish him with countless blows from his staff, Lohan unable to defend himself as he struggled to stay conscious in the face of those painful attacks. "What were you really telling me?"

Stopping his flurry of attacks, Goo kicked Lohan in the stomach, causing him to slam his back into the wall and fall on his butt on the floor, his body completely punished by the attacks.

"I thought you were going to show me how." Seeing Lohan's bruised body without any signs of returning to the fight, Goo sighed as he turned around. "Damn, I thought you'd be different. Did you attack that fat man from behind, by any chance? It doesn't make much sense for someone so weak to have been able to defeat him."

Lohan didn't answer, his head down as blood dripped from the bruises on his face.

"Ugh, whatever. I've wasted my time." Not giving the young fighter a second glance, Goo started walking towards the exit.

The way he saw it, coming to this place had just been a waste. He didn't know how the boy had defeated Logan, and he didn't care. The only thing that mattered was what he was able to see with his eyes, and Lohan was nothing special.

So making him one of his secret friends simply wasn't worth it. With luck, the boy might reach the level of a group leader, but Goo couldn't see him going any further than that.

That day had been a complete bore.


But taking him by surprise, before he could set foot outside the house, Goo raised an eyebrow when he felt two arms wrap around his waist.

"What are you trying to do, kid?" Goo looked back slowly to see Lohan's bruised face sketch a small smile.

"What? You didn't mention anything about treacherous attacks." With a dismissive tone, Lohan spoke as he increased he grip on the man's body. "Besides..."

Frowning as he felt his feet being lifted off the ground, Goo immediately prepared himself.

"You used a stick against me!"


Goo's eyes widened in complete surprise as he felt the impact against the floor run through the back of his neck, his teeth clenching from the pain that ran down his spine.

'What was that? It changed the trajectory of the fall the moment I rotated my body.' Lying on the ground, Goo asked himself with sincere curiosity. 'Well, it doesn't matter. It won't change much anyway.'

Dropping to his knees, Goo's eyes widened when he saw a foot inches from his face, his head thrown back by a kick as blood leaked from his nose.

"Damn, looks like you had a few cards up your sleeve, didn't you?" Having removed his glasses moments before the kick hit him, Goo put them back on while wiping the blood from his nose.


But Lohan didn't seem to want to talk, Goo realizing this when he jumped backwards to dodge another kick.

"Hey! You seem to have become more aggressive!"

Dodging a punch aimed at his face, Goo attacked with his stick, hitting Lohan's nose cleanly.

But even with his nose gushing blood, the boy didn't stop his momentum, managing to grab Goo's shoulder before the blond could retreat.

Goo sneered at this. Ever since he had seen the boy use a takedown against him, Goo understood that Lohan was a grappler. There were a few choices when it came to grappling, such as Jiu-Jitsu, Judo and Grappling itself.

The only reason Goo was caught by the previous technique was because of the surprise factor. Unfortunately for Lohan, that wouldn't happen again.

But to Goo's misfortune, Lohan wasn't using any of the martial arts he had imagined.


Choking when Goo had his backside smashed against the floor once again, the blond clenched his teeth in frustration.

He was using Sambo.

Since coming to this world, he had already felt capable of using Sambo, ever since he remembered Viktor's fights that he had watched in his preparation.

But the Sambo used by Viktor was not the conventional Sambo, the one used as a sport.

His Sambo was better known as the Combat Sambo, a version used by the Russian military for unarmed defense.

Compared to conventional Sambo, this version didn't limit itself when it came to the use of violence, and its falls aimed to cause as much damage as possible, changing the trajectory of its opponent's fall in mid-air to injure essential parts of the body, such as the back of the neck, spine and head.

Viktor used these fundamentals in his fights, limiting himself only by the rules of the MMA association. For this reason, he was known as the most feared champion among champions.

It wasn't complete yet, but now Lohan had most of his skills at his disposal.

But was that enough when fighting Goo? Obviously not.


Having his knee hit by a stick, Lohan gritted his teeth in pain as he felt his balance give way, his eyes flicking forward to see the tip of a stick inches from his eye.

'Fuck!' But narrowly escaping, Lohan rolled away as he stood up. 'I almost went blind.'

"Sambo... Got it." Goo looked at the boy with interest in his eyes, a small smile on his lips. "You seem to have something special, don't you?"

Lohan felt the cold sweat drip from the back of his neck as he watched Goo, his eyes roaming the surroundings until they landed on an umbrella on the ground.

"What are you thinking now?" Goo immediately noticed as he quickly moved to pick something up, but he didn't really care.

Picking up the umbrella, Lohan took a deep breath as he turned to the blonde.

"Nothing much. I just thought that since you're using a stick, I might as well use something." Lohan gave a small smile, slowly preparing herself.

"Kid, are you really going to fight me with a gun without knowing how to use it?" Goo asked with seriousness in his tone, which surprised Lohan, after all, the man had been playful up to this point.


"Yes." But Lohan wasn't afraid or ashamed to just say it. For him, there was no point in continuing to fight empty-handed if he was incapable of winning.


But, paying for his words, Lohan was barely able to block an attack aimed at his face, his eyes turning to Goo to see him with a toothy grin.

"Kid, you're fun!"

Pushing Lohan's umbrella upwards, Goo hit him several times, causing some cuts to appear on his skin.


Lohan began to breathe heavily as his body became completely soiled with his own blood, his vision becoming blurred as he struggled to stand.

Goo looked at the boy in that state with a disinterested face, rubbing the back of his neck in annoyance as he thought about what to do from that moment on.

'Should I take him to hospital?' Letting him die from blood loss doesn't seem right. His Sambo still isn't enough to make him that interesting, but he did amuse me.

Scratching he chin as he looked thoughtful, Goo didn't notice Lohan raising the umbrella in he hands with difficulty.

"All right, I've thought of what to do!" With realization dawning on his features, Goo turned as he said it.


But genuinely surprising him, Goo's eyes widened when he saw Lohan holding his umbrella over his head, the blond barely reacting when a sequence of attacks hit his body at speed in a perfect imitation of his previous move.

"..." As the smile disappeared from Goo's lips, numerous cuts appeared on his skin. "Looks like you've got quite an interesting skill, kid."

Watching Lohan fall face down on the ground in front of him, Goo stared at him for several seconds.

"And to think I almost gave up on you."

Goo crouched down, his eyes never straying from the unconscious boy.

"You'll be my best secret friend!"

With a lopsided grin appearing on his lips, Goo grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and started dragging him out of the house.