
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 18-My death

I left Soochul to Jae-Sung and turned back-

'You liar!', I shouted, 'You planned all of this didn't you? You and your dad!'

Taehyun came running up to me with his hands raised in defence, 'Sun-Hee believe me please. None of this had anything to do with me. I didn't know I never knew father was planning this-'

'You're you didn't' I spat, 'I hate you. I shouldn't have believed you in the first place'.

'Sun-Hee!'Jae-Sung grabbed my hand, 'We need to go now. He's losing blood. We'll get caught!'

'You two….', Taehyun trailed off at the sight of my hand in Jae-Sung's.

'Yes, he is what I wanted', I said, gripping his hand in return, 'Not you'.

JUst as I said those words an arrow zipped past my ear from behind Taehyun and embedded itself in the back of Soochul's chest. He fell from Jae-Sung's grasp.

'No!', I screamed. 

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Taehyun spinned back in alarm.

'Sun-Hee!', Jae-Sung grabbed my face, 'Protect Soochul. I need to fight!'

I fell on my knees as Jae-Sung pushed past Taehyun. I crawled over to Soochul and pulled him onto my lap.

He gasped twice for air. The tip of the arrow sprouted from his chest. Even as I cried I could tell that his life was passing right in front of my eyes.

'Soochul! No! No, don't leave me please!', I sobbed hugging his lifeless body, 'No! Please. Stay with me. Soochul!'

Taehyun was frozen in shock. Rain pattered on me as I held onto my dead brother and howled in pain.

'Sun-Hee!', I heard Jae-Sung's voice, 'Run! We're outnumbered! Just run'.


'Sun-Hee leave! There's nothing you can do! Forget about him, just run!'

Blood pounded in my ears. I could feel tears trickling down my face. 

'No! No! I don't want to, Jae-Sung help!', I sobbed. 

Taehyung turned to me, 'Run! Listen to him. I'll give Soochul a proper burial'.

'No!', I sobbed.

Jae-Sung limped toward us, he was bleeding all over. When I looked behind him I saw a dozen black armour streaming from the direction he came. One raised his crossbow at Jae-Sung's back.

My scream came out too late. He turned back just as the arrow struck his stomach. 

He stumbled and fell on the spot.

'No!', I screamed reaching out to him with Soochul in my lap.

Hoseok appeared from behind his guards.

'Good work, son!', He said walking over to him, 'You managed to delay their escape'.

'No, I didn't', He started. Hoseok raised his hand and he quieted. 

'Leave her be', Jae-Sung coughed out blood.

'Jae-Sung!', I shouted.

'What is this?'Hoseok frowned at his crawling body and then at me, 'You already have someone else besides my son? Little princess?'

His tone was mocking. I was drenched in blood, sweat, rain and tears. 

He beckoned to a guard, 'Drag him in front of his beloved'.

'No!', I screamed gently setting Soochul away, 'Let him go! Take me! You want the throne right? Take it and leave him be!'

Hoseok laughed, 'Ah, little girl, I don't want to kill you. After this, if you marry my son, everyone's going to know that you support us, yes? That'll make things easier for us? They'll trust us sooner, with you on our side'

'Never!', I screamed. 

The guard dragged Jae-Sung and dropped him in front of me. He was too weak to move. Blood oozed from his arrow wound. 

'Jae-Sung', I reached out to him.

'You should've gone', He whispered.

'This is what's stopping you from marrying my son is it?', He scratched his beard, 'Mind as well end him'.

'No!', I screamed, 'Don't you dare touch him!'

Taehyun looked at my distressed face-

'Father', He said stepping in front of Jae-Sung, 'She said we can have the throne. We can just let them go. Somewhere far away. They won't disturb us further'

'Fool!'Hoseok slapped him hard, 'You think they won't gang up and come at us one day?! Do you think a princess and a loyal knight would let us have control of the kingdom in peace?'

Taehyung opened his mouth to retort but nothing came out. 

Hoseok then turned to the guard, 'Grab the girl…then kill him'.

'No!', I howled, 'No! Jae-Sung!'

'Father please!', Taehyung begged as the guards pulled him out of the way, 'Let him live!'

The guard pulled Jae-Sung up by his hair.

'Any last words?', Hoseok asked as the guards placed the blade on his throat.

He was bleeding in all places but he still looked handsome as hell. I screamed and pulled at the knights who were stopping me.

Jae-Sung looked directly at me.

'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you', He gasped, 'I'm-I'm glad that you're the only thing I get to see before I die. I love you. In our next life princess….'

'NO!', I howled in vain as the guard sliced his throat. His face was frozen in smile as he fell sideways on the ground.

He was gone. I stared in shock at his dead body. There was nobody in this world I cared about. Father was probably dead too. I looked up at my two enemies. 

'How does it feel to lose someone you love?', Hoseok mused.

I screamed and launched myself at his smug face.

The guards caught me and pushed me back.

'Now listen', He said kneeling in front of me, 'You can marry my son and live well. You have no choice now anyways, princess'.

I gritted my teeth. 

Taehyun broke free and knelt next to me.

'Sun-Hee I promise to take care of you', He said taking my hand, 'Please don't let them take you too. I'll protect you. You won't have to see anything like this again'.

'Really?', I asked quietly.

'What?'he asked, leaning closer.

I grabbed the sword from his scabbard.

The guards grabbed Taehyun and Hoseok out of my way, forming a barricade around them.

I stood up with the sword in my hand. I laughed.

'Idiots', I said swaying on my feet, 'As if I could kill you. Are you dumb? You think I won't try hurting you or your son after I'm married to him. I'd poison him'

I pointed to Taehyun.

'And kill you in your bed', I pointed to Hoseok, then laughed again. 

'You killed my brother, my mother and that good for nothing emperor', I said, 'And you killed the love of my life right in front of my eyes'.

I placed the blade on my own neck.

Taehyun struggled against the guards.

'Sun-Hee! Don't do this!'

'Princess! You wish to die even when you know you have a better life in front of you', Hoseok said.

'I have nothing left', I said, 'I'd rather die as Jae-Sung's lover than to die as Taehyun's wife'.

I always feared death, not knowing how it would befall me. But right now, looking at my dead partner's body, my entire thought was-

You died for me. Therefore, I'm willing to do the same for you.

'Hoseok, Taehyun', I said meeting their gaze, 'I really hope we won't meet in our next life. Even if we do, I hope I won't remember any of this, because if I do….There's nothing stopping me from killing you'.

With that, I drew the blade across my own throat. I felt no pain as I slammed on the floor right next to Jae-Sung's body.

Taehyun rushed toward me. My eyes diverted to Jae-Sung's. I smiled as I felt my life slip away.

You look so handsome, even though you're dead, was my last thought.