
lookism Mc

a guy gets rencarnated in lookism universe with 3 wish

Samin_Islam_5870 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

chapter 1

rob said sorry my boy I accidently killed you, you have 3 wishes and the wheel will choose the world you will be rencarnated

Mc said ok can I first see the world I will be rencarnated,Rob said ok and the wheel stopped at lookism

Mc said cool I loved that manhwa,Mc said my 1st wish is getting a system with only quest and status and I can accept and decline a quest,Rob said ok

Mc said my 2nd wish is to have invincible attack's,Rob says ok

Mc says my 3rd wish is to have ultra instinct,Rob says ok

Mc "i woke up in a hospital and a lady is worried she says how are you my son,so this is my mom,mom what happened I don't remember anyone aside from you

Mc pov

so my Mom goes to part time job and I call out my system

strength : 40/500

dexterity : 40/500

speed : 70/500

durability : 40/500

talent's : invincible attack, ultra instinct

Mc"my speed is higher than my all stats and i am 4 year's earlier then cannon so i gotta train this 4 year's but I gotta earn some money first

quest :

defeat 10 men or women

reward : 1000 dollar

accept or decline

Mc : accept so I gotta defeat 10 men or women,i arrived at the gangster area so that I can destroy the gang and take the reward and the gang itself i am gonna make my crew,I go in front of a guy I said hey are you a gangster he said ya you gotta problem with that and I punch him with pure strength not with the ia( invincible attack) because he was weak I said you go tell your boss to come face me with his hole gang,the mob says you will regret this,i only left him alive because of the quest soon a lot of people came in front of me I said are you guys from the gang member of the guy I just beat,they said ya and you are gonna die because you messed with the worng guy

I said so you are the boss I am gonna beat you guys and take over the gang as soon as I said this they starts to throw punches at me but even though they were weak they had over 780 member's in their gang so I used ia to punch the 10 guys in the front and kick the 10 guys in the back and I start to beat 600 of the members with ia(invincible attack's) all their is left is 180 members of the gang but they were experienced so I had to use 79% of my strength they know some martial arts I killed 200 members of the gang so I don't look like a kid since I am a 13 years old, so I said to them join me we will reach the top they were to scared to refuse to they joined me since I killed 200 of the members I have 580 members now so I start to organize a plan to make more money and I had completed the quest since I overdid the quest I got 100k Dollars in my mother's bank account

TimeSkip 6 months

Mc : I got a lot stronger my Status look like this now


strength : 430/500

dexterity : 430/500

speed : 480/500

durability : 430/500

talent's : invincible attack's, ultra instinct

and my gang member's are recognizeing me as their leader of course because of the money, our main business right now is bodyguard agency because I trained them they grow stronger my weakest member in my gang is at the level of Eli in the hostel arc and our executive members are at the level of ma taeso and I have 3 vip member's right now they are 10 times stronger than kwak jichang we are making 10 million dollars a month and I forgot to mention i am always in ui from I learnt this 2 months ago and I am planning to be gun's successor


make sure to give me power stone's