
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 22- Another chance

"Please don't let this day be another filled with coincidences", I prayed before heading out to campus.

It was a really cold day as I set off in my dad's car. I felt like I wasn't wearing enough layers. Just as I got down I got a craving for something warm.

"Dad", I asked, nudging him as he pulled out his briefcase.

"Yes dear?"

"Can I.... go get a coffee or something", I asked. "It's really too cold".

"Ah…", Dad said, distracted. "Sure love. Go ahead".

I crossed the road and made my way to my usual coffee spot. It's cheap and delicious. I'm certainly not spending loads to get a coffee. 

"Hello dear", The cashier lady said. "Long time no see".

"I know", I said, smiling at the kind woman. "I was just busy".



I hugged the cup to my chest to warm myself up and crossed the road. Just a few minutes more. I hoped the others had saved a seat for me. I heard a car honking loudly. 

I forgot to check the sides didn't I?

I looked up to see a car screech to a stop in front of me. I stopped back. I didn't even see it coming. I was winded with shock and almost tripped over my own feet. It was a shiny white maserati. Sports model. 

Damn, I thought as the car door opened. I'm about to be scolded by some rich dude so early in the morning. 

My day got even luckier as a familiar figure stepped out and squinted at me. 

"I'm sorry", I blurted and took off in the direction of the campus. 

"Mae wait!", I heard his voice yell behind me along with the thud of a closing door. 

I walked along the pavement with my head down and didn't stop. The car came to a halt and its tires almost ran over the pavement. 


Don't look, I thought , If I don't look maybe he'll go away.


I stopped out of reflex after hearing my name from my past life. 

He huffed and came running up to me. 

"Mae", Taeyang said, doubling over to catch his breath, "Why did you run? I just wanted to-"

"What is it?", I snapped.

"-To talk…."

I rolled my eyes impatiently. 

"What do you want?", I demanded, "I'm getting late for my lectures".

Today he was wearing a white Louis Vuitton shirt with some grey design on it. His hair was combed back just like that day. 

Is this guy getting handsomer day by day? It's not possible, I thought irritably. 

"Then, can we talk some other time?" He asked. 

"What for?", I asked. 

"About everything", He said, "I want to tell you everything. Just give me another chance and I'll-"

"Says the guy who got her killed".

Min Joon. He came and stood next to me. 

"Where were you?", I asked him. "Were you listening this whole time?"

"I was behind a tree", He said with his eyes narrowed at Taeyang. "And yes, I heard everything".

"What do you want?" Taeyang asked. 

Min Joon scoffed, "Can't you leave us alone? At least in this life?"

"I was talking to her", Taeyang said, coming closer. "As for 'us', I don't care about your existence Min Joon. I was gladly planning on leaving you alone. You don't have to ask".

Both the guys were nose to nose and could feel a large scale argument brewing. 


"You dare?", Min Joon asked, "Even after lying and all that betraying? You have the guts to show your face near her?"

"I told you once", Taeyang said, his jaw flexing. "And I'm telling you again. I never knew about what my father was planning".

"How am I supposed to believe you?" I broke in. The coffee in my hand was getting colder. 

"Mae…", His voice softened. "Hoseok knew that I cared deeply for you. He knew that if he told me the truth, I would have meddled in his plans. That's why he kept me in the dark. Please…believe me".

Looking at his eager eyes, I didn't know what to believe anymore. I felt like I was back in square one. 

"I don't know what to say", I said finally.

"You don't have to say anything", Min Joon said, turning back. "Let's just go to class. We're wasting time".

With Min Joon in the middle, Taeyang couldn't come closer to me. 

"Mae", He said. "Can we talk? In my father's place?"

"Mae don't listen to this jerk!", Min Joon said, shoving him away. 

"I'm sick of your meddling!", Taeyang yelled back. "Just lay off for once!"

"Meddling?", Min Joon asked as I put myself between them. "You're the one who's meddling! Without you, none of this would've happened!"

"Stop it!", I yelled. "Both of you idiots, stop this right now!"

They stopped. Taeyang looked at the ground and flushed red. Being a prince, I was pretty sure he wasn't used to yelling at people. He didn't have to yell. In the past, one word was enough for his guards to obey him. 

"Both of you fools are meddling with my life!", I said. "I'm sick of this! If you want to fight, go do it somewhere else and not in public. How old are you? Kindergartners?"

Min Joon let out an angry sigh and wiped his brow. 

"I just want to talk to you Mae", Taeyang said. "Whether you believe me or not….I have to tell you the truth. It's been difficult for me…..Knowing that you died believing what my fa- what Hoseok said. I want to let you know the entire story".

I couldn't refuse him. I just couldn't. What if he's not lying? 

Besides, I know how he treated me. 

'The perfect anklet to the perfect person'. 

I closed my eyes. 

"Mae", Ming Joon intervened from behind me. "You can't be thinking right? He's a liar"

"Shush", I said. 

You have such dainty feet….

An anklet would've looked good on it. 

All those memories….

I like you!

I opened my eyes. His earnest face looked back at me with hope. 

'Do you not like me because you already have someone you like?'

"Tomorrow at four", I said clenching my fist. 

He smiled. "Thank you"

"Mae!", Min Joon said. "You can't be considering this! Are you nuts? Let me come-".

"No", I waved him off even though I was just a normal girl. It still shut him up. 

"If", I looked directly at Taeyang. 'If you lie to me again. I will never forgive you".

"I wouldn't", Taeyang said.  He took my hand in his and I didn't pull away. 

"I have never lied to you Mae," He said. "And I never will"

He kissed it gently and let go. 

I remembered…..

It was the same sensation I felt when he kissed my foot that day. It was a gesture of honesty and love. A sort of gesture someone of a high class wouldn't do. Something a prince wouldn't do. If he loved me enough to do such a thing….

Had he been telling me the truth this entire time? Was I wrong to judge him?

I looked away. 

"I'm leaving. Don't be late…."

Min Joon was stunned and hurt at the same time. 

Did Mae really want to give this guy another chance? 

I walked away after glancing at the time. Five minutes late. 

"Min Joon", I said. "Come on".


Min Joon glowered at Taeyang.

"You hurt her again….I will kill you", He mouthed. 

"Fuck you", Taeyang mouthed back and made an obscene gesture. 

Min Joon gritted his teeth and walked away. 

Taeyang let out a sigh after waiting until he was out of earshot. 

I am telling the truth, He thought. 

Besides...Was I the only one who lied?

'Actually I don't, I never had time to like people. I'm lucky I met you, even though it's too late….'

Hey guys! My exams are over..... I'll be able to update the novel more often now. Hope you enjoyed the latest update!

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