
Lookism: Fighting Prodigy

A young boy plagued by rumors surrounding his father's alleged ties to the Yakuza. Despite never knowing his father, Jin-Ho faces daily torment at school due to his slender physique, enduring relentless bullying from classmates Sunghoon Bae, Woosung Kim, and Jisoo Jung. One fateful day, Jin-Ho is ambushed and subjected to a vicious assault in a school bathroom, recorded by one of the bullies. Helpless and outnumbered, Jin-Ho's torment escalates until the intervention of Taeyoung Bae, a formidable figure known for his prowess in Taekwondo. Taeyoung's timely arrival thwarts the attackers, leaving Jin-Ho in awe of his rescuer's skill. Desperate to defend himself and inspired by Taeyoung's abilities, Jin-Ho pleads for Taeyoung to teach him. Initially reluctant, Taeyoung sets a seemingly impossible challenge: if Jin-Ho can perform a complex 540-degree kick, Taeyoung will consider teaching him. Doubting his own capabilities, Jin-Ho nevertheless accepts the challenge as his only hope for self-defense. With determination and focus, Jin-Ho channels every ounce of strength and concentration into executing the demanding kick. Against all odds, he executes the move with surprising precision, astonishing both himself and Taeyoung. Recognizing Jin-Ho's untapped potential, Taeyoung acknowledges his skill and hints at the truth behind Jin-Ho's rumored lineage, setting the stage for a journey of self-discovery, martial arts mastery, and uncovering familial secrets. (This fan-fiction is republished.)

Geezy_Clipz · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Exploring the Workers

The atmosphere was tense as the trio arrived at their destination, the weight of Daniel's revelation hanging heavily in the air.

Taeyoung scanned their surroundings, his gaze settling on a figure in the distance. "Oh, I think we're finally here," he remarked, nodding towards the approaching individual.

Daniel's expression remained grim as he acknowledged their arrival. "Oh, there you are," he greeted, his tone tinged with urgency.

Jin-Ho attempted to lighten the mood with a casual greeting. "Yo, long time no see, man," he offered, but Daniel's response was curt.

"Listen, Jin-Ho, I've got no time for this," Daniel cut in, his demeanor serious.

Jin-Ho raised his hands in surrender, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "I'm just trying to be friendly," he replied, his tone subdued.

Daniel wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter. "Okay, so there's a dumb decision I made," he confessed, his voice tinged with frustration. "I decided to attack the 4th Affiliate by myself."

Jin-Ho's eyes widened in surprise at the reckless action. "But why would you do that?" he interjected, unable to hide his incredulity.

Daniel sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "It's like an uno reverse card for me," he admitted ruefully. "I realized that all of the streamers that got kidnapped signed the contract."

Taeyoung's expression hardened as he absorbed the implications of Daniel's words. "So what now?" he asked, his voice edged with determination.

Daniel's gaze flicked to a distant point, his features set in a determined expression. "I only know one man who could help us," he replied cryptically.

With a shared sense of resolve, the trio set off on their journey to seek out Kouji, the Genius Hacker.

Kouji didn't seem too keen on helping them at first, and that made the group feel pretty down.

They were all ears, hoping he'd say something useful to help them with their mission for fairness.

"You guys gotta be real careful with the Workers," Kouji started, speaking slowly and seriously. "If you wanna blend in with them, you gotta have a badge."

"A badge?" Daniel repeated, looking puzzled.

Kouji nodded, looking dead serious. "Yep, a badge. It's how the Workers tell who's in their club and who's not. Like how the Hostel folks get marked with that 'H' tattoo."

The group realized how important this badge thing was. Without it, their mission would be super hard.

"So, you guys wanna sneak into the company without anyone noticing, right?" Kouji went on, sounding like he was thinking hard. "That's gonna be tough without a badge."

Daniel's brain was spinning, trying to figure out what to do. "Hey, I have this card," he said, pulling it out of his pocket. "Think this will work?"

Kouji squinted at the card, looking serious. "Hmm, never seen one like that," he admitted.

The room got even tenser as they waited for Kouji's decision.

"Without a badge, you're kinda out of luck," Kouji said frankly, leaving no room for debate. "But hey, looks like you've got it," he added, pointing to a plain envelope on the table.

Daniel's eyes lit up as he opened and he see's what's inside. "The badge was in the envelope's button!" he exclaimed, excitement in his voice. "Got it from Gun Park. He said it can help me defeat the four major crews."

"Now that you have a badge," Kouji began, his tone more assured, "you shouldn't encounter any issues moving within the Workers' ranks."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "In the Workers, badges serve as a symbol of hierarchy across all four affiliates."

Daniel and his companions leaned in, eager to absorb every detail Kouji had to offer.

"Let me break down the badges for you," Kouji resumed, his voice steady. "Normal employees don't have badges. Without one, they're not considered part of the Workers. These employees are often unaware of the true nature of the organization they're involved in."

He glanced down at the notes in front of him before continuing. "Next, we have blank badges. Think of them as contract workers or mercenaries hired by the Workers. These individuals are either verified by the organization or brought in through monetary incentives."

Daniel nodded, his mind processing the information. "So, those with blank badges are essentially adults on the Workers' payroll," he summarized.

Kouji acknowledged Daniel's observation with a nod. "Exactly."

The group listened intently as Kouji moved on to the next category. "Now, onto the gold badges," he explained, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "These badges bear a symbol and are exclusively given to minors. They signify official membership within the Workers and are worn only by the organization's executives."

He emphasized the significance of the gold badges, caution evident in his tone. "Be particularly careful around those with gold badges. They're exceptional in all aspects and pose a significant threat."

As the weight of Kouji's words settled over them, he moved on to the final category. "Lastly, we have the white-gold badges," he continued, his expression grave. "These badges are reserved for the presidents of each affiliate. There are four in total—one for each of the four affiliates."

The room fell silent as the group absorbed the implications of Kouji's explanation, each realizing the gravity of their upcoming mission within the Workers' ranks.

Kouji's cautionary words hung in the air, underscoring the importance of discretion even with their newfound badges.

"So, even with the badge, you've got to be careful about revealing your identity," Kouji reiterated, his tone grave.

"The badge isn't invincible. Even normal employees are educated about the significance of badges. They're instructed to greet those with badges respectfully, even the lowest-ranking white badges."

Daniel and his companions exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the weight of Kouji's warning.

The Workers' organization was evidently highly structured and hierarchical, and their badges could only provide them with a limited level of protection.

"But what about the badge we have?" Daniel inquired, curiosity evident in his voice as he sought clarification.

Kouji's gaze shifted to Daniel as he delved into the specifics. "Ah, the black badge," he began, his tone carrying a hint of mystery. "It signifies that you are part of the Workers' elite—VVIP status, if you will. There are only four people with black badges, and among them, a few remain completely unknown and unidentified."

Daniel's eyebrows furrowed in contemplation as he processed Kouji's words.

The significance of their black badges was not lost on him—they would be perceived as part of the Workers' upper echelon, a position that could provide them with both advantages and dangers.

"Now that you have this information," Kouji continued, his tone more relaxed, "you're free to leave. But remember, tread carefully within the Workers' domain. Even with your badges, the risks are substantial."

With a nod of understanding, Daniel and his companions rose from their seats, gratitude evident in their expressions as they prepared to depart.
