
lookism jimins story

I'm a very bad writer only started this because Im tired of waiting for the novels I red to make a new chap so this is just to pass the time and please tell me when to correct things

king_sake · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Pacebook 2

Jimin, Daniel and Zack make it to the construction site Doo is being held at. They were all wearing coats because it was winter, Jimin was wearing a black fur coat with white pants with black boots. While Daniel was wearing the same thing just white and Zack wore an overcoat.

Jimin noticed Daniel seemed like he was having second thoughts, as he was about to say something Vasco showed up which surprised him.

Zack and Jimin both ask him what he was doing there and he responded with "I'm not here to help you." While Daniel was thinking this situation, seemed pretty familiar to when they got Zack's money back. Zack says "you talking In a weird way would blow it! Beat it!"

Vasco's response was simple. " Taejoon park is in my class." Daniel speaks up and says "But Vasco are you here alone?" He says "yea, but it's okay. I'm not alone. I can send telepathy to Jace." Everyone looks at him like he has a screw loose, Jimin couldn't help but laugh out.

They sneak in behind Daehoon and his goons and hide behind something, they here them talking to Doo and Taejoon. Jimin wasn't really listening to anything that they were saying but he saw Daehoon hand them a heat pack, he think maybe those to are in on it or are forced to be in on it.

He then tells Daniel and the others that he doesn't want to wait anymore and that he confronting them now they nod and follow him. Jimin walks out into the open clears his throat and yells out. "Hey assholes you've got company, shouldn't you be a little more hospitable."

They all look toward him and Daehoon notices Zack and says "Ah you scared me you're the one who got beat up by me. Did you hear everything." His underlings mock Zack Laughing saying "Did you bring your friends?"

They ask if they went to j high and came for revenge, or did they come to save them. to which Doo gets surprised. Zack ask if they are in on it. they both look ashamed. Daehoon then goes on spouting none sense about how he went viral and can sell his account for 50,000 and this catches Jimin's attention.

Vasco goes over to Taejoon "you started this. Just ask forgiveness and I will make sure to leave together." Daehoon's lackeys start laughing and making fun of Vasco saying they weren't done with him yet. Vasco says "Taejoon answer me. Do you want to film this? If it's your will I'll respect that." Taejoon begins crying "I just wanted some attention."

Vasco grabs his wrist quickly and says "let's go. He can't force you to film this." Daehoon steps in front of him with a bat "Where you goin? This guy seems a bit clueless. No one said you could go. You brought a lame arm. A prince and a girly boy with you."

Everyone drome J high thinks he is gonna die when Jimin suddenly starts laughing, And yells out "I guess you must really want to die. today bastard hahahahahaha." Jimin suddenly stops laughing and runs towards Daehoon.