
Lookism: Absolutely anything

Ye chen wanted nothing more then to live a life full of freedom. one-night wished upon a star...and that star answered.

Heyimmr_69 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After our little session, the girls went to bed a bit tired while I went out to buy some things at the grocery store.

As he entered the store he looked around.

" The girls might want something light in the morning. I'll just buy some avocado, tomatoes and bread. Maybe some yoghurt and raspberry's as well."

(Ring, Ring)

As he was thinking his phone in his left pocket rang. Looking at the caller Id, it was Reiko.

" Ye Reiko, anything you need." He asked while walking.

" Hey baby, are you still at the store," Reiko asked.

" Ye why." He replied in confirmation.

" Can you get us Some chicken and vegg, I got a long day at the stadium today, and the chefs aren't going to be there until 3 pm. Same thing for Onna and Ayuko." She asked.

" Sure thing, ill even make that Portuguese dessert you girls love so much."

"REALLY BABY, Your the best. Love you." She said in a chipper tone.

" Love you too. I'll see you three soon." He said then hung up the phone.

But just when he was about to put his phone back into his pocket. He got a notification on Kacebook. Looking at the video he couldn't help but sigh.

' Looks like that was today. The day that Daniel gets beaten up by Zack for looking at Mira. I'll get my papers in check for school next week.'

After 10 minutes of shopping, I finally left the store. And away from those predatory eyes. Even though I was wearing a mask and hood. My physique and height still attracted women which was flattering but also annoying.

Just as he left the store he saw a scene which surprised him. It was an old lady getting robbed of her phone and purse.

The robber quickly pushed the lady down and ran off. While those around did nonthing but watch or look away.

' I wish to know if there were any valuables in that purse or phone.' Jin-woo thought ass information filled his head, and the moment it did his attitude changed.

" Looks like ill be getting some exercise today. Hey, granny just stay here ill get your things back."

The granny still in shock could not respond in time as she saw Sung-jin woo run after the thief.

Jinn woo parkoured across the busy streets and over cars surprising all the people who witnessed it.

And in no time at all, he had caught up the robber. But before he could get him he entered a glass elevator.

'HE HE,  what an easy catch. I'll be eating good tonight.' The robber thought as the elevator doors opened. But what he wasn't expecting was a punch straight to the nose.

" UGHHHHHH" He screamed out in pain as he fell.

Jin-woo who had punched him grabbed the granny's personal belongings in a non-chalot manner.

" Sigh, you really are annoying. You even made me climb up the side of a building just to catch up with you." He said while walking away.

He walked to the edge of the building where there was already a crowd looking up from when Jin-woo climbed up. People even thought it was a stunt for a movie while kids thought it was spiderman.

Jinn woo completely ignored the crowd and grabbed the large cloth hanging from the side of the building and slid down it. Getting all sorts of gasps of horror.

When he made it down safely. He immediately ran past the crowd of people.

That day there were two trending video's. One of a fat looking Kim Jung un getting his shit rocked and another of a real-life spiderman.

Jin-woo was teased all morning by his lovers. Calling him spidey or hero which was a bit embarrassing.


(1 week later)

" For the third time. I've told you I got everything, you don't need to worry." Jin-woo said trying to calm Ayuko. She was the only one in today. Onna had a business trip and won't be coming until next week and Reiko was on the track trying out her new modifications on her Bimo.

" I know, just have a good day, and if anyone annoys you don't be such a pacifist and beat there ass." She said while wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a deep and loving kiss.

" Will do. And tell Reiko ill be home late today. See you later." Jin-woo said.


(Jae Won High School)

Jae Won High School is a prep school which focuses on vocational education and employment rather than sending students to college. It also has more practical training and work experience programs than a normal high school.

Students are given more liberty than students from traditional high schools. 90% of the Fashion Department have altered uniforms, the Practical Music Department all have instruments, and the Beauty Department is allowed to dye their hair.

J High is famously known for creating many k-pop artist trainees, models and popular idols.

In school, there were 8 departments.


Architecture and Interior Design Department

Baking Department

Beauty Department

Comics and Animation Department

Computer Department

Fashion and Clothing Design Department

Practical Music Department

Vocal and Dance Department

Sung-jin woo was, of course, going to join the comics and animation department. It was his bread and butter after all.

The problem he was facing now, however, was that the department was filled with idiots, bully's and otaku's who couldn't actually draw. They just like reading manga and hentai.

Jin-woo planned to change that. Just how some departments had there own gangs, Jin-woo was going to do the same. He might even steal people from other departments if he feels they fit his taste.

As he was looking at the school in admiration, not too far from him he heard two girls whispering loudly as they admired on above-average Korean teen.

Schoolgirl 1" Hey there's beom."

Schoolgirl 2" He dyed his hair, so cute."

While the girl stole glances at him beom acted nonchalant about it, but inside he was smug.

Beom" Hoo Hoo. They are staring at me. This semester, it's my time to shine. He said walking forward in a swagger like fashion.

Schoolgirl 1" There are a lot of Hunks in the Practical music department." She said to her friend.

Schoolgirl 2" Eli in the beauty department is super cute...Huh." As she replied back to her friend both girls notice a figure pass by them.

However, the moment they saw the person's face both girls faces turned red. From head to toe.


Beom who was checking himself out in the mirror didn't notice the person behind him.


" Oh, sorry about that." A voice said from behind.

" Hey! Watch where you're going." Beom said turning his face towards the person who interrupted his admiring time. But when he saw the person's face he stiffened in place.

It wasn't just him, any guy or girl who looked at the person would either blush or just stare in disbelief.

A girl was brave enough to run in front and look behind her to get a better view and when she did she instantly drueled.

' OMG, He's a perfect ten.' The girl though as Daniel in his new fitter form thought.

' I hope no one bullies me.' He thought with a slight smile on his face.